Areas of Focus
- Functional identification and evolutionary mechanisms of flower quality-related genes and genetic breeding
- Molecular mechanisms of plant abiotic stress response gene regulation and mediation of plant developmental regulation
Work Experience
- 2019-present Professor, Shanghai Normal University, School of Life Sciences
- 2002-2018 Associate Professor, Fudan University, School of Life Sciences, Institute of Genetics
- 2005.8-2005.12 Senior Visiting Scholar, University of Manchester
Academic Background & Achievements
- 2000-2002 Postdoctoral in Genetics, Fudan University
- 1997-2000 PhD in Plant Nutrition Genetics, China Agricultural University
- 1994-1997 Master's in Plant Physiology and Biotechnology, Northeast Agricultural University
- 1990-1994 Bachelor in Agronomy, Northeast Agricultural University
- The response of dominant and rare taxa for fungal diversity within different root environments to the cultivation of Bt and conventional cotton varieties, Feng Ming et al., 2018
- Impact of transgenic Cry1Ac + CpTI cotton on diversity and dynamics of rhizosphere bacterial community of different root environments, Feng Ming et al., 2018
- OsNAC2 positively affects salt-induced cell death and binds to the OsAP37 and OsCOX11 promoters, Feng Ming et al., 2018
- The NAC transcription factor OsNAC2 accelerates leaf senescence by directly fine-tuning abscisic acid biosynthesis and activating senescence-associated genes in rice, Feng Ming et al., 2017
- OsNAC2 encoding a NAC transcription factor regulates plant height through mediating the gibberellic acid pathway in rice, Feng Ming et al., 2015
- The velamen protects photosynthetic orchid roots against UV-B damage, and a large dated phylogeny implies multiple gains and losses of this function during the Cenozoic, Feng Ming et al., 2015
- The NAC family transcription factor OsNAP confers abiotic stress response through the ABA pathway, Feng Ming et al., 2014
- A cytosolic class I small heat shock protein, RcHSP17.8, of Rosa chinensis confers resistance to a variety of stresses to Escherichia coli, yeast and Arabidopsis thaliana, Feng Ming et al., 2009
- A terminator of floral stem cells, Feng Ming et al., 2009
- SQUA-like genes in the orchid Phalaenopsis are expressed in both vegetative and reproductive tissues, Feng Ming et al., 2007
- 2018 First Prize, National College Students' Life Science Innovation and Entrepreneurship Competition (Innovation)
- 2017 Second Prize, Fudan University Teaching Achievement Award
- 2015 Third Prize, National Universities (Life Sciences) Micro-lecture Teaching
- 2011 Second Prize, Shanghai Excellent Teaching Material Award
- 2008 Shanghai Outstanding Young Teacher
- 2007 Fudan University Hong Kong People's Excellence Teaching Award
- 2007 Shanghai Quality Course, 'Cell Biology'
- 2006 Third Prize, Fudan University Teaching Achievement Award
- 2006 Outstanding Research Course, Fudan University
- 2005 Shanghai Quality Course, 'Introduction to Modern Life Sciences'