Areas of Focus
- Digital Agriculture
- Smart Agriculture
- Diversified Utilization of Biological Resources
Work Experience
- 2007.7-2009.9 - Zhejiang University - Postdoctoral Researcher
- 2009.9-2012.12 - Zhejiang University - Lecturer
- 2012.12-2020.12 - Zhejiang University - Associate Researcher
- 2020.12-Present - Zhejiang University - Researcher
Academic Background & Achievements
- 1998.9-2002.6 Bachelor: Zhejiang University, Animal Science
- 2002.9-2007.6 Doctorate: Zhejiang University, Animal Science
- Postdoctoral Researcher: Zhejiang University, Biology Postdoctoral Station
- Antibacterial mechanism of vanillin against Escherichia coli O157: H7, Peiyao Chen; Yinxin Liu; Cheng Li; Shuhao Hua; Cui Sun; Huang LX, 2023
- 大气压低温等离子体对采后桑椹大肠埃希菌的杀灭作用, 黄孟璐;赵璨;陈佩瑶;刘寅欣;孙翠;华舒浩;黄凌霞, 2023
- Protective Application of Morus and Its Extracts in Animal Production, lixue Wang, Huagi Gao , Cui Sun and Huang LX, 2022
- 采后跃变型果实软化与果胶降解的研究进展, 高华奇, 王立芹, 孙翠, 黄凌霞, 2022
- Effects of Mulberry Branch and Leaves Silage on Microbial Community, Rumen Fermentation Characteristics, and Milk Yield in Lactating Dairy Cows, Li, Y., Wang, J., Mei, J., Huang LX*, & Liu, H., 2022
- Preparation and characterization of pectin-based edible coating agent encapsulating carvacrol/HPβCD inclusion complex for inhibiting fungi, Sun, C., Cao, J., Wang, Y., Huang LX, Chen, J., Wu, J., Zhang, H., Chen, Y., & Sun, C., 2022
- Effect of cold atmospheric plasma on the gray mold rot of postharvest mulberry fruit, Yinxin, L., Can, Z., Menglu, H., Cui, S., Jinping, C., Jingyu, W., Huang LX, 2022
- Trace Identification and Visualization of Multiple Benzimidazole Pesticide Residues on Toona sinensis Leaves Using Terahertz Imaging Combined with Deep Learning, Nie PC,Qu FF,Lin L ,He Y,Feng XP,Yang L,Gao HQ ,Zhao LH,Huang LX, 2021
- Recent innovations of ultrasound green technology in herbal phytochemistry: A review, Gouda, M,Bekhit, AED,Tang, Y ,Huang, YF ,Huang LX,He, Y,Li, XL, 2021
- Ultrasound-mediated molecular self-assemble of thymol with 2-hydroxypropyl-beta-cyclodextrin for fruit preservation, Sun, C,Cao, JP ,Wang, Y,Chen, JB ,Huang LX,Zhang, H ,Wu, J,Sun, CD, 2021
- Application of essential oils in packaging films for the preservation of fruits and vegetables: A review, Perumal, Anand Babu,Huang LX,Nambiar, Reshma B,He, Yong,Li, Xiaoli,Sella muthu,Periyar Selvam, 2021
- Building a stable and accurate model for heavy metal detection in mulberry leaves based on a proposed analysis framework and laser-induced breakdown spectroscopy, Yang L,Meng LW,Gao HQ,Wang JY,Zhao C,Guo MM,He Y,Huang LX, 2021
- Nondestructive measurement of pectin polysaccharides using hyperspectral imaging in mulberry fruit, Yang L ,Meng LW,Gao HQ, Wang JY, Zhao C,Guo MM,He Y,Huang LX, 2021
- Heavy metal detection in mulberry leaves: Laser-induced breakdown spectroscopy data, Yang L ,Meng LW,Gao HQ, Wang JY, Zhao C,Guo MM,He Y,Huang LX, 2020
