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Shuqiang Li
Life Science
University of Chinese Academy of Sciences
Language: Chinese, German
Spider Morphology Classification Molecular Evolution Species Formation Genomics Taxonomy Biodiversity
Areas of Focus
  • Spider Morphological Classification and Molecular Evolution
  • Mechanisms of Species Formation or Genomics
Work Experience
  • 1988-07 to Present: Various roles at the Institute of Zoology, Chinese Academy of Sciences, including intern researcher, assistant researcher, associate researcher, and researcher. Currently a second-level researcher, doctoral supervisor, and professor at the University of the Chinese Academy of Sciences. Also serves as the editor-in-chief of the Journal of Zoological Taxonomy and Secretary-General of the Asian Society of Arachnology.
Academic Background & Achievements
  • 1992-09 to 1998-11: PhD in Natural Sciences, University of Hohenheim, Germany
  • 1985-09 to 1988-07: Master's Degree, Jilin University
  • 1981-09 to 1985-07: Bachelor's Degree, Hebei University
  • Male-specific (Z)-9-tricosene stimulates female mating behaviour in the spider Pholcus beijingensis, Xiao Y.H., Zhang J.X. & *Li S.Q., 2010
  • Intraspecific or interspecific variation – Delimitation of species boundaries within the genus Gammarus (Crustacea, Amphipoda, Gammaridae), with description of four new species, Hou Z.E. & *Li S.Q., 2010
  • Is Gammarus tigrinus (Amphipoda, Crustacea) becoming cosmopolitan through shipping? – Predicting its potential invasive range using ecological niche modeling, Ba J.W., Hou Z.E., Platvoet D., Li Z, *Li S.Q., 2010
  • Toward understanding the distribution of Laurasian frogs: A test of Savage’s biogeographical hypothesis using the genus Bombina, Zheng Y.C., Fu J.Z. & *Li S.Q., 2009
  • A two-component female-produced pheromone of the spider Pholcus beijingensis, Xiao Y.H., Zhang J.X. & *Li S.Q., 2009
  • Inferring species membership using DNA sequences with Back-Propagation Neural Networks, Zhang A.B., Sikes D.S., Muster C., *Li S.Q., 2008
  • A phylogenetic analysis of the frog genera Vibrissaphora and Leptobrachium, and the correlated evolution of nuptial spine and reversed sexual size dimorphism, Zheng Y.C., Li S.Q. & Fu J.Z., 2008
  • Biogeographical patterns of Chinese spiders (Arachnida: Araneae) based on a parsimony analysis of endemicity, Meng K.B., *Li S.Q. and Murphy R.W., 2008
  • Phylogeographic analysis of Pimoidae (Arachnida: Araneae) inferred from mitochondrial cytochrome c oxidase subunit I and 28S rRNA gene region, Wang Q., *Li S.Q., Wang R.J. & Paquin P., 2008
  • A molecular phylogeny of the genus Gammarus (Crustacea: Amphipoda) based on mitochondrial and nuclear gene sequences, Hou Z.E., Fu J.Z. & *Li S.Q., 2007
  • 2010: Zhu Liyuehua Excellent Teacher Award, Chinese Academy of Sciences
  • 2009: First Prize, Zhou Yao Insect Taxonomy Award Fund
  • 1998: Josef G. Knoll Science Award, Germany
  • 1994: Second Prize, Natural Science Award, Chinese Academy of Sciences
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