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Jinhua Ran
Life Science
University of Chinese Academy of Sciences
Language: Chinese, English
Gymnosperms Molecular Systematics Molecular Evolution Biogeography Phylogenetics Genomics Biodiversity Climate Change Conservation Evolutionary Biology
Areas of Focus
  • Molecular Systematics of Gymnosperms
  • Molecular Evolution
  • Biogeography
Work Experience
  • 2019-01~Present - Institute of Botany, Chinese Academy of Sciences - Researcher
  • 2012-11~2013-11 - University of California, Irvine - Visiting Scholar
  • 2011-12~2019-01 - Institute of Botany, Chinese Academy of Sciences - Associate Researcher
  • 2007-07~2011-12 - Institute of Botany, Chinese Academy of Sciences - Assistant Researcher
Academic Background & Achievements
  • 2001-09--2007-07 PhD: Institute of Botany, Chinese Academy of Sciences
  • 1997-09--2001-06 Bachelor's: Zhejiang University
  • Effects of climate change on richness distribution patterns of threatened conifers endemic to China., Dan Xie, Hong Du, WeiHua Xu, JinHua Ran, XiaoQuan Wang, 2022
  • A Comprehensive Evolutionary Study of Chloroplast RNA Editing in Gymnosperms: A Novel Type of G-to-A RNA Editing Is Common in Gymnosperms., Huang, KaiYuan, Kan, ShengLong, Shen, TingTing, Gong, Pin, Feng, YuanYuan, Du, Hong, Zhao, YunPeng, Wan, Tao, Wang, XiaoQuan, Ran, JinHua, 2022
  • Distribution and conservation of threatened gymnosperms in China., Xie, Dan, Liu, XinQuan, Chen, YaXing, Jiao, Dan, Lou, JiaXin, Qiu, XiuFei, Xu, WeiHua, Wang, ZhiHeng, Ran, JinHua, Wang, XiaoQuan, 2021
  • Both Conifer II and Gnetales are characterized by a high frequency of ancient mitochondrial gene transfer to the nuclear genome., Kan, ShengLong, Shen, TingTing, Ran, JinHua, Wang, XiaoQuan, 2021
  • 红砂基因组大小变异及物种分化., 范兴科, 燕霞, 冯媛媛, 冉进华, 钱朝菊, 尹晓月, 周姗姗, 房庭舟, 马小飞, 2021
  • Unbiased Subgenome Evolution in Allotetraploid Species of Ephedra and Its Implications for the Evolution of Large Genomes in Gymnosperms., Wu, Hui, Yu, Qiong, Ran, JinHua, Wang, XiaoQuan, 2021
  • The Welwitschia genome reveals a unique biology underpinning extreme longevity in deserts., Tao Wan, Zhiming Liu, Ilia J Leitch, Haiping Xin, Gillian MaggsKlling, Yanbing Gong, Zhen Li, Eugene Marais, Yiying Liao, Can Dai, Fan Liu, Qijia Wu, Chi Song, Yadong Zhou, Weichang Huang, Kai Jiang, Qi Wang, Yong Yang, Zhixiang Zhong, Ming Yang, Xue Yan, Guangwan Hu, Chen Hou, Yingjuan Su, Shixiu Feng, Ji Yang, Jijun Yan, Jinfang Chu, Fan Chen, Jinhua Ran, Xiaoquan Wang, Yves Van de Peer, Andrew R Leitch, Qingfeng Wang, 2021
  • Phylotranscriptomics reveals the complex evolutionary and biogeographic history of the genus Tsuga with an East Asian-North American disjunct distribution., Feng, YuanYuan, Shen, TingTing, Shao, ChengCheng, Du, Hong, Ran, JinHua, Wang, XiaoQuan, 2021
  • The flattened and needlelike leaves of the pine family (Pinaceae) share a conserved genetic network for adaxial-abaxial polarity but have diverged for photosynthetic adaptation., Du, Hong, Ran, Jin-Hua, Feng, Yuan-Yuan, Wang, Xiao-Quan, 2020
  • The complete mitochondrial genome of Taxus cuspidata (Taxaceae): eight protein-coding genes have transferred to the nuclear genome., ShengLong Kan, TingTing Shen, Ping Gong, JinHua Ran, XiaoQuan Wang, 2020
  • Phylotranscriptomics resolves interspecific relationships and indicates multiple historical out-of-North America dispersals through the Bering Land Bridge for the genus Picea (Pinaceae)., Shao, ChengCheng, Shen, TingTing, Jin, WeiTao, Mao, HanJie, Ran, JinHua, Wang, XiaoQuan, 2019
  • Phylogenomics disentangles the evolutionary history of spruces (Picea) in the Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau: Implications for the design of population genetic studies and species delimitation of conifers., Shen, TingTing, Ran, JinHua, Wang, XiaoQuan, 2019
