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Ma Long
Life Science
Central South University
Language: English, Chinese
Genetics Molecular Biology Neurobiology Human Diseases Animal Models Molecular Mechanisms Genetic Tools Disease Modeling Neuronal Function Gene Regulation
Areas of Focus
  • Genetics
  • Molecular Biology
  • Neurobiology
  • Molecular genetic mechanisms and animal model studies of human diseases
Work Experience
  • 2001.1-2002.12 Postdoctoral Researcher: University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center
  • 2003.1-2009.8 Postdoctoral Researcher: Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Department of Biology
  • 2009.8-present Professor: Central South University, School of Life Sciences
Academic Background & Achievements
  • 1988.9-1992.7 Bachelor's Degree: Peking University, Department of Biology
  • 1992.8-1995.7 Master's Degree: Chinese Academy of Medical Sciences, Institute of Basic Medical Sciences
  • 1995.8-2000.12 PhD: University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center
  • Neuronal NT-3 is not required for synaptic transmission or long-term potentiation in area CA1 of the adult mouse hippocampus, Ma L., Reis G., Parada LF., Schuman EM., 1999
  • Molecular characterization of the TrkA/NGF receptor minimal enhancer reveals regulation by multiple cis elements to drive embryonic neuron expression, Ma L., Merenmies J., Parada LF., 2000
  • mKLF7, a potential transcriptional regulator of TrkA nerve growth factor receptor expression in sensory and sympathetic neurons, Lei L., Ma L., Nef S., Thai T., Parada LF., 2001
  • Neurotrophin-3 is required for appropriate establishment of thalamocortical connections, Ma L., Harada T., Harada C., Romero MI., Hebert JM., McConnell, SK., Parada, LF., 2002
  • Brn3a regulation of TrkA/NGF receptor expression in developing sensory neurons, Ma L., Lei L., Raisa Eng S., Turner E., Parada LF., 2003
  • TrkB signaling regulates the developmental maturation of the somatosensory cortex, Lush M., Ma L. Parada LF., 2005
  • Mutations in the Caenorhabditis elegans U2AF large subunit UAF-1 alter the choice of a 3′ splice site in vivo, Ma L., Horvitz HR., 2009
  • Caenorhabditis elegans operons contain a higher proportion of genes with multiple transcripts and use 3′ splice sites differentially, Wang F., Huang S., Ma L., 2010
  • In vivo effects on intron retention and exon skipping by the U2AF large subunit and SF1/BBP in the nematode Caenorhabditis elegans, Ma L., Tan Z., Teng Y., Hoersch S., Horvitz HR., 2011
  • Isorhynchophylline, a natural alkaloid, promotes the degradation of alpha-synuclein in neuronal cells via inducing autophagy, Lu J, Tan J, Durairajan S, Liu L, Zhang Z, Ma L, Shen H, Chan H, Li M., 2012
  • The Caenorhabditis elegans gene mfap-1 encodes a nuclear protein that affects alternative splicing, Ma L., Gao X., Luo J., Huang L., Teng Y., Horvitz HR., 2012
  • The Caenorhabditis elegans iodotyrosine deiodinase ortholog SUP-18 functions through a conserved channel SC-box to regulate the muscle two-pore domain potassium channel SUP-9, de la Cruz IP., Ma L., Horvitz HR., 2014
  • Scoring the collective effects of SNPs: associations of minor alleles with complex traits in model organisms, Yuan, D., Zhu, Z., Tan, X., Liang, J., Zeng, C., Zhang, J., Chen, J., Ma, L., Dogan, A., Brockmann, G., Medina, E., Rice, A.D., Moyer, R.W., Man, X., Yi, K., Li, Y., Lu, Q., Huang, Y., and Huang, S., 2014
  • Molecular mechanisms and animal models of spinal muscular atrophy, Edens BM., Ajroud-Driss S., Ma L., Ma Y., 2014
  • The survival motor neuron gene smn-1 interacts with the U2AF large subunit gene uaf-1 to regulate Caenorhabditis elegans lifespan and motor functions, Gao X., Teng Y., Luo J., Huang L., Li M., Zhang Z., Ma Y., Ma L., 2014
  • The BLI-3/TSP-15/DOXA-1 dual oxidase complex is required for iodide toxicity in C. elegans, Xu Z., Luo J., Li Y., Ma L., 2015
  • Neuropeptide receptors NPR-1 and NPR-2 regulate C. elegans avoidance response to the plant stress hormone methyl salicylate, Luo J., Xu Z., Tan Z., Zhang Z., Ma L., 2015
  • Non-aggregating tau phosphorylation by Cdk5 contributes to motor neuron degeneration in spinal muscular atrophy, Miller N., Feng Z., Edens B., Yang B., Shi H., Sze C., Hong B., Su S., Cantu J., Topczewski J., Crawford T., Ko CP., Sumner C., Ma L., Ma Y., 2015
  • Altered expression of EPO might underlie hepatic hemangiomas in LRRK2 knockout mice, Wu B., Xiao K., Zhang Z., Ma L., 2016
  • Contra-directional coupling of Nur77 and Nurr1 in neurodegeneration: A novel mechanism for memantine-induced anti-inflammation and anti-mitochondrial Impairment, Wei X., Gao H., Zou J., Liu X., Chen D., Liao J., Xu Y., Ma L., Tang B., Zhang Z., Cai X., Jin K., Xia Y., Wang Q., 2016
  • Identification of ANKDD1B variants in an ankylosing spondylitis pedigree and a sporadic patient, Tan Z.*, Zeng H., Xu Z., Tian Q., Gao X., Zhou C., Zheng Y., Wang J., Ling G., Wang B., Yang Y., Ma L., 2018
  • The Charles A. King Medical Foundation Fellowship, 2004-2005
  • Ministry of Education New Century Excellent Talents, 2010
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