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Xigeng Zheng
Psychology CAS
Chinese Academy of Sciences
Language: Chinese, English
Stress Mental Disorders Behavior Brain Mechanisms Psychology Neuroscience Research Disorders Mental Health Biopsychology
Areas of Focus
  • Research on the behavior and brain mechanisms of stress-related mental disorders
Work Experience
  • Current - Chinese Academy of Sciences, Institute of Psychology - Associate Researcher
  • Prefrontal tetanic stimulation prevents sub-conditioning procedure-provoked, but not acute stress-provoked, reemergence of extinguished fear, Xigeng Zheng, Olivier Deschaux, Jennifer Lavigne, Ophélie Nachon, Carine Cleren, Jean-Luc Moreau, René Garcia, 2013
  • Post-extinction fluoxetine treatment prevents both sub-conditioning procedure-provoked and acute stress-provoked reemergence of extinguished fear, Olivier Deschaux, Xigeng Zheng, Jennifer Lavigne, Ophélie Nachon, Carine Cleren, Jean-Luc Moreau, René Garcia, 2013
  • Corticosterone combined with intramedial prefrontal cortex infusion of SCH 23390 impairs the strong fear response in high-fear-reactivity rats, Xian-Li An, Xi-Geng Zheng, Jing Liang, Yun-Jing Bai, 2012
  • Differential patterns of Neuronal Activation in Rostral versus Caudal Ventral Tegmental Area Involved in Behavioral Sensitization Induced by an Escalating Dose Morphine Administration Paradigm, Bai Yunjing, Peng Yonghua, Liang Jing, Zheng Xigeng, 2012
  • Altered phosphorylation of GluA1 in the striatum is associated with locomotor sensitization induced by exposure to increasing doses of morphine, Ding, X., Liang, J., Zheng, X., Bai, Y. Liu, Z., Li, Y., Xing, X., 2013
  • Roles of BDNF, dopamine D3 receptors, and their interactions in the expression of morphine-induced context-specific locomotor sensitization, Jing Liang, Xigeng Zheng, Jihuan Chen, Yingying Li, Xiaoli Xing, Yunjing Bai, Yingcong Li, 2011
  • Gene expression of conditioned locomotion and context-specific locomotor sensitization controlled by morphine-associated environment, Jing Liang, Ji-Huan Chen, Xiao-Hong Chen, Yong-Hua Peng, Xi-Geng Zheng, 2011
  • Coexistence of Anhedonia and Anxiety-independent Increased Novelty-seeking Behavior in the Chronic Mild Stress Model of Depression, Youhong Li, Xigeng Zheng, Jing Liang, Yonghua Peng, 2010
  • The expression of morphine-induced behavioral sensitization depends more on treatment regimen and environmental novelty than on conditioned drug effects, LIANG Jing, PENG YongHua, GE XiaoXiang, ZHENG XiGeng, 2010
  • Orexin A attenuates unconditioned sexual motivation in male rats, Bai, Y. J., Li, Y. H., Zheng, X. G., Han, J., Yang, X. Y., Sui, N., 2009
  • Opposite Effects of MK-801 on The Expression of Food and Morphine -induced Conditioned Place Preference in Rats, Li Yonghui, Zheng Xigeng, Bai Yunjing, Yang Xiaoyan, Sui Nan, 2006
  • Stress Enables Synaptic Depression in CA1 Synapses by Acute and Chronic Morphine: Possible Mechanisms for Corticosterone on Opiate Addiction, Ya Yang, Xigeng Zheng, Yongfu Wang, Jun Cao, Zhifang Dong, Jingxia Cai, Nan Sui, Lin Xu, 2004
  • Social crowding sensitizes high-responding rats to psychomotor stimulant effects of morphine, Zheng Xigeng, Li Yonghui, Luo Xiaojing, Xiao Lin, Wang Dongmei, Liu Jie, Yang Xiaoyan, Sui Nan, 2004
  • Novelty-seeking behavior and stress-induced locomotion in rats of juvenile period differentially related to morphine place conditioning in their adulthood, X. G. Zheng, B. P. Tan, X. J. Luo, W. Xu, X. Y. Yang, N. Sui, 2004
  • Susceptibility to Morphine Place Conditioning: relationship with stress-induced locomotion and novelty-seeking behavior in juvenile and adult rats, Zheng Xigeng, Ke Xue, Tan Beiping, Luo Xiaojing, Xu Wei, Yang Xiaoyan, Sui Nan, 2003
  • Effects of scopolamine and physostigmine on acquisition of morphine-treated rats in Morris water maze performance, ZHENG Xi-Geng, LI Xin-Wang, YANG Xiao-Yan, SUI Nan, 2002
  • Effects of repeated morphine exposure on open-field activity and novelty seeking behavior in a playground maze, Tan Beiping, Zheng Xigeng, Sui Nan, 2003
  • Post-training infusions of dopamine receptor antagonist into the basolateral amygdala prevent morphine-induce conditioned place preference, Wang DM, Li J, Li YH, Zheng XG, Yang XY, SUI N, 2006
  • 2005: Nomination for National Excellent Doctoral Dissertation Award for 'Research on Behavioral Characteristics and Brain Gene Expression of Rat Addiction Susceptibility'
  • 2005: Second Prize in the Eighth Beijing Association for Science and Technology Youth Excellent Science and Technology Paper Selection for 'Regulation of Individual Differences in the Psychostimulant Effects of Morphine under Social Crowding Conditions'
  • 2005: Youth Excellent Paper Award at the 2004-2005 Beijing Neuroscience Society Annual Meeting for 'Susceptibility to Morphine: High vs. Low responders Model'
  • 2004: First Excellent Doctoral Dissertation Award of the Chinese Academy of Sciences for 'Research on Behavioral Characteristics and Brain Gene Expression of Rat Addiction Susceptibility'
  • 2003: First Prize of the Director's Award of the Institute of Psychology, Chinese Academy of Sciences
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