Areas of Focus
- Conservation of Biodiversity in Arid Regions and Biological Restoration of Damaged Environments
- Biological and Ecological Characteristics of Desert Plants and Their Ecological Adaptation
- Plant Ecology
Work Experience
- 1987-1994 - Chinese Academy of Sciences Turpan Desert Botanical Garden - Assistant Researcher (1993)
- 1994-2001 - Chinese Academy of Sciences Xinjiang Institute of Biology, Soil and Desert Research - Breeding Base Manager, Marketing Manager
- 2001-2005 - Chinese Academy of Sciences Xinjiang Institute of Ecology and Geography Turpan Desert Botanical Garden - Innovation Assistant Researcher
- 2005-2015 - Chinese Academy of Sciences Xinjiang Institute of Ecology and Geography Turpan Desert Botanical Garden - Project Researcher, Master's Supervisor
- 2015-present - Researcher, Master's Supervisor
Academic Background & Achievements
- 1986 - Bachelor's Degree: Xinjiang Agricultural University, Department of Forestry, Landscape Architecture
- Achievement: Bachelor's Degree
- Ecological significance of bi-seasonal flowering and fruit-setting of Tamarix ramosissima, Yan Cheng, Wei Y., 2013
- The effect of salinity on the germination of dimorphic seeds of Atriplex micrantha, an annual inhabiting Junggar Desert, Yan Cheng, Wei Y., 2014
- Comparative germination of Tamarix ramosissima spring and summer seeds, Yan Cheng, Wei Y., Yang Ml., 2011
- Affect on Haloxyon ammodendron afforestation survival rate of Site conditions in gurbantunggut desert, Yang ML, Yin LK, Yan Cheng, Ban WQ., 2012
- The Characteristics variation of the flowers of Capparis spinosa L. during the extended flowering process and the influence of the rate of seed-setting, Yang ML, Yin LK, Yan C, Zhang ML, Kong FK, Li SJ., 2014
- Fruit growth and Seed Germination Characteristics of Nanophyton erinaceum: A Dominant Desert Shrub, Abudureheman B, Yan C, Wei Y., 2012
- 砾漠微地形下梭梭群落特征, 杨更强, 严成, 陈军纪, 徐磊, 武晓亚, 曹秋梅, 2015
- 梭梭群落物种多样性与土壤理化性质的相关性研究, 徐磊, 廖帆, 严成, 杨更强, 2015
- 两种假木贼的生殖物候特征及其生态意义, 李姝娟, 严成, 魏岩, 牟书勇, 2014
- 高枝假木贼种子低温吸胀萌发与保护酶活性的关系, 李姝娟, 严成, 魏岩, 牟书勇, 2014
- 密花柽柳的两季开花结实及其生态意义, 严成, 魏岩, 王磊, 2011
- 密花柽柳春夏两季种子的萌发行为, 严成, 魏岩, 王磊, 2010
- 不同技术措施对梭梭免灌造林成活率的影响, 班卫强, 尹林克, 严成, 2012
- 角果藜的生长动态及其生殖配置, 全杜娟, 魏岩, 周晓青, 严成, 2012
- 古尔班通古特沙漠南缘不同立地条件植物多样性和优势种群生态位特征研究, 班卫强, 严成, 尹林克, 杨美琳, 王忠臣, 2012
- 准噶尔荒漠大翅霸王的生殖物候及结实格局, 郭红超, 严成, 魏岩, 2015
- 2008 National Science and Technology Progress Award: Second Prize for Comprehensive Management Technology of Oasis Agriculture and Ecology in the Middle and Lower Reaches of the Tarim River
- 2007 Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region Science and Technology Progress Award: First Prize for Desertification Control and Ecosystem Management Research and Demonstration in the Middle and Lower Reaches of the Tarim River
- 2013 Xinjiang Production and Construction Corps Science and Technology Progress Award: First Prize for Research and Demonstration of Desertification Ecosystem Restoration and Reconstruction Technology in the Southern Margin of the Junggar Basin