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Yong Gu
Neuroscience Chinese academy of sciences
Chinese Academy of Sciences
Language: English, Chinese
Vestibular System Inner Ear Balance Spatial Orientation Neurophysiology Visual Integration Multisensory Decision Making Neural Mechanisms Cognitive Neuroscience
Areas of Focus
  • Function of the Inner Ear Vestibular System
  • Integration Mechanisms of Vestibular and Visual Information
  • Neural Mechanisms of Multimodal Perceptual Decision Making
Work Experience
  • 2002-2011 - Postdoctoral Research: Department of Neurobiology and Anatomy, Washington University in St. Louis
  • 2011-present - Research Group Leader, Institute of Neuroscience, Chinese Academy of Sciences
Academic Background & Achievements
  • 1997 - Bachelor's Degree in Biology: Xiamen University
  • 2002 - PhD in Biophysics: Institute of Biophysics, Chinese Academy of Sciences
  • Achievement: James L. O’leary Prize, Washington University School of Medicine (2007)
  • Achievement: Special Award from the President of the Chinese Academy of Sciences (2002)
  • Decoding effects of psychoactive drugs in a high-dimensional space of eye movements in monkeys., Liu, X., Cheng, Z., Lin, H., Tan, J., Chen, W., Bao, Y., Liu, Y., Zhong, L., Wang, L., Wang, J., Gu, Y., 2023
  • Temporal and spatial properties of vestibular signals for perception of self-motion., Liu, B., Shan, J., Gu, Y., 2023
  • A Model System to Study Multisensory Decision Making., Zeng, Z., Zhang, C., Gu, Y., 2023
  • Visual-Based Spatial Coordinate Dominates Probabilistic Multisensory Inference in Macaque MST-d Disparity Encoding., Zhang J, Huang M, Gu, Y., Chen A, Yu Y., 2022
  • Causal contribution of optic flow signal in Macaque extrastriate visual cortex for roll perception., Li, W., Lu, J., Zhu, Z., Gu, Y., 2022
  • Unveiling Dynamic System Strategies for Multisensory Processing: From Neuronal Fixed-Criterion Integration to Population Bayesian Inference., Zhang, J., Gu, Y., Chen, A., Yu, Y., 2022
  • Cortical Mechanisms of Multisensory Linear Self-motion Perception., Zhou, L., Gu, Y., 2022
  • Temporal synchrony effects of optic flow and vestibular inputs on multisensory heading perception., Zheng, Q., Zhou, L., Gu, Y., 2021
  • Robust vestibular self-motion signals in macaque posterior cingulate region., Liu, B., Tian, Q., Gu, Y., 2021
  • Neural Correlates of Optimal Multisensory Decision Making under Time-Varying Reliabilities with an Invariant Linear Probabilistic Population Code., Hou, H., Zheng, Q., Zhao, Y., Pouget, A., Gu, Y., 2019
  • Complementary congruent and opposite neurons achieve concurrent multisensory integration and segregation., Zhang, W., Wang, H., Chen, A., Gu, Y., Lee, T., Wong, K., Wu, S., 2019
  • Optogenetic fMRI interrogation of brain-wide central vestibular pathways., Leong,A., Gu, Y., Chan, Y., Zheng, H., Dong, C., Chan, R., Wang, X., Liu, Y., Tan, L., Wu, E., 2019
  • Going with the flow: the neural mechanisms underlying illusions of complex-flow motion., Luo, J., He, K., Andolina,I., Li, X., Yin, J., Chen, Z., Gu, Y., Wang, W., 2019
  • Vestibular system and self-motion., Cheng, Z., Gu, Y., 2018
  • Oculomotor performances are associated With motor and non-motor symptoms in Parkinson's Disease., Zhang, Y., Yan, A., Liu, B., Wan, Y., Zhao, Y., Liu, Y., Tan, J., Song, L., Gu, Y., Liu, Z., 2018
  • Probing sensory readout via combined choice correlation measure and microstimulation perturbation., Yu, X., Gu, Y., 2018
  • Vestibular signals in primate cortex for self-motion perception., Gu, Y., 2018
  • Causal evidence of motion signals in macaque middle temporal area weighted-pooled for global heading perception., Yu, X., Hou, H., Spillmann, L., Gu, Y., 2018
  • Distinct spatial coordinate of visual and vestibular heading signals in macaque FEFsem and MSTd., Yang, L., Gu, Y., 2017
  • Dynamic Network Communication in the Human Functional Connectome Predicts Perceptual Variability in Visual Illusion., Wang, Z., Zeljic, K., Jiang, Q., Gu, Y., Wang, W., 2016
  • Distributed representation of curvilinear self-motion in macaque parietal cortex., Cheng, Z., Gu, Y., 2016
