Areas of Focus
- Marine microbial natural product biosynthesis mechanisms
- Adaptation mechanisms of extremophiles
- Marine microbial ecology
Work Experience
- 2010 - Chief Assistant on the first leg of the 22nd voyage of China's oceanographic scientific expedition
Academic Background & Achievements
- Former researcher at the Third Institute of Oceanography, State Oceanic Administration
- Part-time professor at the College of Ocean and Environment, Xiamen University
- Director at the Shanghai Ecological Society
- Induction of a Toxin-Antitoxin Gene Cassette under High Hydrostatic Pressure Enables Markerless Gene Disruption in the Hyperthermophilic Archaeon Pyrococcus yayanosii, Song, Q., Li, Z., Chen, R., Ma, X., Xiao, X., Xu, J., 2019
- A Novel AdpA Homologue Negatively Regulates Morphological Differentiation in Streptomyces xiamenensis 318, Bu, X.-L., Weng, J.-Y., He, B.-B., Xu, M.-J., Xu, J., 2019
- Combinatory Biosynthesis of Prenylated 4-Hydroxybenzoate Derivatives by Overexpression of the Substrate-Promiscuous Prenyltransferase XimB in Engineered E. coli, He, B. B., Bu, X. L., Zhou, T., Li, S. M., Xu, M. J., Xu, J., 2018
- Deciphering the streamlined genome of Streptomyces xiamenensis 318 as the producer of the anti-fibrotic drug candidate xiamenmycin, Xu M, Wang J, Bu X, Yu H, Li P, Ou H, He Y, Xu F, Hu X, Zhu X, Ao P, Xu J, 2016
- Comparative Genomics Reveals Evidence of Genome Reduction and High Extracellular Protein Degradation Potential in Kangiella, Wang, J., Lu, Y., Nawaz, M. Z., Xu, J., 2018
- 2012: First Prize in Marine Engineering Science and Technology Award (Ranked 11th)
- 2017: Outstanding Contribution Award from Microbiology Journal