Areas of Focus
- Child Development Psychology
- Personality and Social Development
- Peer Interaction
- Adolescent Internet Psychology and Behavior
Work Experience
- 2017.7-present - Central China Normal University - Professor, Doctoral Supervisor, Vice Dean
- 2016.5-2017.6 - Central China Normal University - Associate Professor, Vice Dean
- 2012.11-2016.5 - Central China Normal University - Associate Professor
- 2009.7-2012.10 - Central China Normal University - Lecturer
Academic Background & Achievements
- 2014.10-2015.10 Visiting Scholar: California State University, Los Angeles
- 2008.9-2008.12 Exchange Study: Chinese University of Hong Kong
- 2006.9-2009.6 PhD in Science: Central China Normal University, School of Psychology
- 2003.9-2006.6 Master's in Education: Central China Normal University, School of Psychology
- 1999.9-2003.6 Bachelor's in Psychology: Central China Normal University, School of Education Science
- Individual differences matter in the effect of teaching presence on perceived learning: From the social cognitive perspective of self-regulated learning, Zhang, Y., Tian, Y., Yao, L., Duan, C., Sun, X*., & Niu, G*., 2022
- Parental Mediation Moderates the Association Between Social Media Exposure and Tobacco and Alcohol Use: Differences Between Elementary and Middle School Students, Yao, L., Sun, X*., Niu, G*., Zheng, Y., & Chinyani, T., 2022
- Socioeconomic status and social networking site addiction among children and adolescents: Examining the roles of parents' active mediation and ICT attitudes, Sun, X., Duan, C., Yao, L., Zhang, Y., Chinyani, T., & Niu, G*., 2021
- Ostracism and Problematic Smartphone Use: the Mediating Effect of Social Self-Efficacy and Moderating Effect of Rejection Sensitivity, Sun, X., Zhang, Y., Niu, G*., Tian, Y*., Xu, L., & Duan, C., 2021
- Parental active internet mediation and Children’s academic adaptation: the mediating role of video gaming and moderating role of deviant peer affiliation, Sun, X., Zhang, X., Duan, C., Yao, L., Niu, G*., & Tian, Y*., 2021
- Vulnerable Narcissism in Social Networking Sites: The Role of Upward and Downward Social Comparisons, Kong, F*., Wang, M., Zhang, X., Li, X., & Sun, X., 2021
- When the capacity to be alone is associated with psychological distress among Chinese adolescents: Individuals with low mindfulness or high rumination may suffer more by their capacity to be alone, Lian, S. L#., Sun, X. J#., Liu, Q. Q., Chu, X. W., Zhou, Z. K*., & Lei, Y. J., 2021
- Development and validation of a scale to measure internet self-expansion, Niu, G., Wang, Y., Li, Z., Zhou, Z*., Ni, X*., & Sun, X*., 2021
- Body Image Comparisons on Social Networking Sites and Chinese Female College Students’ Restrained Eating: The Roles of Body Shame, Body Appreciation, and Body Mass Index, Yao, L., Niu, G., & Sun, X*., 2021
- Social Media Exposure, Psychological Distress, Emotion Regulation, and Depression During the COVID-19 Outbreak in Community Samples in China, Zhang, Y. T., Li, R. T., Sun, X. J., Peng, M., & Li, X*., 2021
- Online parent-child communication and left-behind children's subjective well-being: the effects of parent-child relationship and gratitude, Niu, G., Chai, H., Li, Z., Wu, L., Sun, X*., & Zhou, Z*., 2020
- Cyberbullying victimization and adolescent depression: the mediating role of psychological security and the moderating role of growth mindset, Niu, G., He, J., Lin, S*., Sun, X*., & Longobardi, C., 2020
- Parents' phubbing and adolescents' mobile phone addiction: the role of parent-child relationship and self-control, Niu, G., Sun, L., Liu, Q., Chai, H., Sun, X*., & Zhou, Z*., 2020
- Selfie-posting and young adult women's restrained eating: the role of commentary on appearance and self-objectification, Niu, G., Sun, L., Liu, Q., Chai, H., Sun, X*., & Zhou, Z*., 2020
- Selfie-posting on social networking sites, body surveillance, and exercise for weight control among chinese young women with low body mass index, Yao, L., Niu, G*., Sun, X*., Duan, C., & Zheng, Y., 2020
- Why social network site use fails to promote well-being? The roles of social overload and fear of missing out, Chai, H. Y*., Niu, G. F., Lian, S. L., Chu, X. W., Liu, S., & Sun, X. J*., 2019
- Cyber-ostracism and its relation to depression among Chinese adolescent: The moderating role of optimism, Niu, G. F., Zhou, Z. K., Sun, X. J*., Yu F., Xie, X. C., Liu, C.Q., Lian, S.L, 2018
- Qzone use and depression among Chinese adolescents: A moderated mediation model, Niu, G. F., Luo, Y. J., Sun, X. J*., Zhou, Z. K*., Yu, F., Yang, S. L., & Zhao, L., 2018
- 父母拖延与儿童时间管理倾向、学业拖延的关系:儿童意志控制的保护作用, 连帅磊, 宫江霞, 闫景蕾, 冯全升, 孙晓军*., 2021
- 被动性社交网站使用与青少年体像烦恼的关系: 体像比较和体像自我差异的中介作用, 赵云燕, 于荔, 连帅磊, 姚良爽, 孙晓军*., 2021
- 青少年网络心理与行为教育部重点实验室开展抗击疫情社会服务工作, 孙晓军., 2020
- 网络亲子沟通与青少年抑郁的关系: 线上社会资本的中介作用及其年龄差异, 柴唤友, 陈春宇, 段长英, 朱彩凤, 孙晓军*., 2019
- 手机成瘾与大学生拖延行为的关系: 有调节的中介效应分析, 连帅磊, 刘庆奇, 孙晓军, 周宗奎*., 2018
- 错失恐惧:我又错过了什么?, 柴唤友, 牛更枫, 褚晓伟, 魏祺, 宋玉红, 孙晓军*., 2018
- 社交网站中的自我表露与青少年生活满意度: 一个有调节的中介模型, 柴唤友, 褚晓伟, 牛更枫, 孙晓军*, 连帅磊, 姚良爽, 杨鹏飞, 赵冬梅., 2018
- 自我客体化对女大学生限制性饮食行为的影响: 一个有调节的中介模型, 姚良爽, 连帅磊, 孙晓军*., 2018
- 社交网站体像比较对女大学生抑郁的影响: 有调节的中介效应分析, 姚良爽, 连帅磊, 孙晓军*., 2018
- 社交网站中的上行
- 2019: Guizi Young Scholar, Central China Normal University
- 2018: 16th Fok Ying Tung Young Teacher Fund
- 2016: First Prize, 2nd Undergraduate Teaching Innovation Award, Central China Normal University
- 2015: 6th Zhu Zhixian Psychology Award
- 2011: Nomination for National Excellent Doctoral Dissertation Award
- 2011: Third Prize, 4th National Education Science Research Outstanding Achievement Award
- 2010: Excellent Doctoral Dissertation, Hubei Province
- 2010: Second Prize, Wuhan Natural Science Excellent Academic Paper
- 2009: Third Prize, 7th Teacher Teaching Competition
- 2009: Third Prize, Higher Education Scientific Research Outstanding Achievement Award
- 2008: Third Prize, Hubei Province Natural Science Excellent Paper
- 2007: Excellence Award, Wuhan Social Science Excellent Paper