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Yumin Shui
Life Science
University of Chinese Academy of Sciences
Language: Chinese, English
Plant Classification Plant Identification Species Diversity Ecological Surveys Biodiversity Conservation Flora Vegetation Botanical Research Taxonomic Studies
Areas of Focus
  • Plant Taxonomy
  • Plant Ecology
Work Experience
  • 2006-11 to 2007-10 - Institute of Botany, Chinese Academy of Sciences
  • 2000-09 to 2011-06 - Kunming Institute of Botany, Chinese Academy of Sciences
  • 1992-09 to 1996-10 - Yunnan Forestry School
Academic Background & Achievements
  • 2008-03 to 2010-09 PhD: Kunming Institute of Botany, Chinese Academy of Sciences
  • 1985-09 to 1989-08 Bachelor's Degree: Yunnan University
  • Validation of the name Spiradiclis elliptica (Rubiaceae), a new species endemic to southwestern China, JIA-HUA CAI, YU-MIN SHUI, XIAO-FEI SONG, LEI WU, 2022
  • Begonia nangunheensis, a new species of Begoniaceae from Yunnan province, China, Guo, ShiWei, Chen, WenHong, Aung, Aung, Radbouchoom, Sirilak, Zhao, JinChao, Li, Zhi Hong, Shui, YuMin, 2021
  • Begonia caryotarum (Begonia sect. Platycentrum), a new species from southeast Yunnan, China, WEN-KE DONG, JING-XIU LI, WEN-HONG CHEN, BO XIAO, YU-MIN SHUI, 2021
  • Begonia xuansonensis, a new orange-flowered species of Begoniaceae from northern Vietnam, Truong Van Do, Shui, YuMin, Phuc Van Le, Hue Thu Thi Huynh, Kuznetsov, Andrey N, Kuznetsova, Svetlana P, Nuraliev, Maxim S, 2021
  • Validation and morphology of Begonia fagopyrofolia in B. sect. Stolonifera (Begoniaceae) in China, ShuiYuMin, 2021
  • New and noteworthy species of Begonia (Begoniaceae) from Vietnam and Laos, Averyanov, Leonid, V, Nuraliev, Maxim S, Konstantinov, Eugene L, Maisak, Tatiana, V, KopylovGuskov, Yury O, Lyskov, Dmitry F, Quang, Bui Hong, Kuznetsov, Andrey N, Kuznetsova, Svetlana P, Nguyen, Khang Sinh, Shui, YuMin, 2021
  • Diospyros xylocarpa, a New Species of Ebenaceae from China and Vietnam, YONG-KANG SIMA, Chen, Wen-Hong, JIAN-YONG WU, YU-MIN SHUI, 2021
  • Begonia catbensis (sect. Coelocentrum, Begoniaceae), a new species from northern Vietnam, Dong, LiNa, Nguyen, Khang Sinh, Shui, YuMin, Hieu Quang Nguyen, Xu, WeiBin, Nguyen, Xuan Khu, 2021
  • Deinostigma fasciculatum, a new species of Gesneriaceae in Yunnan, China, Shui, YuMin, Wu, JianYong, Yu, ZhiYong, Guo, ShiWei, Chen, Li, Wen, Fang, Chen, WenHong, 2020
  • Two new species of Allocheilos (Gesneriaceae) from the karst regions in Yunnan, China, Chen, WenHong, Guo, ShiWei, Wu, JianYong, Chen, Li, Shui, YuMin, 2020
  • Two new baccate species of Begonia sect. Platycentrum (Begoniaceae) from Vietnam, Chen, WenHong, HieuQuang Nguyen, Radbouchoom, Sirilak, Xi, HuiHui, HiepTien Nguyen, Shui, YuMin, 2020
  • Leptochilus gracilis (Polypodiaceae), a new fern species from southeastern Yunnan, China based on morphological and molecular evidence, Liang, ZhenLong, Shui, YuMin, Chen, WenHong, Yu, ZhiYong, Zhang, Liang, Zhang, LiBing, 2020
  • Validation of the name Mitreola crystallina (Loganiaceae), a new species endemic to southwestern China, You, Jianrong, Ran, Juan, Liu, Cheng, Shui, Yumin, Li, Jiaxiang, Wu, Lei, 2020
  • Reassessment of Bournea Oliver (Gesneriaceae) based on molecular and palynological evidence, Chen, WenHong, Zhang, YaMei, Guo, ShiWei, Zhang, ZhiRong, Chen, Li, Shui, YuMin, 2020
