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Yuan Zhou
Psychology CAS
Chinese Academy of Sciences
Language: Chinese, English
Brain Imaging Mental Disorders Social Cognition Neural Basis Resting-State Networks Psychological Mechanisms Biological Basis Social Decision-Making Cognitive Impairment Functional Connectivity
Areas of Focus
  • Brain functional imaging in mental disorders, focusing on the neural basis of social cognitive impairment and characteristics of resting-state brain functional networks
  • Psychological mechanisms and biological basis behind social decision-making behavior
Work Experience
  • 2019-08 to present: Researcher, Key Laboratory of Behavioral Science, Institute of Psychology, Chinese Academy of Sciences
  • 2017-01 to 2019-07: Young Distinguished Researcher, Key Laboratory of Behavioral Science, Institute of Psychology, Chinese Academy of Sciences
  • 2015-12 to 2016-12: Visiting Scholar, Wellcome Trust Centre for Neuroimaging, University College London
  • 2015-10 to present: Faculty, Sino-Danish College (later transferred to Department of Psychology), University of Chinese Academy of Sciences
  • 2011-03 to 2019-08: Associate Researcher, Key Laboratory of Behavioral Science, Institute of Psychology, Chinese Academy of Sciences
  • 2009-10 to 2011-03: Assistant Researcher, Key Laboratory of Behavioral Science, Institute of Psychology, Chinese Academy of Sciences
  • 2007-07 to 2009-10: Postdoctoral Researcher, Institute of Psychology, Chinese Academy of Sciences
Academic Background & Achievements
  • 2004-09 to 2007-07: PhD in Pattern Recognition and Intelligent Systems, Institute of Automation, Chinese Academy of Sciences
  • 2001-09 to 2004-07: Master's in Psychiatry and Mental Health, Wuhan University
  • 1996-09 to 2001-07: Bachelor's in Clinical Medicine, Wuhan University
  • The perception-behavior dissociation in the ultimatum game in unmedicated patients with major depressive disorders, Jin, Y., Gao, Q., Wang, Y., Xiao, L., Wu, M. S., & Zhou, Y., 2022
  • Resting-state functional connectivity of the amygdala subregions in unmedicated patients with obsessive-compulsive disorder before and after cognitive-behavioural therapy, Gao, J., Yang, X., Chen, X., Liu, R., Wang, P., Meng, F., . . . Zhou, Y*., 2021
  • Anhedonia correlates with functional connectivity of the nucleus accumbens subregions in patients with major depressive disorder, Liu, R., Wang, Y., Chen, X., Zhang, Z., Xiao, L., & Zhou, Y*., 2021
  • Functional connectivity of amygdala subregions predicts vulnerability to depression following the covid-19 pandemic, Zhang, S., Cui, J., Zhang, Z., Wang, Y., Liu, R., Chen, X., . . . Zhou, Y.* &Wang, G*., 2021
  • Increased alff and functional connectivity of the right striatum in bipolar disorder patients, Zhang, Z., Bo, Q., Li, F., Zhao, L., Wang, Y., Liu, R., . . . Wang, G.*, Zhou, Y.*, 2021
  • Effects of escitalopram therapy on resting-state functional connectivity of subsystems of the default mode network in unmedicated patients with major depressive disorder, Cui, J., Wang, Y., Liu, R., Chen, X., Zhang, Z., Feng, Y., . . . Zhou, Y.* , &Wang, G., 2021
  • Victim sensitivity and its neural correlates among patients with major depressive disorder, Wang, X., Cui, S., Wu, M. S., Wang, Y., Gao, Q., & Zhou, Y.*, 2020
  • Organized resting-state functional dysconnectivity of the prefrontal cortex in patients with schizophrenia, He, Y., Wu, S., Chen, C., Fan, L., Li, K., Wang, G., . . . Zhou, Y.*, 2020
  • Genetic contribution to the phenotypic correlation between trait impulsivity and resting-state functional connectivity of the amygdala and its subregions, Zheng, D., Chen, J., Wang, X., Zhou, Y. *, 2019
  • Born for fairness: evidence of genetic contribution to a neural basis of fairness intuition, Wang, Y., Zheng, D., Chen, J., Rao, L.L., Li, S., Zhou, Y.*, 2019
  • The Hierarchical Organization of the Default, Dorsal Attention and Salience Networks in Adolescents and Young Adults, Zhou, Y. *, Friston, K. J., Zeidman, P., Chen, J., Li, S., & Razi, A*., 2018
  • Altered intrinsic and extrinsic connectivity in schizophrenia, Zhou, Y. 1,*, Zeidman, P., Wu, S., Razi, A., Chen, C., Yang, L., . . . Friston, K. J., 2018
  • Working Memory Modulation of Frontoparietal Network Connectivity in First-Episode Schizophrenia, Nielsen, J.D., Madsen, K.H., Wang, Z., Liu, Z.N., Friston, K.J., Zhou, Y*., 2017
  • Theory of mind deficits partly mediate impaired social decision-making in schizophrenia, Yang, L., Li, P., Mao, H., Wang, H., Shu, C., Bliksted, V., & Zhou, Y*., 2017