  • Phylogenomics resolves the deep phylogeny of seed plants and indicates partial convergent or homoplastic evolution between Gnetales and angiosperms., Ran, JinHua, Shen, TingTing, Wang, MingMing, Wang, XiaoQuan, 2018
  • Phylogeny and evolutionary history of Pinaceae updated by transcriptomic analysis., Ran, JinHua, Shen, TingTing, Wu, Hui, Gong, Xun, Wang, XiaoQuan, 2018
  • 全球变化对北半球木本植物多样性的影响研究., 汪小全, 王志恒, 马克平, 张大勇, 余世孝, 邱英雄, 冉进华, 2017
  • A high frequency of allopolyploid speciation in the gymnospermous genus Ephedra and its possible association with some biological and ecological features., Wu, Hui, Ma, Zhen, Wang, MingMing, Qin, AiLi, Ran, JinHua, Wang, XiaoQuan, 2016
  • Tree of life for the genera of Chinese vascular plants., Chen, ZhiDuan, Yang, Tuo, Lin, Li, Lu, LiMin, Li, HongLei, Sun, Miao, Liu, Bing, Chen, Min, Niu, YanTing, Ye, JianFei, Cao, ZhiYong, Liu, HongMei, Wang, XiaoMing, Wang, Wei, Zhang, JingBo, Meng, Zhen, Cao, Wei, Li, JianHui, Wu, ShengDan, Zhao, HuiLing, Liu, ZhongJian, Du, ZhiYuan, Wang, QingFeng, Guo, Jing, Tan, XinXin, Su, JunXia, Zhang, LinJing, Yang, LeiLei, Liao, YiYing, Li, MingHe, Zhang, GuoQiang, Chung, ShihWen, Zhang, Jian, Xiang, KunLi, Li, RuiQi, Soltis, Douglas E, Soltis, Pamela S, Zhou, ShiLiang, Ran, JinHua, Wang, XiaoQuan, Jin, XiaoHua, Chen, YouSheng, Gao, TianGang, Li, JianHua, Zhang, ShouZhou, Lu, AnMing, China Phylogeny Consortium, 2016
  • Evolutionary patterns of genic DNA methylation vary across land plants., Takuno, Shohei, Ran, JinHua, Gaut, Brandon S., 2016
  • Mitochondrial introgression and complex biogeographic history of the genus Picea., Ran, JinHua, Shen, TingTing, Liu, WenJuan, Wang, PeiPei, Wang, XiaoQuan, 2015
  • Evolution and biogeography of gymnosperms., Wang, XiaoQuan, Ran, JinHua, 2014
  • Phylogeny and Divergence Times of Gymnosperms Inferred from Single-Copy Nuclear Genes., Lu, Ying, Ran, JinHua, Guo, DongMei, Yang, ZuYu, Wang, XiaoQuan, 2014
  • Phylogeographic Evidence for a Link of Species Divergence of Ephedra in the Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau and Adjacent Regions to the Miocene Asian Aridification., Qin, AiLi, Wang, MingMing, Cun, YuZhi, Yang, FuSheng, Wang, ShanShan, Ran, JinHua, Wang, XiaoQuan, 2013
  • Evolution of the bHLH Genes Involved in Stomatal Development: Implications for the Expansion of Developmental Complexity of Stomata in Land Plants., Ran, JinHua, Shen, TingTing, Liu, WenJuan, Wang, XiaoQuan, 2013
  • Evolution of the 4-coumarate:coenzyme A ligase (4CL) gene family: Conserved evolutionary pattern and two new gene classes in gymnosperms., Gao, Hui, Guo, DongMei, Liu, WenJuan, Ran, JinHua, Wang, XiaoQuan, 2012
  • Three genome-based phylogeny of Cupressaceae s.l.: Further evidence for the evolution of gymnosperms and Southern Hemisphere biogeography., Yang, ZuYu, Ran, JinHua, Wang, XiaoQuan, 2012
  • Fast evolution of the retroprocessed mitochondrial rps3 gene in Conifer II and further evidence for the phylogeny of gymnosperms., Ran, JinHua, Gao, Hui, Wang, XiaoQuan, 2010
  • A Test of Seven Candidate Barcode Regions from the Plastome in Picea (Pinaceae)., Ran, JinHua, Wang, PeiPei, Zhao, HuiJuan, Wang, XiaoQuan, 2010
  • Evolution of the Cinnamyl/Sinapyl Alcohol Dehydrogenase (CAD/SAD) Gene Family: The Emergence of Real Lignin is Associated with the Origin of Bona Fide CAD., Guo, DongMei, Ran, JinHua, Wang, XiaoQuan, 2010
  • Phylogeny and biogeography of Cedrus (Pinaceae) inferred from sequences of seven paternal chloroplast and maternal mitochondrial DNA regions., Qiao, CaiYuan, Ran, JinHua, Li, Yan, Wang, XiaoQuan, 2007
  • Molecular phylogeny and biogeography of Picea (Pinaceae): Implications for phylogeographical studies using cytoplasmic haplotypes., Ran, JinHua, Wei, XiaoXin, Wang, XiaoQuan, 2006
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