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Guangzhan Fang
Life Science
University of Chinese Academy of Sciences
Language: Chinese, English
Animal Cognition Behavior Neural Mechanisms Neuroscience Cognitive Science Animal Behavior Neurobiology Physiology Behavioral Neuroscience Cognitive Mechanisms
Areas of Focus
  • Animal Cognitive Behavior and its Neural Mechanisms
Work Experience
  • 2013-11~Present - Chinese Academy of Sciences Chengdu Institute of Biology - Associate Researcher
  • 2010-07~2013-10 - Chinese Academy of Sciences Chengdu Institute of Biology - Assistant Researcher
  • 1996-09~2004-08 - Sichuan Gaodun Medical Equipment Co., Ltd. - Technical Manager
  • 1994-04~1996-08 - Hong Kong Huamei Trading Company Chengdu Office - Technical Engineer
  • 1991-07~1994-04 - Chengdu 363 Hospital - Technician
Academic Background & Achievements
  • 2004-09--2010-06 PhD: University of Electronic Science and Technology of China
  • 1988-09--1991-06 Diploma: Shanghai Health Medical College (formerly Shanghai Medical Instrumentation College)
  • The first two functionally antagonistic call notes influence female choice in the Anhui tree frog, Jiang Qingyue, Ruolei Sun, Wang Zhiyue, Song, Jinjin, Fang, Ke, Baowei Zhang, Fang, Guangzhan, 2024
  • Neural activities in music frogs reveal call variations and phylogenetic relationships within the genus Nidirana, Fang, Ke, Yezhong Tang, Baowei Zhang, Fang, Guangzhan, 2022
  • Consistency in responses to conspecific advertisement calls with various signal-to-noise ratios in both sexes of the Anhui tree frog, Zhiyue Wang, Haohao Ma, Cheng Chen, Ruolei Sun, Kai Liu, Baowei Zhang, Guangzhan Fang, 2022
  • Possible Event-Related Potential Correlates of Voluntary Attention and Reflexive Attention in the Emei Music Frog, Wenjun Niu, Shen, Di, Ruolei Sun, Fan, Yanzhu, Jing Yang, Baowei Zhang, Fang, Guangzhan, 2022
  • 仙琴蛙颜色感知具有左脑优势, 刘衍素, 沈迪, 方轲, 范艳珠, 杨静, 申江艳, 方光战, 2021
  • Laterality in Responses to Acoustic Stimuli in Giant Pandas, Liu, He, Tang, Yezhong, Ni, Yanxia, Fang, Guangzhan, 2021
  • 仙琴蛙对不同类型声音的感知差异研究, 钮文俊, 李照, 沈迪, 张保卫, 方光战, 2021
  • Hierarchical auditory perception for species discrimination and individual recognition in the music frog, Fan, Yanzhu, Fang, Ke, Sun, Ruolei, Shen, Di, Yang, Jing, Tang, Yezhong, Fang, Guangzhan, 2021
  • Low-frequency electroencephalogram oscillations govern left-eye lateralization during anti-predatory responses in the music frog, Shen, Jiangyan, Fang, Ke, Liu, Ping, Fan, Yanzhu, Yang, Jing, Shen, Di, Song, Jinjin, Fang, Guangzhan, 2020
  • Sex differences in vocalization are reflected by event-related potential components in the music frog, Shen, Di, Fang, Ke, Fan, Yanzhu, Shen, Jiangyan, Yang, Jing, Cui, Jianguo, Tang, Yezhong, Fang, Guangzhan, 2020
  • Flexibility as a Strategy for Avoiding Call Overlap in Male Anhui Treefrogs, Song, Jinjin, Sun, Ruolei, Fang, Ke, Zhang, Baowei, Tang, Yezhong, Fang, Guangzhan, 2020
  • Behavior and Approximate Entropy of Right-eye Lateralization During Predation in the Music Frog, Liu, Yansu, Shen, Jiangyan, Fang, Ke, Song, Jinjin, Fan, Yanzhu, Yang, Jing, Shen, Di, Lu, Fang, Fang, Guangzhan, 2020
  • Preference of spectral features in auditory processing for advertisement calls in the music frogs, Fan, Yanzhu, Yue, Xizi, Yang, Jing, Shen, Jiangyan, Shen, Di, Tang, Yezhong, Fang, Guangzhan, 2019
  • The first call note of the Anhui tree frog (Rhacophorus zhoukaiya) is acoustically suited for enabling individual recognition, Fang, Ke, Zhang, Baowei, Brauth, Steven E, Tang, Yezhong, Fang, Guangzhan, 2019
  • Dynamics of electroencephalogram oscillations underlie right-eye preferences in predatory behavior of the music frog, Shen, Jiangyan, Fang, Ke, Fan, Yanzhu, Song, Jinjin, Yang, Jing, Shen, Di, Liu, Yansu, Fang, Guangzhan, 2019
  • 动物的失匹配负波研究进展, 鲜雪梅, 张小琴, 方光战, 2018
