Areas of Focus
- Uplift and expansion mechanisms and dynamics of the Tibetan Plateau
- Structure of intracontinental orogenic belts and causes of large intracontinental earthquakes
- Fine structure of subduction zones and causes of major earthquakes
- Subduction relics of the ancient Pacific plate beneath East Asia
Work Experience
- 2018.12-present: Professor, School of Earth Sciences and Engineering, Nanjing University
- 2013.05-2018.12: Associate Professor, School of Earth Sciences and Engineering, Nanjing University
- 2016.03-2018.04: Humboldt Research Fellow, Germany
- 2011.09-2012.08: JSPS Global-COE Researcher, Tohoku University, Japan
- 2011.07-2013.04: Associate Researcher, School of Earth Sciences and Engineering, Nanjing University
Academic Background & Achievements
- 2006-2011: PhD in Earth Science and Engineering, Nanjing University
- 2002-2006: Bachelor in Geological Sciences, Nanjing University
- Seismotectonics of Mongolia and Baikal Rift Zone Controlled by Lithospheric Structures, Huang, Z., Zhao, D., 2022
- Upper mantle anisotropy and deformation beneath the western Mongolian Plateau revealed by SKS splitting, Wu, H., Huang, Z., 2022
- 2022: First Prize in Nanjing University Teaching Competition
- 2022: Outstanding Master's Thesis Advisor, Nanjing University
- 2021: Jiangsu Province Outstanding Master's Thesis Advisor
- 2020: Nanjing University Charming Mentor and Academic Advisor Excellence Award
- 2018: First Prize in Natural Science from the Ministry of Education (ranked 2nd)
- 2015: Humboldt Foundation Humboldt Scholar, Germany
- 2015: Nanjing University Peak Talent Support Plan (Category B)
- 2014: Chinese Geophysical Society Liu Guangding Young Scientist Award
- 2013: Chinese Geophysical Society Fu Chengyi Young Scientist Award
- 2013: National Outstanding Doctoral Dissertation Nomination
- 2012: Jiangsu Province and Nanjing University Outstanding Doctoral Dissertation
- 2010: Ministry of Education Doctoral Newcomer Award