Areas of Focus
- Occupational Health and Safety
- Human Factors Engineering
Academic Background & Achievements
- 2019.09-2023.06 PhD in Aerospace Psychology: Shaanxi Normal University
- 2016.09-2019.06 Master's in Applied Psychology: Shaanxi Normal University
- 2012.09-2016.06 Bachelor's in Psychology: Xinxiang Medical University
- Can family-work conflict influence safety behavior in airline pilots? The mediating role of fatigue and the moderating role of extraversion., Liu, B., Xin, X., Ji, M., Yang, S., You, X.*, & Li, Y.*, 2023
- How can proactive personality affect cabin attendants’ safety behaviors? The moderating roles of social support and safety climate., Liu, B., Xu, Q., Xin, X., Cui, X., Ji, M.*, & You, X.*, 2023
- Relationships of social support, coping styles, perceived stress, and quality of life: The difference between metro drivers and station attendants in Xi’an, China., Liu, B., Xin, X., Xu, Q., Han, Y., Li, Y., & You, X.*, 2022
- The effects of safety attitude and safety climate on flight attendants’ proactive personality with regard to safety behaviors., Ji, M.*, Liu, B., Li, H., Yang, S., & Li, Y.*, 2019
- A More Realistic Markov Process Model for Explaining the Disjunction Effect in One-Shot Prisoner’s Dilemma Game., Xin, X., Sun, M., Liu, B., Li, Y., Gao, X.*, 2022
- The relationship between acculturative stress and acculturation: mediation by hope and moderation by cultural intelligence., Wang, X., Liu, Y., Liu, B., Zhu, R., Hui, Q., & You, X.*, 2022
- The relationship between sense of calling and safety behavior among airline pilots: the role of harmonious safety passion and safety climate., Xu, Q., Wu, Y., Wang, M., Liu, B., Jiang, J., You, X.*, & Ji, M.*, 2022
- Cognitive style and flight experience influence on confirmation bias in lost procedures., Xu, Q., Wu, Y., Wang, H., Liu, B., You, X.*, Ji, M.*, 2022
- The impact of perfectionism on situational judgment among Chinese civil flying cadets: The roles of safety motivation and self-efficacy., Ji, M.*, Li, Y., Zhou, C., Han, H., Liu, B., He, L., 2017
- 飞行员计划延续失误的心理机制., 徐泉, 刘博, 李姝, 姬鸣, 游旭群*
- 前瞻记忆意图后效中执行错误的机制., 黄欢, 刘博, 周晨琛, 姬鸣*, 2018
- 贫困地区学龄儿童人格、心理健康与学习能力的关系., 韩越, 刘博, 2020
- 奖赏预期对选择性注意的影响——基于客体和空间的注意的区别., 李开容, 胡博, 陈雨嘉, 刘博, 常明*, 2022
- 时间压力下图标语义距离对雷达界面信息工作记忆的影响., 胡博, 李开容, 陈雨嘉, 刘博, 常明*, 2021