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Ai-Dong Han
Life Science
Xiamen University
Language: English, Chinese
Molecular Mechanisms Transmembrane Signal Transduction Intracellular Trafficking Protein Acetylation N-Terminal Acetyltransferases Histone Acetyltransferases Histone Deacetylases Tau Phosphorylation Two-Component System
Areas of Focus
  • Structural Biology
  • Signal Transduction
  • Intracellular Trafficking
  • Protein Post-Translational Modification
  • Microbe-Host Interactions
Work Experience
  • 1999-2007 - University of Colorado at Boulder - Postdoctoral Fellow/Visiting Scholar
  • 2006-2008 - University of Southern California - Senior Research Associate
  • 2008-Present - Xiamen University - Professor
Academic Background & Achievements
  • 1989 - B.S. in Botany: Nanjing University
  • 1995 - M.S. in Genetics: Sun Yat-Sen University
  • 1999 - Ph.D. in Microbiology: Institute of Microbiology, Chinese Academy of Sciences
  • Atypical Legionella GTPase effector hijacks host vesicular transport factor p115 to regulate host lipid droplet, Chen, TT, Lin, Y, Zhang, S, Liu, S, Song, L, Zhong, W, Luo, ZQ and Han, A, 2022
  • The W-Acidic Motif of Histidine Kinase WalK Is Required for Signaling and Transcriptional Regulation in Streptococcus mutans, Kong, L, Su, M, Sang, J, Huang, S, Wang, M, Cai, Y, Xie, M, Wu, J, Wang, S, Foster, SJ, Zhang, J, and Han, A, 2022
  • Demonstration of the role of cell wall homeostasis in Staphylococcus aureus growth and the action of bactericidal antibiotics, Salamaga, B, Kong, L, Pasquina-Lemonche, L, Lafage, L, Muhlen, M, Gibson, J, Grybchuk, D, Tooke, A, Panchal, V, Culp, E, Tatham, E, O'Kane, M, Catley, T, Renshaw, S, Wright, G, Plevka, P, Bullough, P, Han, A*, Hobbs, J* and Foster, S*, 2021
  • Biphasic regulation of transcriptional surge generated by the gene feedback loop in a two-component system, Liu, W, Li, X, Qi, H, Wu, Y, Qu, J, Yin, Z, Gao, X, Han, A* and Shuai, J*, 2021
  • Structural insights into the signal transduction mechanism of the K+-sensing two-component system KdpDE, Xie, M, Wu, M, Han, A, 2020
  • Conformational dynamics of the essential sensor histidine kinase WalK, Cai, Y, Su M, Ahmad, A, Hu, X, Sang, J, Kong, L, Chen, X, Wang, C, Shuai, J, Han, A, 2017
  • Molecular basis of substrate specific acetylation by N-terminal acetyltransferase NatB, Hong, H, Cai, Y, Zhang, S, Ding, H, Wang, H and Han, A, 2017
  • Competitive inhibition of lysine acetyltransferase 2B by a small motif of the adenoviral oncoprotein E1A, Shi, S, Liu, K., Chen, Y, Zhang, S, Lin, J, Gong, C, Jin, Q, Yang, X, Chen, R, Ji, Z and Han, A, 2016
  • Conformational dynamics of response regulator regx3 from Mycobacterium tuberculosis, Ahmad, A, Cai, Y, Chen, X, Shuai, J and Han, A, 2015
  • Mechanistic insights revealed by the crystal structure of a histidine kinase with signal transducer and sensor domains, Wang, C, Sang, J, Wang, J, Su, M, Downey, JS, Wu, Q, Wang, S, Cai, Y, Xu, X, Wu, J, Senadheera, DB, Cvitkovitch, DG, Chen, L, Goodman, SD and Han, A, 2013
  • Inhibition of the function of class IIa HDACs by blocking their interaction with Mef2, Jayathilaka, N, Han, A, Gaffney, KJ, Dey, R, Jarusiewicz, JA, Noridomi, K, Philips, MA, Lei, X, He, J, Ye, J, Gao, T, Petasis, NA and Chen, L, 2012
  • Quikgene: A gene synthesis method integrated with ligation-free cloning, Mao, Y, Lin, J, Zhou, A, Ji, K, Downey, JS, Chen, R and Han, A, 2011
  • Structure of p300 bound to Mef2 on DNA reveals a mechanism of enhanceosome assembly, He, J, Ye, J, Cai, Y, Riquelme, C, Liu, JO, Liu, X, Han, A and Chen, L, 2011
  • Crystal structure of a conserved n-terminal domain of histone deacetylase 4 reveals functional insights into glutamine-rich domains, Guo, L, Han, A, Bates, DL, Cao, J and Chen, L, 2007
  • Mechanism of recruitment of class ii histone deacetylases by myocyte enhancer factor-2, Han, A, He, J, Wu, Y, Liu, JO and Chen, L, 2005
  • Sequence-specific recruitment of transcriptional co-repressor cabin1 by myocyte enhancer factor-2, Han, A, Pan, F, Stroud, JC, Youn, HD, Liu, JO and Chen, L, 2003
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