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Li Xue
Neuroscience Chinese academy of sciences
Chinese Academy of Sciences
Language: English, Chinese
Electrophysiology Imaging Neural Networks Neuroscience Brain Neural Electrodes Peripheral Nerves Prosthetics Brain-Machine Interface Neuroengineering
Areas of Focus
  • Combination of Electrophysiology and Imaging Technologies
  • Design and Development of Peripheral Nerve Electrodes
  • Development of Closed-loop Self-driven Brain-machine Interfaces
Work Experience
  • 2020 - Present - Research Group Leader at the Center for Excellence in Brain Science and Intelligence Technology, Chinese Academy of Sciences
Academic Background & Achievements
  • 2013 - Bachelor's degree in Biomedical Engineering: Huazhong University of Science and Technology
  • 2013-2016 - Master's degree in Biomedical Engineering: National Optoelectronics Center, Huazhong University of Science and Technology
  • 2016-2020 - Master's and Doctoral degrees in Biomedical Engineering: University of Texas at Austin and Rice University
  • Clustering with Fast, Automated and Reproducible assessment applied to longitudinal neural tracking, Zhu, H.*, Li, X.*, Sun, L., He, F., Zhao, Z., Luan, L., Tran, N.M. and Xie, C., 2020
  • Parallel, minimally-invasive implantation of ultra-flexible neural electrode arrays, Zhao, Z., Li, X., He, F., Wei, X., Lin, S. and Xie, C., 2019
  • Multimodal mapping of neural activity and cerebral blood flow reveals long-lasting neurovascular dissociations after small-scale strokes, He, F., Sullender, C.T., Zhu, H., Williamson, M.R., Li, X., Zhao, Z., Jones, T.A., Xie, C., Dunn, A.K. and Luan, L., 2020
  • Nanofabricated Ultraflexible Electrode Arrays for High‐Density Intracortical Recording, Wei, X., Luan, L., Zhao, Z., Li, X., Zhu, H., Potnis, O. and Xie, C., 2018
  • Nanoelectronics enabled chronic multimodal neural platform in a mouse ischemic model, Luan, L., Sullender, C.T., Li, X., Zhao, Z., Zhu, H., Wei, X., Xie, C. and Dunn, A.K., 2018
  • Nanoelectronic coating enabled versatile multifunctional neural probes, Zhao, Z., Luan, L., Wei, X., Zhu, H., Li, X., Lin, S., Siegel, J.J., Chitwood, R.A. and Xie, C., 2017
  • Bridging large-scale neural recordings and nearly cortex-wide optical acquisitions, Li, X., Zhao, Z., Zhu, H., He, F., Luan, L., and Xie, C., 2020
  • Optimization of nerve regeneration through a flexible mesh electrode for a peripheral neural interface, Austin, V.*, Li, X.*, Luan, L., Xie, C. and Baker, A., 2020
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