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Xiaoqing Li
Psychology CAS
Chinese Academy of Sciences
Language: English, Chinese
Language Cognition Neuroscience Psychology Neuroimaging Intervention Music Discourse Comprehension Brain
Areas of Focus
  • Cognitive neural mechanisms of language comprehension
  • Intervention techniques for language comprehension abilities
  • Relationship between musical experience and discourse comprehension
Work Experience
  • 2020.8-present - Institute of Psychology, Chinese Academy of Sciences - Researcher
  • 2010.3-2020.7 - Institute of Psychology, Chinese Academy of Sciences - Associate Researcher
  • 2005.8-2010.2 - Institute of Psychology, Chinese Academy of Sciences - Assistant Researcher
  • 2005.5-2007.2 - F.C. Donders Centre for Cognitive Neuroimaging, Nijmegen, The Netherlands - Postdoctoral Researcher
  • The modulating effect of musical expertise on lexical-semantic prediction in speech-in-noise comprehension: Evidence from an EEG study., Zheng, Y. Y., Gao P. K., & Li X. Q., 2023
  • The flexibility and representational nature of phonological prediction in listening comprehension: Evidence from the visual world paradigm., Zhao, Z. T., Ding, J. F., Wang, J. Y., Chen, Y. Y., & Li, X. Q., 2023
  • Modulation of working memory capacity on predictive processing during language comprehension., Ding, J. F., Zhang, Y. P., Liang, P. P., & Li, X. Q., 2023
  • How the brain processes emotional meaning of indirect reply: evidence from EEG., Guo, X. Y., Li, X. Q., & Yang, Y. F., 2023
  • The modulating effect of lexical predictability on perceptual learning of degraded speech., Li, Y. M., Fan, C., Liu, C., & Li, X. Q., 2023
  • The Neural Basis of Semantic Prediction in Sentence Comprehension., Shao, X. M., Li, M. Y., Yang, Y. F., Li, X. Q., Han, Z. Z., 2022
  • The impact of musical expertise on anticipatory semantic processing during online speech comprehension: an electroencephalography study., Zheng, Y. Y., Zhao, Z. T., Yang, X. H., Li, X. Q., 2021
  • How Does Dialectal Experience Modulate Anticipatory Speech Processing?, Li, X. Q., Ren, G. Q., Zheng, Y. Y., & Chen, Y. Y., 2020
  • How working memory capacity modulates the time course of semantic integration at sentence and discourse level., Yang, X. H., Zhang, X. P., Zhang, Y., Zhang, Q., & Li, X. Q., 2020
  • Prosodic phrase priming during listening to Chinese ambiguous phrases in different experimental tasks., Li, W. J., Zhang, H., Zheng, Z. L., & Li, X. Q., 2019
  • The cognitive and neural oscillatory mechanisms underlying the facilitating effect of rhythm regularity on speech comprehension., Li, X. Q., Shao, X. M., Xia, J. Y., & Xu, X. Y., 2019
  • Unattended processing of hierarchical pitch variations in spoken sentences., Li, X. Q., & Chen Y. Y., 2018
  • Internal mechanisms underlying anticipatory language processing: Evidence from event-related-potentials and neural oscillations., Li, X. Q., Zhang, Y. P., Xia, J. Y., & Swaab, T. Y., 2017
  • Attention is shaped by semantic level of event-structure during speech comprehension: an electroencephalogram study., Li, X. Q., Zhang, Y. P., Li, L., & Du, X. F., 2017
  • Representation and Processing of Lexical Tone and Tonal Variants: Evidence from the Mismatch Negativity., Li, X. Q., & Chen Y. Y., 2015
  • Two-stage interaction between word order and noun animacy during online thematic processing of sentences in Mandarin Chinese., Li, X. Q., Zhao, H. Y., Zheng Y. Y., & Yang Y. F., 2015
  • How and when predictability interacts with accentuation in temporally selective attention during speech comprehension., Li, X. Q., Lu Y., & Zhao, H. Y., 2014
  • How the speed of working memory updating influences the on-line thematic processing of simple sentences in Mandarin Chinese., Li, X. Q., Zheng Y. Y., Zhao, H .Y., & Xia J. Y., 2014
  • The relation between thematic role computing and semantic relatedness processing during on-line sentence comprehension., Li, X. Q., Zhao, H. Y., & Lu Y., 2014
  • How Long-Term Memory and Accentuation Interact during Spoken Language Comprehension., Li, X. Q., & Yang. Y. F., 2013
  • How and when accentuation influences temporally selective attention and subsequent semantic processing during on-line spoken language comprehension: An ERP study., Li, X. Q., & Ren, G. Q., 2012
  • How accentuation influences semantic short-term memory representations during on-line speech processing: an ERP Study., Li, X. Q., & Lu, Y., 2011
  • Immediate integration of different types of prosodic information during on-line spoken language comprehension: An ERP Study., Li, X. Q., Chen, Y.Y., & Yang, Y. F., 2011
  • How and when prosodic boundaries influence syntactic parsing under different discourse contexts: An ERP study., Li, X. Q., Yang, Y. F., & Lu, Y., 2010
  • Immediate integration of prosodic information from speech and visual information from pictures., Li, X. Q., Yang, Y. F., & Ren, G., 2009
  • Pitch accent and lexical tone processing in Chinese discourse comprehension: An ERP study., Li, X. Q., Yang, Y. F., & Hagoort, P., 2008
  • Event-related Potential Evidence on the Influence of Accentuation in Spoken Discourse Comprehension in Chinese., Li, X. Q., Hagoort, P., & Yang, Y. F., 2008
  • A review on the cognitive function of information structure during language comprehension., Wang, L., Li, X. Q., & Yang, Y. F., 2014
  • Early cortical processing of linguistic pitch patterns as revealed by the mismatch negativity., Ren, G., Yang, Y. F., Li, X. Q., 2009
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