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Chunqing Cai
Public Health
Southern Medical University
Language: Chinese, English
Immune Escape Occupational Tumors Breast Cancer Metastasis Organotropism Mechanisms Tumor Cancer Research Health
Areas of Focus
  • Immune escape mechanisms of occupational tumors
  • Mechanisms of breast cancer metastasis and organotropism
  • Phosphorylation of dynamin-related protein 1 at Ser616 regulates mitochondrial fission and is involved in mitochondrial calcium uniporter-mediated neutrophil polarization and chemotaxis, Zheng, Xianchong; Chen, Mimi; Meng, Xiaojing; Chu, Xinwei; Cai, Chunqing; Zou, Fei, 2017
  • STIM1 and STIM2 differently regulate endogenous Ca2+ entry and promote TGF-beta-induced EMT in breast cancer cells, Zhang, Siheng; Miao, Yutian; Zheng, Xianchong; Gong, Yong; Zhang, Jinxin; Zou, Fei; Cai, Chunqing, 2017
  • Exosomes derived from breast cancer lung metastasis subpopulations promote tumor self-seeding, Hehai Huang; Xianchong Zheng; Changqing Cai; Zhuocheng Yao; Sitong Lu; Xiaojing Meng; Yutian Miao; Zhanxin He; Chunqing Cai; Fei Zou, 2018
  • MCU-dependent negative sorting of miR-4488 to extracellular vesicles enhances angiogenesis and promotes breast cancer metastatic colonization, Xianchong Zheng; Sitong Lu; Zhanxin He; Hehai Huang; Zhuocheng Yao; Yutian Miao; Chunqing Cai; Fei Zou, 2020
  • Calcium-sensing stromal interaction molecule 2 upregulates nuclear factor of activated T cells 1 and transforming growth factor-β signaling to promote breast cancer metastasis, Yutian Miao; Qiang Shen; Siheng Zhang; Hehai Huang; Xiaojing Meng; Xianchong Zheng; Zhuocheng Yao; Zhanxin He; Sitong Lu; Chunqing Cai; Fei Zou, 2019
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