  • Task Performance Modulates Functional Connectivity Involving the Dorsolateral Prefrontal Cortex in Patients with Schizophrenia, Wu, S., Wang, H., Chen, C., Zou, J., Huang, H., Li, P., Zhao, Y., Xu, Q., Zhang, L., Wang, H., Pandit, S., Dahal, S., Chen, J., Zhou, Y*., Jiang, T., Wang, G., 2017
  • Genetic Effects on Fine-Grained Human Cortical Regionalization, Cui, Y. 1, Liu, B. 1, Zhou, Y.1, Fan, L., Li, J., Zhang, Y., ...Li, S., & Jiang, T., 2016
  • Abnormal Degree Centrality of Bilateral Putamen and Left Superior Frontal Gyrus in Schizophrenia with Auditory Hallucinations: A Resting state Functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging Study, Chen, C., Wang, H.L., Wu, S.H., Huang, H., Zou, J.L., Chen, J., Jiang, T.Z., Zhou, Y.*, & Wang, G.H.*, 2015
  • Game theory paradigm: a new tool for investigating social dysfunction in major depressive disorders, Wang, Y., Yang, L.Q., Li, S., & Zhou, Y*., 2015
  • Prefrontal cortex and the dysconnectivity hypothesis of schizophrenia, Zhou, Y., Fan, L.Z., Qiu, C.X., & Jiang, T., 2015
  • Hyper-coupling between working memory task-evoked activations and amplitude of spontaneous fluctuations in first-episode schizophrenia, Zhou, Y., Wang, Z., Zuo, X.N., Zhang, H., Wang, Y., Jiang, T., & Liu, Z., 2014
  • Money talks: neural substrate of modulation of fairness by monetary incentives, Zhou, Y., Wang, Y., Rao, L.L., Yang, L.Q. & Li S., 2014
  • Disrupted resting-state functional architecture of the brain after 45-day simulated microgravity, Zhou Y., Wang Y., Rao L.L., Liang Z.Y., Chen X.P., Zheng D., Tan C., Tian Z.Q., Wang C.H., Bai Y.Q., Chen S.G., & Li S., 2014
  • The neural correlates of risk propensity in males and females using resting-state fMRI, Zhou, Y., Li, S., Dunn, J., Li, H., Qin, W., Zhu, M., Rao, L.L., Song, M., Yu, C., & Jiang, T., 2014
  • Impaired social decision making in patients with major depressive disorder, Wang, Y., Zhou, Y*., Li, S., Wang, P., Wu, G.W., & Liu, Z.N., 2014
  • Probing the Neural Basis of Superstition, Rao, L.L., Zheng, Y., Zhou, Y.*, & Li, S*., 2014
  • Brainnetome-wide association studies in schizophrenia: The advances and future, Jiang, T., Zhou, Y., Liu, B., Liu, Y., & Song, M., 2013
  • Schizophrenic patients and their unaffected siblings share increased resting-state connectivity in the task-negative network but not its anticorrelated task-positive network, Liu, H. 1, Kaneko, Y. 1, Ouyang, X., Li, L., Hao, Y., Chen, E.Y., Jiang, T., Zhou, Y1., & Liu, Z., 2012
  • Is payoff necessarily weighted by probability when making a risky choice? Evidence from functional connectivity analysis, Rao, L.L., Li, S., Jiang, T., & Zhou, Y.*, 2012
  • Are risky choices actually guided by a compensatory process? New insights from FMRI, Rao, L.L. 1, Zhou, Y. 1, Xu, L., Liang, Z.Y., Jiang, T., & Li, S., 2011
  • Functional segregation of the human cingulate cortex is confirmed by functional connectivity based neuroanatomical parcellation, Yu, C. 1, Zhou, Y. 1, Liu, Y. 1, Jiang, T., Dong, H., Zhang, Y., & Walter, M., 2011
  • Reduced cortical folding in mental retardation, Zhang, Y. 1, Zhou, Y. 1, Yu, C. 1, Lin, L., Li, C., & Jiang, T., 2010
  • Spontaneous brain activity observed with functional magnetic resonance imaging as a potential biomarker in neuropsychiatric disorders, Zhou, Y., Wang, K., Liu, Y., Song, M., Song, S.W., & Jiang, T., 2010
  • Increased neural resources recruitment in the intrinsic organization in major depression, Zhou, Y., Yu, C., Zheng, H., Liu, Y., Song, M., Qin, W., Li, K., & Jiang, T., 2010
  • Decreased gyrification in major depressive disorder, Zhang, Y. 1, Yu, C. 1, Zhou, Y. 1, Li, K., Li, C., & Jiang, T., 2009
  • Altered resting-state functional connectivity and anatomical connectivity of hippocampus in schizophrenia, Zhou, Y., Shu, N., Liu, Y., Song, M., Hao, Y., Liu, H., Yu, C., Liu, Z., & Jiang, T., 2008
  • Functional dysconnectivity of the dorsolateral prefrontal cortex in first-episode schizophrenia using resting-state fMRI, Zhou, Y., Liang, M., Jiang, T., Tian, L., Liu, Y., Liu, Z., Liu, H., & Kuang, F., 2007
  • Functional disintegration in paranoid schizophrenia using resting-state fMRI, Zhou, Y., Liang, M., Tian, L., Wang, K., Hao, Y., Liu, H., Liu, Z., & Jiang, T., 2007
  • 世纪科学之问“合作+行为是如何进化的”——中国学者的回应, 王赟,魏子晗,沈丝楚,吴斌,蔡晓红,郭慧芳,周媛(*),李纾(*), 2016
  • 公平的神经基础, 王赟,吴斌,李纾,周媛(*), 2015
  • 2008: Young Traveler Award at the 14th Annual Meeting of the Organization for Human Brain Mapping
  • 2012: Member of the Youth Innovation Promotion Association, Chinese Academy of Sciences
  • 2012: Selected for the Beijing Science and Technology New Star Program
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