  • Representation of illusory and physical rotations in human MST: A cortical site for the pinna illusion., Pan, Y., Wang, L., Wang, Z., Xu, C., Yu, W., Spillmann, L., Gu, Y., Wang, Z., Wang, W., 2016
  • Evidence for a causal contribution of vestibular, but not intraparietal, cortex to heading perception., Chen, A., Gu, Y., Liu, S., DeAngelis, G., Angelaki, D., 2016
  • Multisensory convergence of visual and vestibular heading cues in the pursuit area of the frontal eye field., Gu, Y., Cheng, Z., Yang, L., DeAngelis, G., Angelaki, D., 2015
  • Contribution of correlated noise and selective decoding to choice probability measurements in extrastriate visual cortex., Gu,Y., Angelaki, D., DeAngelis, G., 2014
  • Choice-related activity and correlated noise in subcortical vestibular neurons., Liu, S., Gu, Y., DeAngelis, G., Angelaki, D., 2013
  • Causal Links between Dorsal Medial Superior Temporal Area Neurons and Multisensory Heading Perception., Gu, Y., DeAngelis, G., Angelaki, D., 2012
  • Perceptual learning reduces correlated noise in macaque extrastriate visual cortex., Gu, Y., Liu, S., Fetsch, C., Yang, Y., Fok, S., Sunkara, A., DeAngelis, G., Angelaki, D., 2011
  • Visual and vestibular cue integration for heading perception in extrastriate visual cortex., Angelaki, D., Gu, Y., DeAngelis, G., 2011
  • Decoding of MSTd population activity accounts for variations in the precision of heading perception., Gu, Y., Fetsch, C., Adeyemo, B., DeAngelis, G., Angelaki, D., 2010
  • Spatiotemporal properties of vestibular responses in area MSTd., Fetsch, C., Rajguru, S., Karunaratne, A., Gu, Y., Angelaki, D., DeAngelis, G., 2010
  • Multisensory integration: psychophysics, neurophysiology, and computation., Angelaki, D., Gu, Y., DeAngelis, G., 2009
  • Neural correlates of multi-sensory cue integration in macaque area MSTd., Gu, Y., Angelaki, D., DeAngelis, G., 2008
  • Clustering of self-motion selectivity and visual response properties in macaque area MSTd., Chen, A., Gu, Y., Takahashi, K., Angelaki, D., DeAngelis, G., 2008
  • Multimodal coding of three-dimensional rotation and translation in area MSTd: comparison of visual and vestibular selectivity., Takahashi, K., Gu, Y., May, P., Newlands, S., DeAngelis, G., Angelaki, D., 2007
  • A functional link between area MSTd and heading perception based on vestibular signals., Gu, Y., DeAngelis, G., Angelaki, D., 2007
  • Spatial reference frames of visual, vestibular, and multimodal heading signals in the dorsal subdivision of the medial superior temporal area., Fetsch, C., Wang, S., Gu, Y., DeAngelis, G., Angelaki, D., 2007
  • Visual and nonvisual contributions to three-dimensional heading selectivity in the medial superior temporal area., Gu, Y., Watkins, P., Angelaki, D., DeAngelis, G., 2006
  • Visual neurons in the pigeon brain encode the acceleration of stimulus motion., Cao, P., Gu, Y., Wang, S., 2004
  • Stimulus size selectivity and receptive field organization of ectostriatal neurons in the pigeon., Gu, Y., Wang, Y., Zhang, T., Wang, S., 2002
  • Visual responses of neurons in the nucleus of the basal optic root to stationary stimuli in pigeons., Gu, Y., Wang, Y., Zhang, T., Wang, S., 2002
  • Directional responses of basal optic neurons are modulated by the nucleus lentiformis mesencephali in pigeons., Wang, Y., Gu, Y., Wang, S., 2001
  • Visual responses of pretectal neurons to moving patterns within and beyond receptive fields in pigeons., Xiao, Q., Cao, P., Gu, Y., Wang, S., 2001
  • Directional modulation of visual responses of pretectal neurons by accessory optic neurons in pigeons., Gu, Y., Wang, Y., Wang, S., 2001
  • Modulatory effects of the nucleus of the basal optic root on rotundal neurons in pigeons., Wang, Y., Gu, Y., Wang, S., 2000
  • Regional variation in receptive field properties of tectal neurons in pigeons., Gu, Y., Wang, Y., Wang, S., 2000
  • Feature detection of visual neurons in the nucleus of the basal optic root in pigeons., Wang, Y., Gu, Y., Wang, S., 2000
  • James L. O’leary Prize (2007): Washington University School of Medicine
  • Special Award from the President of the Chinese Academy of Sciences (2002)
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