Areas of Focus
- Developmental Psychopathology
- Behavioral Genetics
- Abnormal Psychology
- Not all risks are created equal: a twin study and meta-analyses of risk taking across seven domains., Wang, X. T., Zheng, R., Xuan, Y. H., Chen, J., & Li, S., 2016
- Decreased intra- and inter-salience network functional connectivity is related to trait anxiety in adolescents., Geng, H., Li, X., Chen, J., Li, X., & Gu, R., 2016
- Investigating Unique Environmental Influences of Parenting Practices on Youth Anxiety: A Monozygotic Twin Differences Study., Chen, J.*, Yu, J., & Zhang, J., 2016
- The BDNF Val66Met Polymorphism Interacts with Maternal Parenting Influencing Adolescent Depressive Symptoms: Evidence of Differential Susceptibility Model., Zhang, L., Li, Z., Chen, J.*, Li, X., Zhang, J., & Belsky, J., 2016
- Sex Differences in Genetic and Environmental Influences on Adolescent Depressive Symptoms: A Meta-Analytic Review., Chen, J.*, Yu, J., 2015
- BDNF Val66Met, stress, and positive mothering: Differential susceptibility model of adolescent trait anxiety., Chen, J.*, Yu, J., Liu, Y., Zhang, L., & Zhang, J., 2015
- Moderation of harsh parenting on genetic and environmental contributions to child and adolescent deviant peer affiliation: A longitudinal twin study., Li, M, Chen, J.*., Li, X. & Deater-Deckard, K., 2015
- The influences of pubertal timing and stressful life events on depression and delinquency., Chen, J.*, Yu, J., Wu, Y., & Zhang, J., 2015
- Investigating genetic and environmental contributions to adolescent externalizing behavior in a collectivistic culture: A multi-informant twin study., Chen, J.*, Yu, J., Zhang, J., Li, X., McGue, M., 2015
- Genetic and environmental contributions to anxiety among Chinese children and adolescents-A multi-informant twin study., Chen, J.*, Yu, J., Li, X. & Zhang, J., 2015
- Genetic and environmental influences on depressive symptoms in Chinese adolescents., Chen, J., Li, X., Natsuaki, M.N., Leve, L.D., Harold, G.T., 2014
- Genetic and environmental etiologies of adolescent dysfunctional attitudes: A twin study., Chen, J., & Li, X., 2014
- A Twin study of problematic internet use: Its heritability and genetic association with effortful control., Li, M, Chen, J.*., Li, N. & Li, X., 2014
- Etiological heterogeneity of symptom dimensions of adolescent depression., Chen, J.*, Yu, J., Zhang L., Li, X. & Zhang, J., 2014
- The Beijing Twin Study (BeTwiSt): A longitudinal study of child and adolescent development., Chen, J., Li, X., Zhang, J., Natsuaki, M.N., Leve, L.D., Harold, G.T., Chen, Z., Yang, X., Guo, F., & Zhang, J., 2013
- The interaction effect of the BDNF Val66Met polymorphism and stressful life events on adolescent depression is not an artifact of gene-environment correlation: evidence from a longitudinal twin study., Chen, J., Li, X., & McGue, M., 2013
- Genetic and environmental influences on adolescent rumination and its association with depressive symptoms., Chen, J., Li, X., 2013
- Interacting effect of BDNF Val66Met polymorphism and stressful life events on adolescent depression., Chen, J., Li, X., & McGue, M., 2012
- Optimization of zygosity determination by questionnaire and DNA genotyping in Chinese adolescent twins., Chen, J., Li, X., Chen, Z., Yang, X., Zhang, J. Duan, Q., & Ge, X., 2010