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NAVEX > Case Studies > YMCA of Greater Rochester Provides a Voice to All Employees

YMCA of Greater Rochester Provides a Voice to All Employees

Customer Company Size
Large Corporate
  • America
  • United States
  • EthicsPoint Incident Management software
Tech Stack
  • Incident Management Software
Implementation Scale
  • Enterprise-wide Deployment
Impact Metrics
  • Employee Satisfaction
  • Customer Satisfaction
Technology Category
  • Application Infrastructure & Middleware - Data Exchange & Integration
Applicable Functions
  • Human Resources
  • System Integration
About The Customer
The YMCA of Greater Rochester is a charitable association of members that seeks to place Christian principles into practice through its programs for the community to build a healthy spirit, mind, and body for all. The association has more than 3,000 employees in 17 branches across five counties in western New York. The organization is led by Fernán Cepero, who serves as the Chief Human Resources Officer and Chief Diversity Officer. The YMCA of Greater Rochester is committed to transparency and ensuring that all employees have a voice and feel heard.
The Challenge
Before the YMCA of Greater Rochester implemented an employee hotline system, the organization relied on a whistleblower policy to help them encourage employees to report their concerns. But on the heels of high-profile corporate scandals in the early 2000s, the organization realized it needed to formalize its reporting process and demonstrate its commitment to transparency. With more than 3,000 employees in 17 branches, across five counties in western New York, Fernán Cepero, Chief Human Resources Officer and Chief Diversity Officer wanted to ensure that all employees had a voice and felt like they were being heard.
The Solution
Upon the recommendation of a fellow regional YMCA human resources colleague, the YMCA of Greater Rochester chose EthicsPoint Incident Management software as its solution for collecting and managing employee reports. The EthicsPoint employee hotline is publicized on the YMCA of Greater Rochester’s website and is introduced to new employees during their orientation. The organization also worked with NAVEX to produce awareness materials promoting the hotline that could be distributed to its various branches and posted in employee common areas. Once an employee submits a report, either over the phone or online, the report is automatically sent to designated reviewers who respond with a confirmation that the report has been received. The reviewers are then able to engage in a dialogue back and forth with the reporter – even if the report is anonymous.
Operational Impact
  • The organization is better able to see what’s going on at each of its branches.
  • The YMCA of Greater Rochester does an employee engagement and satisfaction survey. The organization is able to do a comparative analysis between the results of that survey and the reports that are submitted to EthicsPoint. Using both data sets, Cepero and his team can make connections to underlying issues that are being raised in both forums.
  • Having EthicsPoint in place has shown employees that their opinions matter.

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