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ProcessMaker > Case Studies > Autonomous University of the State of Mexico (UAEM) Implements ProcessMaker for Efficient Management

Autonomous University of the State of Mexico (UAEM) Implements ProcessMaker for Efficient Management

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Customer Company Size
Large Corporate
  • America
  • Mexico
  • ProcessMaker
Tech Stack
  • Workflow and BPM software
Implementation Scale
  • Enterprise-wide Deployment
Impact Metrics
  • Productivity Improvements
  • Digital Expertise
Technology Category
  • Platform as a Service (PaaS) - Application Development Platforms
Applicable Industries
  • Education
Applicable Functions
  • Business Operation
  • Software Design & Engineering Services
About The Customer
The Autonomous University of the State of Mexico (UAEMex) is a public institution of higher education based on humanistic and liberal values, aimed at generating, studying, preserving, transmitting, and spreading universal knowledge. It is committed to training ethical people proactively involved in building peace and in the defense of the best forms of human existence and coexistence that promote sustainable development, as well as a universal, humanist, national, free, fair and democratic consciousness. It is currently positioned as one of the best universities in Mexico. According to the Ranking of Universities of Latin America made by the consulting Quacquarelli Symonds (QS), the UAEMex ranks 59th in Latin America level and in the national context ranks number ten of the institutions involved in this evaluation. It also stands out among the Mexican public universities by the number of quality educational programs that it has.
The Challenge
The Autonomous University of the State of Mexico (UAEMex) is a public institution of higher education that is committed to generating, studying, preserving, transmitting, and spreading universal knowledge. It is currently positioned as one of the best universities in Mexico. However, UAEMex faced a significant challenge. The university needed a system to facilitate the planning, monitoring, and easy access to relevant information to all agreements that UAEM has. In its current state, there was no single system of record for all conventions. As a result, the students, teachers, and administrative members could not access information about agreements because information was not available and often prevented students from benefiting absolutely from university agreements.
The Solution
After an analysis of products on the market, the university chose ProcessMaker to be the 'Agreement System' of the UAEM. The idea was to allow carrying out a comprehensive monitoring of the 900 agreements that are there in the university. The first stage of the project envisages the organization and use of the system by the management members, allowing them to access information quickly. This system has integration to the 'Student Release System'. Together the two systems manage information of the agreements. The second phase of the project aims to enable the student to enter their requests for access to the benefits of the agreements established by the UAEM with other universities worldwide. In addition, UAEM plans to implement an Application Monitoring process in a short term (according to different categories) which has several levels of approval that depends on academic spaces, different secretariats and governing approvals in many cases.
Operational Impact
  • Established a single system of record for all university agreements
  • Enabled comprehensive monitoring of the 900 agreements in the university
  • Facilitated quick access to agreement information for management members
  • Integrated the 'Agreement System' with the 'Student Release System' to manage agreement information
  • Planned to enable students to enter their requests for access to the benefits of the agreements
Quantitative Benefit
  • 900 agreements monitored through the system
  • Ranked 59th in Latin America level and 10th in the national context

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