Areas of Focus
- Sleep and Mental Health
- Light and Cognitive Processing
- Subjective and Objective Alertness and Emotional Regulation
- Light and Physiological Rhythms, Sleep
Academic Background & Achievements
- 2006-2010 Bachelor of Science: Anyang Normal University
- 2010-2013 Master of Education: South China Normal University
- 2013-2018 Doctor of Education: South China Normal University
- Effects of illuminance and correlated color temperature on daytime cognitive performance, subjective mood, and alertness in healthy adults, Zhu, Y. Y., Yang, M. Q., Yao, Y., Xiong, X., Li, X. R., Zhou, G. F., & Ma, N., 2019
- The effects of intermittent light during the evening on sleepiness, sleep electroencephalographic spectral power and performance the next morning, Yang, M. Q., Chen, Q. W., Zhu, Y. Y., Zhou, Q., Geng, Y. F., Lu, C. C., Wang, G. F., & Yang, C. M., 2019
- 黎明模拟光照对晨起睡眠惰性的影响, 朱莹莹, 罗雪, 周国富, 2019
- Mediating role of self-control on the relationship between personality traits and impulsivity, Mao, T. X., Pan, W. G., Zhu, Y. Y., Yang, J., Dong, Q. L., & Zhou, G. F., 2018
- 室内照度和时间对警觉性和视空绩效的影响, 熊晓, 朱莹莹, 陈庆伟, 汝涛涛, 周国富, 2018
- 室内照度对认知加工的影响:主观情绪和警觉性的中介作用, 朱莹莹, 杨敏齐, 姚颖, 熊晓, 周国富, 2017
- 照明的非视觉作用及其脑神经机制, 朱莹莹, 汝涛涛, 周国富, 2015
- 9-26个月婴儿上位、基本和下位水平类别学习的发展顺序, 刘志雅, 刘芳, 朱莹莹, 靳凯丽, 2015
- 道德推断中的面孔刻板效应:性别的调节作用, 汝涛涛, 王婷婷, 朱莹莹, 钟罗金, 周国富, 莫雷, 2015
- 不同注意条件下动态面孔表情识别的ERP研究, 朱莹莹, 刘志雅, 2014
- 婴儿类别学习研究范式简介, 朱莹莹, 姚伟, 马晶晶, 2013
- 天才儿童的智力和心理活动特点, 马晶晶, 刘镜台, 朱莹莹, 姚伟, 2013