Areas of Focus
- Lifespan Development and Mental Health
- Assessment and Promotion of Mental Health
- Mechanisms and Applications of Example-Based Learning
- Executive Function, Working Memory, and Related Cognitive Neuroscience Mechanisms
Work Experience
- 2007-2009 - Georgia Institute of Technology - Postdoctoral Research
- 2024.4-present - Lifespan Development and Mental Health - Associate Editor
- 2022.2-present - Chinese Psychological Society, Gerontological Psychology Committee - Deputy Director
- 2022.1-present - Chinese Society for the Promotion of Health Science and Technology, Mental Health Committee - Member
- 2015.8-present - Chinese Journal of Mental Health - Editorial Board Member
Academic Background & Achievements
- 2005 - PhD in Science: Institute of Psychology, Chinese Academy of Sciences
- 2006 - Award: Excellent Doctoral Dissertation Award, Chinese Academy of Sciences
- Are memory updating tasks valid working memory measures? A meta-analysis., Wang, C., Wang, J., Zeng, X., Yu, X., & Chen T., 2023
- The longitudinal dyadic associations between social participation and cognitive function in older Chinese couples., Hou, J., Chen, T., & Yu, X., 2024
- 多子是否多福?——子女数量对中国老年人抑郁情绪的影响., 张亚蕊, 陈天勇, 韩布新, 2024
- Learning mathematics from examples and by doing: Enhancing learning engagement and self-efficacy., Zhang, Y., Li, Y., Chu, Z., Pu, J., Zhang, L., & Chen, T., 2023
- Physical activity, physical frailty and depressive symptoms among Chinese male and female older adults: Do different indicators make a difference?, Wang, Y., Wang, X., Zhu, X., Sun, Y., Han, B., Chen, T., 2023
- Perceived control, control strategies, and subjective well-being in the elderly: A longitudinal study of health behavior., Wang, Y.Y. & Chen, T., 2023
- Effectiveness of solution-focused group counseling on depression and cognition among older adults., Wang, C.X., Wang, C.Y., Wang, J., Yu, X., Tang, Y., Liu, Z., & Chen, T., 2023
- 老年认知健康促进的新途径:生活方式干预., 孙雅雯, 王颖, 陈天勇, 韩布新, 2023
- 脑损伤康复期患者及配偶的共同二元应对与婚姻满意度和生活质量的关系:基于共同命运模型的分析., 付文娟, 侯剑华, 于肖楠, 陈天勇, 2023
- 自控力在正念经验与睡眠障碍间的中介效应., 陈小娇, 李怡坤, 王金凤, 蒋莉, 于菲菲, 许静, 陈天勇, 赵媚, 2023
- 青少年考试焦虑干预的Meta分析., 曾轩, 王金凤, 陈天勇, 2023
- Intergenerational support and depressive symptoms in old age: The difference between urban and rural China., Wang, C.X., Liu, Z., Chen, T., Wang, J., Zhang, X., & Han, B., 2022
- The association between social support and mental health in the elderly with hypertension., Wang, C., Sun, Y., Chen, T., & Han, B., 2022
- 汉语发展性阅读困难儿童的综合干预., 张赛, 高雪飞, 廖可人, 李纹, 陈天勇, 2022
- 老年2型糖尿病患者生活方式与认知功能的关系., 王凤姣, 孙雅雯, 王淑萍, 陈天勇, 2022
- 职业压力源量表的编制及信效度检验., 王君, 陈天勇, 2022
- 体育锻炼对物质成瘾人员干预效果综述., 黄菊, 王金凤, 陈卓生, 陈天勇, 2021
- 睡眠时长和睡眠质量与卒中后抑郁状态的关系研究., 王雪, 余苹, 陈天勇, 2021
- 初中生大五人格与手游成瘾的关系:学校联结的中介作用., 李华, 陈天勇, 2021
- Can working memory capacity be expanded by boosting working memory updating efficiency in older adults?, Du, X., Ji, Y., Chen, T., Tang, Y., & Han, B., 2018
- Plasticity in older adults’ theory of mind performance: the impact of motivation., Zhang, X., Lecce, S., Ceccato, I., Cavallini, E., Zhang, L., & Chen, T., 2018
- Plasticity of inhibitory processes and associated far-transfer effects in older adults., Ji, Y., Wang, J., Chen, T., Du, X., & Zhan, Y., 2016
- The roles of different sources of social support on emotional well-being among Chinese elderly., Li, H., Ji, Y., & Chen, T., 2014
- Does co-residence with adult children associate with better psychological well-being among the oldest old in China?, Wang, J., Chen, T., & Han, B., 2014
- 促进老年人认知健康的主要途径., 李旭, 杜新, 陈天勇, 2014
- 抑制控制与高级认知功能., 王君, 陈天勇, 2012
- 老年人日常认知研究评述., 李旭, 陈天勇, 2011
- 老年执行功能的认知可塑性和神经可塑性., 杜新, 陈天勇, 2010
- 老年社会功能与主观幸福感., 李海峰, 陈天勇, 2009
- The roles of working memory updating and processing speed in mediating age-related differences in fluid intelligence., Chen, T., & Li, D., 2007
- 抑制和加工速度与液态智力的年老化., 陈天勇, 李德明, 2006
- 认知年老化和老年心理健康., 李德明, 陈天勇, 2006
- 执行功能可分离性及与年龄关系的潜变量分析., 陈天勇, 李德明, 2005
- 认知年老化与执行衰退假说., 陈天勇, 韩布新, 罗跃嘉, 李德明, 2004
- 空巢老人心理健康状况研究., 李德明, 陈天勇, 李贵芸, 2003
- 工作记忆中央执行功能的特异性和可分离性., 陈天勇, 韩布新, 王金凤, 2002
- 2023 - Chinese Medical Science Award, First Prize
- 2015 - Military Science and Technology Progress Award, Second Prize
- 2007 - National Excellent Doctoral Dissertation Nomination Award
- 2006 - Excellent Doctoral Dissertation Award, Chinese Academy of Sciences