  • The right thalamus may play an important role in anesthesia-awakening regulation in frogs, Fan, Yanzhu, Yue, Xizi, Xue, Fei, Brauth, Steven E, Tang, Yezhong, Fang, Guangzhan, 2018
  • Auditory neural networks involved in attention modulation prefer biologically significant sounds and exhibit sexual dimorphism in anurans, Xue, Fei, Yue, Xizi, Fan, Yanzhu, Cui, Jianguo, Brauth, Steven E, Tang, Yezhong, Fang, Guangzhan, 2018
  • 基于事件相关电位P300的动物认知研究进展, 张小琴, 鲜雪梅, 方光战, 2018
  • Auditory perception exhibits sexual dimorphism and left telencephalic dominance in Xenopus laevis, Fan, Yanzhu, Yue, Xizi, Xue, Fei, Cui, Jianguo, Brauth, Steven E, Tang, Yezhong, Fang, Guangzhan, 2018
  • Auditory sensitivity exhibits sexual dimorphism and seasonal plasticity in music frogs, Yang, Ping, Xue, Fei, Cui, Jianguo, Brauth, Steven E, Tang, Yezhong, Fang, Guangzhan, 2018
  • 仙琴蛙广告鸣叫中不同音节生物学意义的差异研究, 乐西子, 江帆, 薛飞, 方光战, 唐业忠, 2017
  • The First Call Note Plays a Crucial Role in Frog Vocal Communication, Yue, Xizi, Fan, Yanzhu, Xue, Fei, Brauth, Steven E, Tang, Yezhong, Fang, Guangzhan, 2017
  • The thermal background determines how the infrared and visual systems interact in pit vipers, Chen, Qin, Liu, Yang, Brauth, Steven E, Fang, Guangzhan, Tang, Yezhong, 2017
  • Effect of the Level of Anesthesia on the Auditory Brainstem Response in the Emei Music Frog (Babina daunchina), Cui, Jianguo, Zhu, Bicheng, Fang, Guangzhan, Smith, Ed, Brauth, Steven E, Tang, Yezhong, 2017
  • Changes in Electroencephalogram Approximate Entropy Reflect Auditory Processing and Functional Complexity in Frogs, Liu, Yansu, Fan, Yanzhu, Xue, Fei, Yue, Xizi, Brauth, Steven E, Tang, Yezhong, Fang, Guangzhan, 2016
  • 蛙类声音通讯研究进展, 范艳珠, 方光战, 2016
  • RESTING-STATE BRAIN NETWORKS REVEALED BY GRANGER CAUSAL CONNECTIVITY IN FROGS, Xue, Fei, Fang, Guangzhan, Yue, Xizi, Zhao, Ermi, Brauth, Steven E, Tang, Yezhong, 2016
  • A lateralized functional auditory network is involved in anuran sexual selection, Xue, Fei, Fang, Guangzhan, Yue, Xizi, Zhao, Ermi, Brauth, Steven E, Tang, Yezhong, 2016
  • EEG Bands of Wakeful Rest, Slow-Wave and Rapid-Eye-Movement Sleep at Different Brain Areas in Rats, Jing, Wei, Wang, Yanran, Fang, Guangzhan, Chen, Mingming, Xue, Miaomiao, Guo, Daqing, Yao, Dezhong, Xia, Yang, 2016
  • Coevolution of Male and Female Response Preferences to Sexual Signals in Music Frogs, Cui, Jianguo, Wang, Jichao, Fang, Guangzhan, Song, Xiaowei, Brauth, Steven E, Tang, Yezhong, 2016
  • Receiver discriminability drives the evolution of complex sexual signals by sexual selection, Cui, Jianguo, Song, Xiaowei, Zhu, Bicheng, Fang, Guangzhan, Tang, Yezhong, Ryan, Michael J., 2016
  • Male Music Frogs Compete Vocally on the Basis of Temporal Sequence Rather Than Spatial Cues of Rival Calls, Jiang, Fan, Fang, Guangzhan, Xue, Fei, Cui, Jianguo, Brauth, Steven E, Tang, Yezhong, 2015
  • The biological significance of acoustic stimuli determines ear preference in the music frog, Xue, Fei, Fang, Guangzhan, Yang, Ping, Zhao, Ermi, Brauth, Steven E, Tang, Yezhong, 2015
  • Sound Classification and Call Discrimination Are Decoded in Order as Revealed by Event-Related Potential Components in Frogs, Fang, Guangzhan, Yang, Ping, Xue, Fei, Cui, Jianguo, Brauth, Steven E, Tang, Yezhong, 2015
  • Male vocal competition is dynamic and strongly affected by social contexts in music frogs, Fang, Guangzhan, Jiang, Fan, Yang, Ping, Cui, Jianguo, Brauth, Steven E, Tang, Yezhong, 2014
  • Right ear advantage for vocal communication in frogs results from both structural asymmetry and attention modulation, Fang, Guangzhan, Xue, Fei, Yang, Ping, Cui, Jianguo, Brauth, Steven E, Tang, Yezhong, 2014
  • Electroencephalographic signals synchronize with behaviors and are sexually dimorphic during the light-dark cycle in reproductive frogs, Yang, Ping, Fang, Guangzhan, Xue, Fei, Cui, Jianguo, Brauth, Steven E, Tang, Yezhong, 2014
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