Areas of Focus
- Global change and stability of organic carbon in farmland soil
- Planting systems and farmland ecological health
- Soil microbe-crop interactions and feedback
- Optimize farm size and agronomic practices to improve agricultural sustainability: a case of multi-indicator assessment from the North China Plain, Luo Bolun, Zhou Jie, Zang Huadong, Sawut Abdurahman, Feng Ximei, Yang Yadong, Peixoto Leanne, Wang Xiquan, Olesen Jorgen E., Zeng Zhaohai, 2023
- Labile substrate input weakens the memory effect of soil microbial functions under global warming, Zhou Jie, Wen Yuan, Razavi Bahar S., Loeppmann Sebastian, Marshall Miles R., Zang Huadong, Kuzyakov Yakov, Zeng Zhaohai, Dippold Michaela A., Blagodatskaya Evgenia, 2023
- Organic carbon accumulation and microbial activities in arable soils after abandonment: A chronosequence study, Zhou Jie, Sun Tingting, Shi Lingling, Kurganova Irina, Gerenyu Valentin Lopes de, Kalinina Olga, Giani Louise, Kuzyakov Yakov, 2023
- Humic acid plus manure increases the soil carbon pool by inhibiting salinity and alleviating the microbial resource limitation in saline soils, Song Jiashen, Zhang Hongyuan, Chang Fangdi, Yu Ru, Zhang Xiangqian, Wang Xiquan, Wang Weini, Liu Junmei, Zhou Jie, Li Yuyi, 2023
- Rhizosphere influence on microbial functions: consequence for temperature sensitivity of soil organic matter decomposition at early stage of plant growth, Zhou Jie, Liu Chunyan, Shi Lingling, Zamanian Kazem, 2023