Areas of Focus
- Insect Taxonomy
- Lepidoptera
- Geometridae
- Phylogenetics
- Biogeography
- Systematics
- Biodiversity
- Endemism
- Molecular Phylogenetics
- Species Diversification
Work Experience
- 2011-01 to Present - Institute of Zoology, Chinese Academy of Sciences - Associate Researcher
- 2006-01 to 2010-12 - Institute of Zoology, Chinese Academy of Sciences - Assistant Researcher
- 2000-09 to 2005-07 - Institute of Zoology, Chinese Academy of Sciences - PhD
- 1997-06 to 2005-12 - Institute of Zoology, Chinese Academy of Sciences - Assistant Engineer, Engineer
Academic Background & Achievements
- 2000-09 to 2005-07 PhD: Institute of Zoology, Chinese Academy of Sciences
- Eleven new species of the genus Ourapteryx Leach, 1814 (Lepidoptera: Geometridae) from China, 5th Author, Corresponding Author, 2024
- Bugs and Bergmann’s rule: a cross-taxon large-scale study reveals idiosyncratic altitudinal and latitudinal body size patterns for different insect taxa, 6th Author, 2024
- Review of the Idaea proximaria complex (Lepidoptera, Geometridae, Sterrhinae) with descriptions of four new species., 4th Author, Corresponding Author, 2023
- Four new species of Ditrigona Moore (Lepidoptera, Drepanidae) in China and an annotated catalogue, 5th Author, Corresponding Author, 2022
- Two new species of the genus Comibaena Hübner, 1823 (Lepidoptera: Geometridae) from China, 3rd Author, Corresponding Author, 2022
- Patterns of endemism of the Chinese Larentiinae (Lepidoptera: Geometridae), 3rd Author, Corresponding Author, 2022
- A new specie of the genus Phthorarcha Meyrick, 1892 from Gansu, China (Lepidoptera: Geometridae), 3rd Author, 2022
- A new species of the genus Chloroglyphica Warren, 1894 (Lepidoptera, Geometroidea, Geometridae) from China, 3rd Author, Corresponding Author, 2022
- Three new species of Discoglypha Warren (Lepidoptera: Geometridae) from China with a key to Chinese species., 3rd Author, 2022
- Shennongjia-Wushan Mountains-One cryptic glacial refugium introduced by the phylogeographical study of the Geometridae moth Ourapteryx szechuana Wehrli., 2nd Author, 2021
- Estimating hybridization as a consequence of climatic fluctuations: A case study of two geometridae species., 3rd Author, Corresponding Author, 2021
- Molecular phylogeny, classification, biogeography and diversification patterns of a diverse group of moths (Geometridae: Boarmiini), 6th Author, 2021
- A taxonomic study of the genus Antitrygodes (Lepidoptera: Geometridae: Sterrhinae) with two newly recorded species from China, 3rd Author, Corresponding Author, 2020
- A new species of the genus Eucyclodes (Lepidoptera, Geometridae, Geometrinae) from China, 3rd Author, Corresponding Author, 2019
- Species reassessment congruent with the phylogeographical study of the Biston falcata species group, 4th Author, Corresponding Author, 2019
- A new species of Ditrigona Moore (Lepidoptera: Drepanidae) in China, with a checklist to the triangularia-group, 2nd Author, Corresponding Author, 2019
- Neochloroglyphica, a new genus of Geometrinae from China (Lepidoptera, Geometridae), with description of a new species., 1st Author, 2019
- Tribal classification and phylogeny of Geometrinae (Lepidoptera: Geometridae) inferred from seven gene regions, 5th Author, Corresponding Author, 2018
- Complete mitochondrial genomes throw light on budding speciation in three Biston species (Lepidoptera, Geometridae), 4th Author, Corresponding Author, 2017
- Allopatric divergence and secondary contact without genetic admixture for Arichanna perimelaina (Lepidoptera: Geometridae), an alpine moth endemic to the Hengduan Mountains., 6th Author, Corresponding Author, 2017
- Zhou Yao Insect Taxonomy Award Fund (2012): Second Prize, Institute