Areas of Focus
- Psychoneurological mechanisms of therapeutic metaphor intervention on negative emotions and beliefs
- Psychoneurological mechanisms of placebo effects
Work Experience
- 2013.3—Present - Chinese Academy of Sciences, Institute of Psychology - Associate Researcher in Cognitive Neuroscience
- 2009.6—2013.3 - Chinese Academy of Sciences, Institute of Psychology - Assistant Researcher in Cognitive Neuroscience
- 1998.7—2006.8 - Hebei Normal University - Lecturer in Psychology
Academic Background & Achievements
- 2006.9—2009.6 Doctorate: Institute of Psychology, Chinese Academy of Sciences
- 1995.9—1998.6 Master's: Hebei Normal University, Psychology
- 1991.9—1995.6 Bachelor's: Hebei Normal University, Psychology
- Placebo Effect on Modulating Empathic Pain: Reduced Activation in Posterior Insula, Zhao Y, Liu R, Zhang J, Luo J & Zhang W., 2020
- Hippocampus and amygdala: An insight-related network involved in metaphorical solution to mental distress problem, Yu, F., Zhang, J., Fan, J., Luo, J., & Zhang, W., 2019
- The Brief Intervention Effect of Metaphorical Cognitive Restructuring on Alleviating Mental Distress: A Randomised Controlled Experiment, Hu, J., Zhang, W., Zhang, J., Yu, F., & Zhang, X., 2018
- Altered Gray Matter Volume and Its Correlation With PTSD Severity in Chinese Earthquake Survivors, Zhang XY, Zhang JX, Wang L and Zhang WC., 2018
- Altered resting-state functional connectivity of the amygdala in Chinese earthquake survivors, Zhang XY, Zhang JX, Wang L, RuiLi, Zhang WC*., 2015
- A transferable anxiolytic placebo effect from noise to negative effect, Zhao YL、Zhang JX, Yuan LZ, Luo J, Guo JY, Zhang WC*., 2015
- Insights triggered by textual micro-counseling dialogues of restructuring orientation in experts and students, Yu F, Zhang WC *, Zhang ZJ、Zhang JX、Luo J., 2015
- Deficits of cognitive restructuring in major depressive disorder: measured by textual microcounseling dialogues, Jiang NZ, Yu F, Zhang WC*, Zhang JX*., 2016
- Superior emotional regulating effects of creative cognitive reappraisal, Wu XF, Guo TT, Tan TT, Zhang WC, Qin SZ, Fan J & Luo J., 2019
- 基于负性情绪安慰剂效应对“信则灵”的实证阐明, 张文彩, 2018
- A follow-up fMRI study of placebo anxiolytic effect produced through a transferable way, Zhang WC, Qin SZ, Guo JY & Luo J., 2011
- Neural mechanism of placebo effects and cognitive reappraisal in emotion regulation, Zhang WC, Guo JY, Zhang JX & Luo J., 2013
- Integrative Effects of Cognitive Reappraisal on Negative affect: Associated Changes in Secretory Immunoglobulin A, Unpleasantness, and ERP activities, Zhang WC, Li F, Qin SZ & Luo J., 2012
- Neural Bases of Reappraisal Regulatory Effect on Negative Emotion in High Reappraisers, Zhang WC, Luo J., 2012
- The effects of operational and emotional mental stress on the cardiovascular response, Zhang WC, Wang JB & He H., 2012
- The transferable placebo effect from pain to emotion: changes in behavior and EEG activity, Zhang WC, Luo J., 2009
- Placebo analgesia affects the behavioral despair tests and hormonal secretions in mice, Guo JY, Yuan XY, Sui F, Zhang WC, Wang JY, Luo F, Luo J., 2011
- Can sophie's choice be adequately captured by cold computation of minimizing losses? An fMRI study of vital loss decisions, Li Q, Qin SZ, Rao LL, Zhang WC, Ying XP, Guo XY, Guo CY, Ding JH, Li S, Luo J., 2011
- The opioid placebo analgesia is mediated exclusively through μ-opioid receptor in rat, Zhang RR, Zhang WC, Wang JY, Guo JY., 2012
- 安慰剂效应研究实验设计的历史和发展, 张文彩 袁立壮 陆运青 罗劲, 2011
- 不同心理刺激诱发的交感和负交感神经活动比较, 张文彩 阎克乐 陆运青等, 2007
- 放松训练对心率、T波幅度、心算成绩的影响研究, 张文彩 吕新湖 阎克乐等, 2005
- 心理行为干预对心血管活动的影响, 张文彩 阎克乐 王建斌, 2003
- 腹式呼吸对心算应激反应的影响, 张文彩 王海民 阎克乐, 2003
- 腹式呼吸及渐进性放松条件下的胃电变化, 吴彦敏 张文彩 阎克乐等, 2009
- 心率变异性在心身健康和情绪障碍研究中的应用, 阎克乐 张文彩 张月娟等, 2006
- 恐惧与愉快情绪对健康志愿者心功能的影响, 赵玮 张文彩 吕新湖等, 2003
- 电针影响脑电和睡眠及心境的研究, 阎克乐 袁立壮 张文彩, 2004
- 腹式呼吸和人格对心率变异性(时域)的影响, 王海民 阎克乐 张文彩, 2003
- 心理神经免疫学, 阎克乐 张月娟 张文彩, 1997