Areas of Focus
- Aging, Immunity, Metabolism in Drosophila
- Systemic Regulation of Biological Processes
Work Experience
- 1991 - Peking University - Assistant Lecturer, Lecturer
- 2004 - Chinese Academy of Sciences - Principal Investigator
- 2017 - Guangzhou Medical University - Professor, Principal Investigator, Director of Research Institute
Academic Background & Achievements
- 1987 - Bachelor's Degree in Cell Biology: Peking University
- 1991 - Master's Degree in Cell Biology: Peking University
- 1999 - PhD in Molecular Genetics and Developmental Biology: University of Zurich
- 2011 - Awarded Excellent Mentor by Chinese Academy of Sciences
- Myc suppresses male–male courtship in Drosophila, Pan Y., W. Li, Z. Deng, Y. Sun, X. Ma, R. Liang, X. Guo, Y. Sun, W. Li, R. Jiao, L. Xue, 2022
- Neuregulin 1ErbB4 signaling contributes to the anti-epileptic effects of the ketogenic diet, Wang J., J. Huang, Y.-Q. Li, S. Yao, C.-H. Wu, Y. Wang, F. Gao, M.-D. Xu, G.-B. Huang, C.-Q. Zhao, J.-H. Wu, Y.-L. Zhang, R. Jiao, Z.-H. Deng, W. Jie, H.-B. Li, A. Xuan, X.-D. Sun, 2021
- ERp44CG9911 promotes fat storage in Drosophila adipocytes by regulating ER Ca2+ homeostasis, Bi Y., Y. Chang, Q. Liu, Y. Mao, K. Zhai, Y. Zhou, R. Jiao, G. Ji, 2021
- Epigenetic regulation of Notch signaling during Drosophila development, Wei C., C.-W. Phang and R. Jiao, 2020
- Dissection and Lipid Droplets Staining of the Oenocytes in Drosophila Larvae, Wei C., Y. Yan, X. Miao and R. Jiao, 2019
- HDAC6 regulates lipid droplet turnover in response to nutrient deprivation via p62-mediated selective autophagy, Yan Y., H. Wang, C. Wei, Y. Xiang, X. Liang, C. W. Phanga and R. Jiao, 2019
- Drosophila chromatin assembly factor 1 p105 and p180 subunits are required for follicle cell proliferation via inhibiting Notch signaling, Lo, P.-K., Y.-C. Huang, D. Corcoran, R. Jiao and W.-M. Deng, 2019
- Transient Scute activation via a self-stimulatory loop directs enteroendocrine cell pair specification from self-renewing intestinal stem cells, Chen, J., N. Xu, C. Wang, P. Huang, H. Huang, Z. Jin, Z. Yu, T. Cai, R. Jiao and R. Xi, 2018
- HDAC6 suppresses age-dependent ectopic fat accumulation by Maintaining the proteostasis of PLIN2 in Drosophila, Yan, Y., H. Wang, M. Hu, L. Jiang, Y. Wang, P. Liu, X. Liang, J. Liu, C. Li, A. Lindström-Battle, W.-M. Deng and R. Jiao, 2017
- The SWISNF complex protein Snr1 is a tumor suppressor in Drosophila imaginal tissues, Xie, G., H. Chen, D. Jia, Z. Shu, W. Palmer, X. Zeng, S. Hou, R. Jiao and W.-M. Deng, 2017
- cGMP-Dependent Protein Kinase Encoded by foraging Regulates Motor Axon Guidance in Drosophila by Suppressing Lola Function, Peng, Q., Y. Wang, M. Li, D. Yuan, M. Xu, C. Li, Z. Gong, R. Jiao and L. Liu, 2016
- SCFSlmb E3 ligase-mediated degradation of Expanded is inhibited by the Hippo pathway in Drosophila, Zhang, H.#, C. Li#, H. Chen, H. Wu, W. Dui, F. Dai, W.-M. Deng and R. Jiao, 2015
- E(y)1TAF9 mediates the transcriptional output of Notch signaling in Drosophila, Xie, G., Z. Yu, D. Jia, R. Jiao and W.-M. Deng, 2014
- CAF-1 promotes Notch signaling through epigenetic control of target gene expression during Drosophila development, Yu, Z., H. Wu, H. Chen, R. Wang, X. Liang, J. Liu, C. Li, W.-M. Deng and R. Jiao, 2013
- Highly efficient genome modifications mediated by CRISPRCas9 in Drosophila, Yu, Z., M. Ren, Z. Wang, B. Zhang, Y.S. Rong, R. Jiao and G. Gao, 2013
- The Drosophila F-box protein dSkp2 regulates cell proliferation through targeting Dacapo for degradation, Dui, W., B. Wei, F. He, W. Lu, C. Li, X. Liang, J. Ma and R. Jiao, 2013
- 2011: Excellent Mentor by Chinese Academy of Sciences