Areas of Focus
- Pathogenic bacteria and host interactions
- Antibiotic resistance mechanisms
- Type VI secretion system (T6SS) secretion mechanisms, functions, and regulation of microbial communities
Work Experience
- 2011-2013 - Harvard Medical School - Postdoctoral Fellow
- 2013-2021 - University of Calgary - Assistant to Full Professor
- 2017-2021 - Shanghai Jiao Tong University - Principle Investigator
Academic Background & Achievements
- 1999-2003 BSc: Shandong University
- 2004-2010 PhD: McMaster University
- Postdoctoral research at Harvard Medical School
- Received Banting Fellowship in Canada
- Engineered Type Six Secretion Systems Deliver Active Exogenous Effectors and Cre Recombinase, Hersch, S. J.; Lam, L.; Dong, T. G., 2021
- Sensing of Intracellular Hcp Levels Controls T6SS Expression in Vibrio Cholerae, Manera, K.; Caro, F.; Li, H.; Pei, T.-T.; Hersch, S. J.; Mekalanos, J. J.; Dong, T. G., 2021
- Envelope Stress Responses Defend against Type Six Secretion System Attacks Independently of Immunity Proteins, Hersch, S. J.; Watanabe, N.; Stietz, M. S.; Manera, K.; Kamal, F.; Burkinshaw, B.; Lam, L.; Pun, A.; Li, M.; Savchenko, A.; Dong, T. G., 2020
- Intramolecular Chaperone-Mediated Secretion of an Rhs Effector Toxin by a Type VI Secretion System, Pei, T.-T.; Li, H.; Liang, X.; Wang, Z.-H.; Liu, G.; Wu, L.-L.; Kim, H.; Xie, Z.; Yu, M.; Lin, S.; Xu, P.; Dong, T. G., 2020
- TssA–TssM–TagA Interaction Modulates Type VI Secretion System Sheath-Tube Assembly in Vibrio Cholerae, Stietz, M. S.; Liang, X.; Li, H.; Zhang, X.; Dong, T. G., 2020
- An Onboard Checking Mechanism Ensures Effector Delivery of the Type VI Secretion System in Vibrio Cholerae, Liang, X.; Kamal, F.; Pei, T.-T.; Xu, P.; Mekalanos, J. J.; Dong, T. G., 2019
- A Type VI Secretion System Effector Delivery Mechanism Dependent on PAAR and a Chaperone–Co-Chaperone Complex, Burkinshaw, B. J.; Liang, X.; Wong, M.; Le, A. N. H.; Lam, L.; Dong, T. G.
- Identification of Divergent Type VI Secretion Effectors Using a Conserved Chaperone Domain, Liang, X.; Moore, R.; Wilton, M.; Wong, M. J. Q.; Lam, L.; Dong, T. G., 2015
- 2012-2014: Banting Fellow
- 2014-2024: Canada Research Chair in Molecular Ecology of Waterborne Microbes