Areas of Focus
- Situational Perception and Ethnic Cultural Identity
- College Students' Employability and Career Decision-Making
- The relationship between college graduate’s dual self-consciousness and job search clarity: The mediating role of perceived stress, Kang, T. H., Li, Y., Guo, J. D., & Ma, X. W., 2022
- Cognitive style differences in attention distribution regarding calligraphic perception, Kang, T.H., Wang, P., & Zhang, H., 2021
- 记忆重构和信心评估:商标属性与使用经验的影响, 康廷虎,朱瑛川, 2020
- 记叙文阅读中主人公转换对情境模型更新的影响, 康廷虎,王旎撰,高吴平, 2020
- 心理学的向西传承与传播——记时任国立西北师范学院教授程克敬先生, 康廷虎,王桃桃, 2020
- 基于微信公众平台的网络课程信息传播效果分析, 康廷虎,张彦森, 2019
- 情景间语义关系对语义关联判断的影响, 康廷虎,吴晨静, 2019
- Taking advice for vocational decisions: Regulatory fit effects, Kang, T. H., Wang, L., Xi, P. L., & Pang, Q., 2018
- Who am I? Migrant workers’ bicultural identity integration, social support, and social maladjustment, Kang, T. H., 2018
- 场景知觉过程中的动作意图识别, 康廷虎,薛西, 2018
- 情景信息加工方式东西方有差异, 康廷虎,席佩玲, 2016
- 人与组织匹配关系影响职场幸福感, 康廷虎,李旭, 2016
- 大学生基督教徒的宗教态度与主观幸福感:自尊与社会支持的中介作用, 康廷虎,曹彦, 2015
- 职业决策情境中信任水平对建议采纳的影响, 康廷虎,庞倩, 2014
- 手是心理的探照灯:身体与心智的关系, 康廷虎,陈晨, 2014
- 靶刺激变换与情景信息属性对真实情景再认的影响, 康廷虎,白学军, 2013
- 情景知觉过程中的视觉记忆, 康廷虎,范小燕, 2013
- 基于国际视野的大学生就业能力理论建构与培养, 康廷虎,王耀,肖付平, 2013
- Structure of undergraduate’s employability: Exploring and measurement, Kang, T. H., Fan, X. Y., & Ren. T. T., 2013
- The effect of advice taking on decision confidence in career decision-making process, Kang, T. H., Pang, Q., & Ren. T. T., 2013
- The effect of advice distance and type on advice taking in career decision-making process, Kang, T. H., Zhang, F., & Fan, X. Y., 2013
- 用“惊奇值”计算场景所含信息, 康廷虎,张丰, 2013
- “身份”是打开“爱”之门的金钥匙, 康廷虎,海敏, 2013
- 眼睛注视:一种重要的社会性注意线索, 康廷虎,任婷婷, 2013
- 任务类型与性别属性对人际信任的影响, 康廷虎,白学军, 2012
- 2014: National Excellent Teacher of the Fourth Education Master's Degree
- 2014: Mingde Teacher Award
- 2013: Excellent Instructor of the 'Challenge Cup' Gansu Province College Students Extracurricular Academic Science and Technology Works Competition
- 2021: Jincheng Chief Science Popularization Expert
- 2019: Excellent Student Association Instructor of Northwest Normal University
- 2018: Excellent Internship Instructor of Northwest Normal University
- 2020: Teaching Master of Northwest Normal University
- 2014, 2016, 2018: 'Star of Teaching and Research for Young Teachers' of Northwest Normal University