Areas of Focus
- High-temperature Geochemistry
- Planetary Materials Science
Work Experience
- 2014-present - Professor, School of Earth Sciences and Engineering, Nanjing University
- 2010-2014 - Postdoctoral Researcher, Department of Civil & Environmental Engineering and Earth Sciences, University of Notre Dame
- 2008-2010 - Postdoctoral Researcher, Lunar and Planetary Institute
- 2008 - Postdoctoral Researcher, University of Michigan
Academic Background & Achievements
- 2002-2007 PhD in Geological Sciences, University of Michigan
- 1996-2001 Bachelor in Geochemistry, University of Science and Technology of China
- Water in lunar anorthosites and evidence for a wet early Moon, Hui H.*, Peslier A.H., Zhang Y., Neal C.R., 2013
- Petrogenetic association of the oldest lunar basalts: Combined Rb-Sr isotopic and trace element constraints, Hui H.*, Neal C.R., Shih C.-Y., Nyquist L.E., 2013
- Petrogenesis of basaltic shergottite Northwest Africa 5298: Closed-system crystallization of an oxidized mafic melt, Hui H.*, Peslier A.H., Lapen T.J., Shafer J.T., Brandon A.D., Irving A.J., 2011
- Investigation into the perogenesis of Apollo 14 high-Al basaltic melts through crystal stratigraphy of plagioclase, Hui H.*, Oshrin J.G., Neal C.R., 2011
- Pressure dependence of viscosity of hydrous rhyolitic melts, Hui H.*, Zhang Y., Xu Z., Del Gaudio P., Behrens H., 2009
- Pressure dependence of the speciation of dissolved water in rhyolitic melts, Hui H., Zhang Y.*, Xu Z., Behrens H., 2008
- Toward a general viscosity equation for natural anhydrous and hydrous silicate melts, Hui H.*, Zhang Y., 2007