- Rapid Determination of Wood and Rice Husk Pellets' Proximate Analysis and Heating Value, Liu X,Feng XP,Huang LX*; He Y, 2020
- 湖州桑基鱼塘系统“机械化养蚕—跑道养鱼”模式能值分析, 杨眈,吕凯伦,王皓琪,周浩澜,吴宇航,金航峰,金佩华,黄凌霞, 2020
- 桑:影响世界的十种中国植物之一, 魏家伦,丁涵妍,郑雅文,黄凌霞, 2019
- 特种经济动物科技期刊公众号的比较, 留怡勤,谢哲宇,王凯宇,高华奇,黄凌霞, 2019
- Feasibility of Laser-Induced Breakdown Spectroscopy and Hyperspectral Imaging for Rapid Detection of Thiophanate-Methyl Residue on Mulberry Fruit, Wu D, Meng LW,Yang L ,Wang JY, Fu XP,Du XQ, Li SJ, He Y,Huang, LX, 2019
- A novel method to extract important features from laser induced breakdown spectroscopy data: application to determine heavy metals in mulberries, Huang LX; Meng LW.; Yang L,et al, 2019
- Potential of Visible and Near-Infrared Hyperspectral Imaging for Detection of Diaphania pyloalis Larvae and Damage on Mulberry Leaves, Huang LX, Yang L, Meng LW,et al, 2018
- A primary study on forecasting the days before decay of peach fruit using near-infrared spectroscopy and electronic nose techniques, Huang LX, Meng LW, Zhu N, et al, 2017
- 桑椹采后贮藏保鲜技术研究进展, 杨良, 孟留伟, 黄凌霞, 2017
- 基于高光谱成像技术对桑椹品质无损检测的研究进展, 孟留伟, 杨良, 黄凌霞, 2017
- Comparison of different CCD detectors and chemometrics for predicting total anthocyanin content and antioxidant activity of mulberry fruit using visible and near infrared hyperspectral imaging technique, Huang LX, Zhou YB, Meng LW, et al, 2017
- 桑叶的饲用价值及其在动物生产中的应用和研究现状, 孟留伟, 周逸斌, 黄凌霞, 2016
- 基于GM(1,1)模型和BP人工神经网络模型的蚕茧价格预测方法, 周逸斌, 黄凌霞, 2015
- 农作物冠层光谱信息检测技术及方法综述, 方孝荣, 高俊峰, 黄凌霞, 2015
- 农业物联网技术在蚕桑产业中的应用前景分析, 周逸斌, 黄凌霞, 2015
- Application of Electronic Nose with Multivariate Analysis and Sensor Selection for Botanical Origin Identification and Quality Determination of Honey, Huang LX, Liu H, Zhang B, et al, 2015
- Determination of pigments concentration of oilseed rape (Brassica napus L.) leaves using hyperspectral imaging, He Y, Zhang C, Huang LX, et al, 2015
- 浙江在“一带一路”战略下发展丝绸服装产业的必要性研究, 周逸斌, 黄凌霞, 2015
- 基于可见/近红外光谱技术的毛脚茧的光谱快速鉴别方法研究, 黄凌霞, 周逸斌, 金航峰, 2014
- 桑蚕鲜茧干壳量的可见/近红外光谱无损检测, 金航峰, 黄凌霞, 谢琳, 2013
- 基于可见—近红外光谱的蚕茧含水率无损检测研究, 黄凌霞, 金航峰, 金佩华, 2013
- Internal quality determination of fruit with bumpy surface using visible and near infrared spectroscopy and chemometrics: A case study with mulberry fruit, Huang LX, Wu D, Jin H, et al, 2011
- 用最小二乘支持向量机的可见-近红外光谱测定蜂花粉贮存时间, JIN HF, Huang LX, WU Di, 2010
- 基于变量选择的蚕茧茧层量可见-近红外光谱无损检测, 黄凌霞, 吴迪, 金航峰, 2010
- 不同贮存温度蜂花粉的可见-近红外光谱鉴别, 金航峰, 黄凌霞, 金佩华, 2009
- 桑树叶片的叶绿素值检测与光谱特征分析方法, 黄凌霞, 金航峰, 赵丽华, 2008
- 近红外光谱分析技术在蚕桑等动物科学领域中的研究进展, 饶丽琴, 黄凌霞, 金佩华, 2008
- 作物和杂草叶片的可见-近红外反射光谱特性, 吴迪, 黄凌霞, 何勇
- 2020: Zhejiang Provincial Science and Technology Progress Award, Third Prize
- 2019: Zhejiang Provincial Science and Technology Progress Award, Third Prize
- 2016: National Agriculture, Animal Husbandry and Fishery Harvest Award, First Prize
- 2012: Zhejiang Provincial 16th Philosophy and Social Science Outstanding Achievement Award, Second Prize