Areas of Focus
- Wheat genetic breeding
- Quantitative trait genetics
- Genome-wide association studies
- Genome selection breeding
- High-resolution genome-wide association study identifies genomic regions and candidate genes for important agronomic traits in wheat, Pang, Y., Liu, C., Wang, D., St. Amand, P., Bernardo, A., Li, W., He, F., Li, L., Wang, L., Yuan, X., Dong, L., Su, Y., Zhang, H., Zhao, M., Liang, Y., Jia, H., Shen, X., Lu, Y., Jiang, H., Wu, Y., Li, A., Wang, H., Kong, L., Bai, G., Liu, S., 2020
- High-resolution genome-wide association study and genomic prediction for disease resistance and cold tolerance in wheat, Pang, Y., Wu, Y., Liu, C., Li, W., St. Amand, P, Bernardo, A., Wang, D., Dong, L., Yuan, X., Zhang, H., Zhao, M., Li, L., Wang, L., He, F., Liang, L., Yan, Q., Lu, Y., Su, Y., Jiang, H., Wu, J., Li, A., Kong, L., Bai, G., Liu, S., 2021
- Identification and Validation of the Genomic Regions for Waterlogging Tolerance at Germination Stage in Wheat, Pang, Y., Wang X, Zhao M, Lu Y, Yan Q, Sun S, Wang Y, Liu S, 2022
- Mapping QTL for Adult-Plant Resistance to Stripe Rust in a Chinese Wheat Landrace, Pang, Y., Liu C, Lin M, Ni F, Li W, Cai J, Zhang Z, Zhu H, Liu J, Wu J, Bai G, Liu S, 2022