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Laiquan Zou
Public Health
Southern Medical University
Language: Chinese, English
Olfaction Emotion Memory Social Cognition Cognitive Mechanisms Neural Mechanisms Gustatory Processing Mental Disorders Early Identification Intervention
Areas of Focus
  • Olfaction and its relation to emotion, memory, and social cognition
  • Cognitive and neural mechanisms of olfactory and gustatory processing
  • Early identification and intervention of mental disorders
Academic Background & Achievements
  • PhD: Not mentioned
  • Olfactory impairment as an early marker of Parkinson's disease in REM sleep behaviour disorder: a systematic review and meta-analysis, Lyu, Z. H., Zheng, S. X., Zhang, X. Y., Mai, Y. L., Pan, J. Y., Hummel, T., Hähner, A., Zou, L. Q., 2021
  • Odour identification impairment is a trait but not a disease-specific marker for bipolar disorders: Comparisons of bipolar disorder with different episodes, major depressive disorder and schizophrenia, Li, S. B., Li, Z. T., Lyu, Z. H., Zhang, X. Y., Zou, L. Q., 2021
  • Validation of the chemosensory pleasure scale for kids (CPS-K) and its mediating role in the relationship between autistic traits and eating behavior, Qiu, Y.-Q., Ma, Q.-W., Huang, Y.-Y., Lin, J.-W., Zhao, J.-B., Zou, L.-Q., 2021
  • The chemosensory pleasure scale for children (CPS-C): factor structure, reliability, and validity, Qiu, Y. Q., Huang, G. J., Zhao, J. B., Ma, Q. W., Zou, L. Q., 2021
  • The food neophobia scale (FNS): Exploration and confirmation of factor structure in a healthy Chinese sample, Zhao, J. B., Gao, Z. B., Li, Y. X., Wang, Y. L., Zhang, X. Y., Zou, L. Q., 2020
  • Olfaction Is a Marker of Severity but Not Diagnosis in Anorexia Nervosa: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis, Mai, Y. L., Zhang, X., Li, Z. T., Wu, X. H., Zeng, B., Fang, Y., Zou, L. Q., Zhao, J. B., Hummel, T., 2020
  • Association between Olfactory Function and Quality of Life in Patients with Olfactory Disorders: A Multicenter Study in over 760 Participants, Zou, L. Q., Hummel, T., Otte, M. S., Bitter, T., Besser, G., Mueller, C. A., Welge-Lüssen, A., Bulut, O. C., Göktas, Ö., Negoias, S., Li, S. B., Haehner, A., 2021
  • “U-Sniff ” - the international odor identification test for children: an extension of its normative database and study of global reliability, Zou, L. Q., Dworschak, A., Alizadeh, R., Kamrava, S. K., Alwashahi, M., Bock, M. A., Boesveldt, S., Singh, B., Brusevold, I., Voznessenskaya, V., Hummel, T., Schriever, V. A., 2020
  • Development of a Self-reported Olfactory Dysfunction Questionnaire (SODQ) to Screen Olfactory Disorders in China, Liu, X., Huang, J. Y., Tian, P., Hu, J. W., Zou, L. Q., 2021
  • Decreasing prevalence of specific anosmia to non-steroid odorants from childhood to adolescence, Zou, L. Q., Vogt, O., Schriever, V. A., Croy, I., Schaal, B., Hummel, T., 2020
  • Olfactory identification deficit and its relationship with hedonic traits in patients with first-episode schizophrenia and individuals with schizotypy, Zou, L. Q., Zhou, H. Y., Lui, S. S. Y., Wang, Y., Wang, Y., Gan, J., Zhu, X. Z., Cheung, E. F. C., Chan, R. C. K., 2018
  • Neural responses during the anticipation and receipt of olfactory reward and punishment in human, Zou, L. Q., Zhou, H. Y., Zhuang, Y., van Hartevelt, T. J., Lui, S. S. Y., Cheung, E. F. C., Møller, A., Kringelbach, M. L., Chan, R. C. K., 2018
  • The neural mechanism of hedonic processing and judgment of pleasant odors: An activation likelihood estimation meta-analysis, Zou, L. Q., van Hartevelt, T. J., Kringelbach, M. L., Cheung, E. F. C., Chan, R. C. K., 2016
  • Verbal self-monitoring in individuals with schizotypal personality traits: An exploratory ERP study, Zou, L. Q., Wang, K., Qu, C., Lui, S. S. Y., Shum, D. H. K., Cheung, E. F. C., Chan, R. C. K., 2014
  • 儿童嗅觉心理物理测试的研究现状, 柳蓝, 李紫琳, 吕志红, 邹来泉, 2020
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