Areas of Focus
- Adolescent Mental Health
- Addictive Behaviors
- Media Use Behaviors
Academic Background & Achievements
- 2015-2018 PhD in Science: Institute of Psychology, Chinese Academy of Sciences
- 2012-2015 MSc in Science: Institute of Psychology, Chinese Academy of Sciences
- 2008-2012 BSc in Science: Beijing Forestry University
- Media use and acute psychological outcomes during COVID-19 outbreak in China, Chao, M., Xue, D., Liu, T., Yang, H., & Hall, B. J., 2020
- Psychological distress and state boredom during the COVID-19 outbreak in China: The role of meaning in life and media use, Chao, M.; Chen, X.; Liu, T.; Yang, H.; Hall, B.J., 2020
- The causal role of alcohol use in adolescent externalizing and internalizing problems: a Mendelian randomization study, Chao, M., Li, X., & McGue, M., 2017
- 青少年焦虑与抑郁的共同遗传基础, 钞淼, 陈杰, 李子旭, & 李新影, 2018
- 人格与无手机恐惧的关系:独处行为的中介作用, 刘拓,古丽给娜,杨莹,任世秀,钞淼, 2020
- 家庭氛围与父母受教育程度对青少年抑郁影响, 季冬, 陈虹, 钞淼, & 李新影, 2018
- The relationship between media involvement and death anxiety of self-quarantined people in the covid-19 outbreak in china: the mediating roles of empathy and sympathy, Chen, X., Liu, T., Li, P., Wei, W., & Chao, M., 2020
- Network Analysis of Media Exposure and Psychological Outcomes During the Initial Outbreak of COVID-19 in China, Zhang, S., Liu, T., Liu, X., & Chao, M., 2022