Areas of Focus
- Ex-situ conservation of rare and endangered plants
- Collection and utilization of Clusiaceae plant resources
Work Experience
- 2017-04 to present - Xishuangbanna Tropical Botanical Garden, Chinese Academy of Sciences - Senior Engineer
- 2010-04 to 2017-03 - Xishuangbanna Tropical Botanical Garden, Chinese Academy of Sciences - Senior Experimentalist
- 2004-01 to 2010-03 - Xishuangbanna Tropical Botanical Garden, Chinese Academy of Sciences - Assistant Researcher
- 2000-01 to 2003-12 - Xishuangbanna Tropical Botanical Garden, Chinese Academy of Sciences - Research Intern
- 1998-01 to 1999-12 - Xishuangbanna Tropical Botanical Garden, Chinese Academy of Sciences - Research Intern
- 1996-07 to 1997-12 - Xishuangbanna Tropical Botanical Garden, Chinese Academy of Sciences - Research Intern
- Henckelia medogensis (Gesneriaceae), a new endemic species from ***, China, 6th author, 2022
- 基于层次分析法的67种爵床科植物观赏价值综合评价, 1st author, Corresponding author, 2022
- Ceropegia luzhiensis, a new species of Apocynaceae from Yunnan, China, 4th author, 2022
- Primula longistyla (Primulaceae), a new species from Yunnan, China, 3rd author, 2021
- Globba ruiliensis, a new species of Zingiberaceae from Yunnan, China, 5th author, 2021
- Stixis yingjiangensis, a new species of Resedaceae from Yunnan, China, 6th author, 2021
- The complete chloroplast genome sequence of Garcinia anomala (Clusiaceae) from Yunnan Province, China, 2nd author, Corresponding author, 2021
- Begonia xishuangbannaensis (Begoniaceae), a new tuberous species from Yunnan, China, 4th author, 2020
- Salacia malipoensis (Celastraceae), a new species from Yunnan, China, 3rd author, 2020
- Stixis villiflora, a new species of Resedaceae from Yunnan, China, 5th author, 2020
- Begonia puerensis sp. nov. (Begoniaceae), a new tuberous species from Yunnan, China, 4th author, 2020
- Ichtyoselmis macrantha subsp. porphyrantha (Papaveraceae), a new subspecies from West Yunnan and North Myanmar, 4th author, 2020
- Begonia daunhitam, a new species of Begonia (Begoniaceae) from West Kalimantan, Indonesia, 6th author, 2020
- Begonia austroyunnanensis, a new species of Begonia (Begoniaceae) from Yunnan, China, 6th author, 2019
- 中国仙茅科一新记录种--喜马拉雅仙茅, 5th author, 2019
- Cynanchum brevipedunculatum, a new species of Apocynaceae from Yunnan, China, 4th author, 2019
- Studies on the Evergreen Broad-leaved Forests of Yunnan, Southwestern China, 4th author, 2019
- 中国锦葵科一新记录种--克氏梧桐, 4th author, 2019
- 中国球兰属一新记录种——披针叶球兰, 5th author, 2019
- Passiflora menghaiensis, a new species of Passifloraceae from Yunnan, China, 5th author, 2019
- 中国囊萼花属一新记录种——茎花囊萼花, 4th author, 2019
- 中国球兰属一新记录种——缅甸球兰, 4th author, 2019
- Roads as drivers of above-ground biomass loss at tropical forest edges in Xishuangbanna, Southwest China, 4th author, 2019
- Salacia menglaensis (Celastraceae), a new species from China, 7th author, 2018
- 西南生态安全屏障战略视阈下云南生物多样性保护对策, 2nd author, 2017
- Comparative analysis of six Lagerstroemia complete chloroplast genomes, 7th author, 2017
- 不同演替阶段野芭蕉群落土壤养分的动态变化, 4th author, 2013
- 楚雄花椒园半湿润常绿阔叶林的群落生态学特征, 1st author, 2011
- 云南哀牢山古茶树群落优势树种的种群结构与分布格局, 4th author, 2011
- 云南哀牢山地区种子植物区系研究, 2nd author, 2009
- Tree species composition and diversity of tropical mountain cloud forest in the Yunnan, southwestern China, Not mentioned, 2009
- 西双版纳不同斑块望天树种群的密度、结构和生物量, 2nd author, 2008
- 元江干热河谷植物群落特征及土壤肥力研究, 3rd author, 2007
- 思茅菜阳河自然保护区植物区系研究——兼论热带亚洲植物区系向东亚植物区系的过渡, 2nd author, 2006
- 西双版纳勐养山地雨林群落生态学研究, 2nd author, 2006
- Species composition, physiognomy and plant diversity of the tropical montane evergreen broad-leaved forest in southern Yunnan, Not mentioned, 2005
- 西双版纳砂仁种植模式探讨, 2nd author, 2005
- 哀牢山西坡主要植被类型的特征与物种组成, 1st author, 2005
- 西双版纳野芭蕉先锋植物群落的结构特征及其演替动态, 2nd author, 2003
- 西双版纳热带山地季风常绿林的群落生态学研究, 1st author, 2003
- 西双版纳热带山地季风常绿阔叶林的群落生态学研究, 1st author, 2003
- 人为干扰对小果野芭蕉群落生物量及多样性的影响, 1st author, 2002
- 西双版纳不同热带森林群落土壤表层的细根年动态, 1st author, 2002
- 三种干扰方式对西双版纳热带森林群落植物多样性的影响, 1st author, 2002
- 西双版纳刀耕火种轮歇地植物群落生物量的初步研究, 4th author, 2001
- 黄竹侵入对群落生物量及植物多样性的影响, 3rd author, 2001
- 西双版纳望天树林林窗小气候特征研究, 5th author, 2000
- 西双版纳野芭蕉先锋群落优势种群的生态位动态, 2nd author, 2000
- 西双版纳望天树林干热季不同林窗间的小气候差异, 5th author, 2000