Areas of Focus
- Global change and stability of soil organic carbon in farmland
- Planting systems and ecological health of farmland
- Soil microbe-crop interactions and feedback
Work Experience
- 2021.7-2023.6 - China Agricultural University - Postdoctoral Researcher
Academic Background & Achievements
- 2016.10-2021.6 PhD in Soil Science: University of Göttingen, Doctorate in Agricultural Sciences
- Arbuscular mycorrhiza enhances rhizodeposition and reduces the rhizosphere priming effect on the decomposition of soil organic matter, Zhou Jie, 2020
- Strong priming of soil organic matter induced by frequent input of labile carbon, Zhou Jie, 2021
- The microplastisphere: Biodegradable microplastics addition alters soil microbial community structure and function, Zhou Jie, 2021
- Frequent carbon input primes decomposition of decadal soil organic matter, Zhou Jie, 2022
- Restricted power: can microorganisms maintain soil organic matter stability under warming exceeding 2 degrees?, Zhou Jie, 2022
- Labile substrate input weakens the memory effect of soil microbial functions under global warming, Zhou Jie, 2023