Areas of Focus
- Neuronal plasticity and molecular mechanisms of learning and memory in health and disease
- Functional abnormalities of synaptic spines and AMPA receptor regulation in neurodegenerative diseases
Work Experience
- 2016.9 to present - Research Fellow, Peking University Neuroscience Research Institute, IDG/McGovern Institute for Brain Research at PKU
- 2015.8 to 2016.8 - Assistant Researcher (Faculty position), Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine, Department of Neurobiology
- 2008.8 to 2015.7 - Postdoctoral Fellow, Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine, Department of Neurobiology
- 2001.3 to 2003.9 - Visiting Scholar, University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center, Department of Physiology
- 1999.7 to 2001.3 - Research Assistant, Peking University, Department of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology
Academic Background & Achievements
- 2003-2008 PhD: Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine, Department of Molecular Biology and Genetics
- 1995-1999 Bachelor of Science: Shandong University, Department of Biochemistry
- Visualization of NMDA receptor-dependent AMPA receptor synaptic plasticity in vivo, Zhang Y, Cudmore R, Lin DT, Linden DJ, Huganir RL, 2015
- High-throughput Genetic Screen for Synaptogenic Factors: Identification of LRP6 as Critical for Excitatory Synapse Development, Sharma K, Choi SY, Zhang Y, Nieland T, Long S, Li M, Huganir RL, 2013
- Drosophila target of rapamycin kinase functions as a multimer, Zhang Y, Billington CJ Jr, Pan D, Neufeld TP, 2006
- Tuberous sclerosis complex: from Drosophila to human disease, Pan D, Dong J, Zhang Y, Gao X, 2004
- Rheb is a direct target of the tuberous sclerosis tumour suppressor proteins, Zhang Y, Gao X, Saucedo L, Ru B, Edgar B, Pan D, 2003
- Tsc tumor suppressor proteins antagonize amino-acid-TOR signaling, Gao X, Zhang Y, Arrazola P, Hino O, Kobayashi T, Yeung R, Ru B, Pan D, 2002
- 2015: Young Investigators’ Award, Johns Hopkins University
- 2014: Best Poster Award, Gordon Research Conference
- 2006: National Scholarship for Outstanding Self-financed Students Abroad