Areas of Focus
- Protozoology
- Microbial Ecology
Work Experience
- 2017-12~Present - Institute of Hydrobiology, Chinese Academy of Sciences - Associate Researcher
- 2014-03~2017-12 - Institute of Hydrobiology, Chinese Academy of Sciences - Assistant Researcher
- 2012-09~2014-01 - Smith College, USA - Postdoctoral Researcher
- 2007-09~2012-06 - Ocean University of China - PhD in Science
- 2003-09~2007-06 - Ocean University of China - Bachelor in Science
Academic Background & Achievements
- 2007-09--2012-06 PhD in Science: Ocean University of China
- 2003-09--2007-06 Bachelor in Science: Ocean University of China
- Coordination and divergence in community assembly processes across co-occurring microbial groups separated by cell size, Fourth Author, Corresponding Author, 2023
- Metagenomic analysis reveals the dissemination mechanisms and risks of resistance genes in Plateau lakes, Fourth Author, 2023
- Microbial communities, resistance genes, and resistome risks in urban lakes of different trophic states: Internal links and external influences, Sixth Author, Corresponding Author, 2023
- Metagenomic analysis reveals the dissemination mechanisms and risks of resistance genes in Plateau lakes, Fourth Author, Corresponding Author, 2023
- Hypotrichidium tisiae(Gelei,1929)Gelei,1954:a unique hypotrichid ciliate having a highly specialized developmental pattern during binary division, Second Author, 2022
- Antibiotic resistance genes and their links with bacteria and environmental factors in three predominant freshwater aquaculture modes, Tenth Author, 2022
- The Effects of DNA Extraction Kits and Primers on Prokaryotic and Eukaryotic Microbial Community in Freshwater Sediments, Eighth Author, Corresponding Author, 2022
- Environmental effects of nanoparticles on the ecological succession of gut microbiota across zebrafish development, Second Author, 2022
- Taxonomy and SSU rDNA-Based Phylogeny of Two Heterotrich Ciliates (Ciliophora, Heterotrichea) Collected From Subtropical Wetlands of China, Including the Description of a New Species, Linostomella pseudovorticella n. sp., Fourth Author, 2021
- Resistance and Resilience of Fish Gut Microbiota to Silver Nanoparticles, Second Author, 2021
- Host-microbiota interactions and responses to grass carp reovirus infection in Ctenopharyngodon idellus, Seventh Author, 2021
- New contributions to the taxonomy of urostylid ciliates (Ciliophora, Hypotrichia), with establishment of a new genus and new species, Fourth Author, Corresponding Author, 2021
- Some morphologically distinguishable hypotrich ciliates share identical 18S rRNA gene sequences - taxonomic insights from a case study on Oxytricha species (Protista, Ciliophora), Ninth Author, Corresponding Author, 2021
- Host development overwhelms environmental dispersal in governing the ecological succession of zebrafish gut microbiota, Twenty-first Author, Corresponding Author, 2021
- Taxonomy of Three Oxytrichids (Protozoa, Ciliophora, Hypotrichia) With Establishment of the New Species Rubrioxytricha guangzhouensis spec. nov., Second Author, 2021
- A new contribution to the taxonomy and molecular phylogeny of three, well-known freshwater species of the ciliate genus Spirostomum (Protozoa: Ciliophora: Heterotrichea), Sixth Author, Corresponding Author, 2020
- The insights into the systematic relationship of Gastrostyla -affinitive genera, with report on a new saline soil ciliate genus and new species (Protozoa, Ciliophora), Fifth Author, 2020
- The Morphology and Phylogeny of Three Diophrys Ciliates Collected from the Subtropical Waters of China, Including a New Species (Ciliophora;Euplotia), Second Author, 2020
- Morphology, morphogenesis, and molecular phylogeny of a soil ciliate, Gonostomum kuehnelti Foissner, 1987 (Ciliophora, Hypotrichia), from northwestern China, Sixth Author, Corresponding Author, 2019
