Areas of Focus
- Understanding the relationship between neural activity and cognitive behavior
- Interdisciplinary research in systems, computational, and cognitive neuroscience
- Focus on the visual system
- Study of visual information representation and transmission
- Neural dynamics
- Neural networks
Work Experience
- 2012-2015 - MIT Department of Brain and Cognitive Sciences - Postdoctoral Researcher
- 2016-2022 - Allen Institute for Brain Science - Independent Researcher
- 2022-Present - Tsinghua University School of Life Sciences - Associate Professor
- 2022-Present - Tsinghua University Life Sciences Joint Center, Tsinghua-IDG/McGovern Institute for Brain Science - Researcher
Academic Background & Achievements
- 2005 Bachelor: Tsinghua University
- 2012 PhD: Albert Einstein College of Medicine
- Multi-regional module-based signal transmission in mouse visual cortex, Jia X, Siegle JH, Durand S, Heller G, Ramirez T, Koch C, Olsen SR, 2022
- Unsupervised changes in core object recognition behavioral performance are accurately predicted by unsupervised neural plasticity in inferior temporal cortex, Jia X, Hong H, DiCarlo JJ, 2021
- A survey of spiking activity reveals a functional hierarchy of mouse corticothalamic visual areas, Siegle JH, Jia X, Durand S, Gale S, Bennett C, Graddis N, Heller G, Olsen SR, Koch C, 2021
- High-density extracellular probes reveal dendritic backpropagation and facilitate neuron classification, Jia X, Siegle JH, Bennett C, Gale SD, Denman DJ, Koch C, Olsen SR, 2019
- Systematic Integration of Structural and Functional Data into Multi-Scale Models of Mouse Primary Visual Cortex, Billeh YN, Cai B, Gratiy SL, Dai K, Iyer R, Gouwens RW, Abbasi-Asl R, Jia X, Siegle JH, Olsen SR, Koch C, Mihalas S, Arkhipov A, 2019
- Experience shapes activity dynamics and stimulus coding of VIP inhibitory and excitatory cells in visual cortex, Garrett ME, Manavi S, Roll K, Ollerenshaw DR, Groblewski PA, Kiggins J, Jia X, Casal L, Mace K, Williford A, Leon A, Mihalas S, Olsen SR, 2020
- No consistent relationship between gamma power and peak frequency in macaque primary visual cortex, Jia X, Xing D, Kohn A, 2013
- Gamma and the coordination of spiking activity in early visual cortex, Jia X, Tanabe S, Kohn A, 2013
- Stimulus selectivity and spatial coherence of gamma components of the local field potential, Jia X, Smith MA, Kohn A, 2011
- Laminar dependence of neuronal correlation in macaque V1, Smith MA, Jia X, Zandvakili A, Kohn A, 2012
- Gamma rhythms in the brain, Jia X, Kohn A, 2011
- 17th Julius Marmur Research Award