Areas of Focus
- Neural mechanisms of perceptual learning
- Psychophysical mechanisms and recovery of amblyopia
Work Experience
- 2012.7-present - Institute of Psychology, Chinese Academy of Sciences - Assistant Researcher
- 2009.7-2012.6 - Institute of Psychology, Chinese Academy of Sciences - Postdoctoral Researcher
Academic Background & Achievements
- 2006.9-2009.6 Ph.D. in Cognitive Neuroscience: Beijing Normal University
- 2003.9-2006.7 Master's in Psychology and Behavior: Tianjin Normal University
- 1999.9-2003.7 Bachelor's in Accounting: Tianjin University of Finance and Economics
- Universality of categorical perception deficit in developmental dyslexia: an investigation of Mandarin Chinese tones, Zhang, Y., Zhang, L., Shu, H., Xi, J., Wu, H., Zhang, Y., & Li, P., 2012
- Electrophysiological Evidence of Categorical Perception of Chinese Lexical Tones in Attentive Condition, Zhang, L., Xi, J.*, Wu, H., Shu, H., & Li, P., 2012
- Cortical Dynamics of Acoustic and Phonological Processing in Speech Perception, Zhang, L.#, Xi, J.#, Xu, G., Shu, H., & Li, P., 2011
- Categorical perception of lexical tones in Chinese revealed by mismatch negativity, Xi, J.#, Zhang, L., Shu, H., Zhang, Y., & Li, P., 2010
- 言语和非言语信号的早期分离-来自ERP研究的证据, 席洁#, 张林军, 张亚静, 舒华, 2010
- 汉语语音范畴性知觉及其发展, 席洁#, 姜薇, 张林军, 舒华, 2009
- ERP—测谎的新途, 席洁#, 吕勇, 2009
- 面部表情自动加工的ERP研究, 吕勇, 席洁, 2006
- 心理词典中范畴化现象相关特征信息的行为检测, 向华东, 吕勇, 席洁, 翁旭初, 2005
- 眼动分析与运动心理学研究, 席洁#, 王巧玲, 阎国立, 2004