- Spatio-temporal patterns of zooplankton in a main-stem dam affected tributary: a case study in the Xiangxi River of the Three Gorges Reservoir, China, Second Author, Corresponding Author, 2019
- Ciliatology Studies by OUC Group:Current Achievements and Future Perspectives, Third Author, 2019
- Morphology and SSU rDNA-based phylogeny of two Euplotes species from China: E. wuhanensis sp. n. and E. muscicola Kahl, 1932 (Ciliophora, Euplotida), Sixth Author, Corresponding Author, 2019
- The Impact of Anthropogenic Disturbance on Bacterioplankton Communities During the Construction of Donghu Tunnel (Wuhan, China), Fourth Author, 2019
- Morphological and molecular redefinition of Euplotes platystoma Dragesco & Dragesco-Kern��is, 1986 and Aspidisca lynceus (M��ller, 1773) Ehrenberg, 1830, with reconsideration of a ���well-known��� Euplotes ciliate, Euplotes harpa Stein, 1859 (Ciliophora, Euplotida), First Author, Corresponding Author, 2018
- Multigene-based phylogeny of Urostylida (Ciliophora, Hypotrichia), with establishment of a novel family, Third Author, 2018
- Morphology, cell-division, and phylogeny of Schmidingerothrix elongata spec. nov (Ciliophora, Hypotricha), and brief guide to hypotrichs with Gonostomum-like oral apparatus, Second Author, 2018
- Morphological and Molecular Redefinition of Euplotes platystoma Dragesco & Dragesco-Kerneis, 1986 and Aspidisca lynceus (Muller,1773) Ehrenberg, 1859, with Reconsideration of a \"Well-known\, Publish Date": "2018-01-01
- Systematic Studies on the Hypotrich Ciliate, Tachysoma pellionellum (Muller, 1773) Borror, 1972 (Protozoa, Ciliophora) Based on Integrative Analyses: Morphology, Morphogenesis and Molecular Phylogeny, Fourth Author, 2017
- Morphology and Morphogenesis of a Novel Saline Soil Hypotrichous Ciliate, Gonostomum sinicum nov spec. (Ciliophora, Hypotrichia, Gonostomatidae), Including a Report on the Small Subunit rDNA Sequence, Second Author, 2017
- Systematic studies on ciliates (Alveolata, Ciliophora) in China: Progress and achievements based on molecular information, Second Author, 2017
- Redescription of two little-known urostyloid ciliates, Anteholosticha randani (Groliere, 1975) Berger, 2003 and A. antecirrata Berger, 2006 (Ciliophora, Urostylida), Third Author, 2016
- Tetrahymena australis (Protozoa, Ciliophora): A Well-Known But \"Non-Existing\, Publish Date": "2016-01-01
- Redescription of two little-known urostyloid ciliates, Anteholosticha randani ( ) and A. antecirrata (Ciliophora, Urostylida), Third Author, 2016
- The All-Data-Based Evolutionary Hypothesis of Ciliated Protists with a Revised Classification of the Phylum Ciliophora (Eukaryota, Alveolata), Eighth Author, 2016
- Morphology and SSU rDNA Sequence Analysis of Two Hypotrichous Ciliates (Protozoa, Ciliophora, Hypotrichia) Including the New Species Metaurostylopsis parastruederkypkeae n. sp., Third Author, Corresponding Author, 2016
- Morphology, morphogenesis and molecular phylogeny of a novel saline soil ciliate, Lamtostyla salina n. sp (Ciliophora, Hypotricha), Fourth Author, Corresponding Author, 2016
- Reconsideration of the 'well-known' hypotrichous ciliate Pleurotricha curdsi (Shi et al., 2002) Gupta et al., 2003 (Ciliophora, Sporadotrichida), with notes on its morphology, morphogenesis and molecular phylogeny, Fifth Author, Corresponding Author, 2015
- Morphology and Phylogeny of Four Marine Scuticociliates (Protista, Ciliophora), with Descriptions of Two New Species: Pleuronema elegans spec. nov and Uronema orientalis spec. nov., Second Author, Corresponding Author
- Second Prize, Ministry Level, 2019: Molecular System Evolution and Genetic Information Database Construction of Ciliate Protozoa