  • Two new species of Paraboea (Gesneriaceae) in Caryota obtusa forests in Southwest China, with compound and simple dichasia, respectively, Shui, YuMin, Guo, ShiWei, Chen, Li, Chen, WenHong, 2020
  • Four new species of Oreocharis (Gesneriaceae) in Yunnan province, China, Chen, WenHong, Zhang, YaMei, He, DeMing, Li, YongLiang, Shui, YuMin, 2020
  • Begonia naga, a synonym of B. manhaoensis (Begoniaceae), Aung, Aung, Chen, WenHong, Shui, YuMin, 2020
  • Gesneriaceae in China and Vietnam: Perfection of taxonomy based on comprehensive morphological and molecular evidence, Chen, WenHong, Wen, Fang, Ren, MingXun, Yang, Lihua, Hong, Xin, Qiu, ZhiJing, Shui, YuMin, 2020
  • Two new taxa of Gesneriaceae in the karst regions in North Vietnam, Chen, WenHong, Guo, ShiWei, Hieu Quang Nguyen, Chen, Li, Shui, YuMin, 2020
  • A new species of Begonia Linn. (Begoniaceae) in karst regions from Guizhou, China, He, ShunZhi, Guo, ShiWei, Chen, WenHong, Zhang, RongMei, Shui, YuMin, 2019
  • Rediscovery and amended descriptions of Begonia kingdon-wardii (Begoniaceae) from North Myanmar, Chen, WenHong, Jin, XiaoHua, Shui, YuMin, 2018
  • Two new species of Oreocharis (Gesneriaceae) from Northwest Vietnam, ShuiYuMin, 2017
  • Begonia glutinosa, a new synonym of Begonia wallichiana (Begoniaceae) with additional notes on this species, Radbouchoom, Sirilak, Chen, WenHong, Shui, YuMin, 2017
  • Oreocharis ninglangensis, a showy new species of Gesneriaceae from northwestern Yunnan in China, Chen, WenHong, Chen, RunZheng, Moller, Michael, Wen, Kai, Shui, YuMin, 2016
  • Didymocarpus anningensis (Gesneriaceae), a new species from Yunnan, China, Cai, Lei, Cai, Jie, Shui, YuMin, 2016
  • Litostigma, a new genus from China: a morphological link between basal and derived Didymocarpoid Gesneriaceae, ShuiYuMin, 2010
  • Begonia coelocentroides Y. M. Shui et Z. D. Wei, a new species of Begoniaceae from Yunnan, China, Shui, YuMin, 2007
  • A new species of Lysimachia (Myrsinaceae) from SE Yunnan, China with its cytological observation, ShuiYuMin, 2006
  • Novelties in Begonia sect. Platycentrum for China: Begonia crocea, sp. nov. and B. xanthina Hook., a new distributional record, ShuiYuMin, 2006
  • Staurogyne petelotii R. Ben. and S. vicina R. Ben., two records of Acanthaceae from China, ShuiYuMin, 2006
  • Magnolia amabilis, a new species of Magnoliaceae from Yunnan, China, ShuiYuMin, 2006
  • A new species of Begonia section Platycentrum (Begoniaceae) from Vietnam, YuMin, Shui, 2006
  • A new species of Rothmannia (Rubiaceae) from China, ShuiYuMin, 2003
  • Additional notes on the Orchidaceae of Yunnan, China, ShuiYuMin, 2003
  • A new cornelian cherry from China –notes on systematics and evolution, ShuiYuMin, 2003
  • 2011: Wang Kuancheng Western Scholar Outstanding Contribution Award, First Prize, Chinese Academy of Sciences
  • 2009: Seed Plant Diversity in Southeast Yunnan and Adjacent Areas, First Prize, Provincial
  • 2002: Comprehensive Scientific Survey of the Watershed Nature Reserve, Second Prize, Municipal
  • 1999: Chinese Academy of Sciences Doctoral Di'ao Scholarship, First Prize, Ministry
  • 1995: Comprehensive Survey of Yuanyang Guanyinshan Nature Reserve, Third Prize, Municipal
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