Areas of Focus
- Plant Cuticular Wax Biosynthesis and Regulation
- Plant Stress Responses
Work Experience
- 2017-09 to Present - Wuhan Botanical Garden, Chinese Academy of Sciences - Associate Researcher
- 2013-04 to 2017-08 - Wuhan Botanical Garden, Chinese Academy of Sciences - Assistant Researcher
- 2007-01 to 2012-09 - Wuhan University - Postdoctoral Researcher
Academic Background & Achievements
- 2000-09 to 2006-06 Ph.D. in Science: Wuhan University
- 1996-09 to 2000-06 Bachelor's in Science: Wuhan University
- Transcriptome analysis identifies key genes involved in the regulation of epidermal lupeol biosynthesis in Ricinus communis, Second Author, 2021
- Diurnal Regulation of Plant Epidermal Wax Synthesis through Antagonistic Roles of the Transcription Factors SPL9 and DEWAX, First Author, 2019
- Tung Tree (Vernicia fordii, Hemsl.) Genome and Transcriptome Sequencing Reveals Co-Ordinate Up-Regulation of Fatty Acid β-Oxidation and Triacylglycerol Biosynthesis Pathways During Eleostearic Acid Accumulation in Seeds., Not mentioned, 2018
- Tung Tree (Vernicia fordii, Hemsl.) Genome and Transcriptome Sequencing Reveals Co-Ordinate Up-Regulation of Fatty Acid beta-Oxidation and Triacylglycerol Biosynthesis Pathways During Eleostearic Acid Accumulation in Seeds, Fifth Author, 2018
- The Arabidopsis endoplasmic reticulum associated degradation pathways are involved in the regulation of heat stress response, Third Author, Corresponding Author, 2017
- The Acyl Desaturase CER17 Is Involved in Producing Wax Unsaturated Primary Alcohols and Cutin Monomers 1 OPEN, Sixth Author, 2017
- The Acyl Desaturase CER17 Is Involved in Producing Wax Unsaturated Primary Alcohols and Cutin Monomers, Sixth Author, 2017
- De novo Assembly and Characterization of the Fruit Transcriptome of Idesia polycarpa Reveals Candidate Genes for Lipid Biosynthesis, First Author, 2016
- WDRP, a DWD protein component of CUL4-based E3 ligases, acts as a receptor of CDPK-related protein kinase 5 to mediate kinase degradation in Arabidopsis, Fourth Author, 2016
- 植物表皮蜡质生物合成及调控, Research Progress in Plant Cuticular Wax Biosynthesize and Regulation, Fourth Author, 2016
- Natural variation in ARF18 gene simultaneously affects seed weight and silique length in polyploid rapeseed, Sixth Author, 2015
- Salt Stress Reduces Root Meristem Size by Nitric Oxide-Mediated Modulation of Auxin Accumulation and Signaling in Arabidopsis, Second Author, 2015
- Cosuppression of RBCS3B in Arabidopsis leads to severe photoinhibition caused by ROS accumulation, Second Author, 2014
- The Putative E3 Ubiquitin Ligase ECERIFERUM9 Regulates Abscisic Acid Biosynthesis and Response during Seed Germination and Postgermination Growth in Arabidopsis, Sixth Author, 2014