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Qiong Zhao
Life Science
East China Normal University
Language: Chinese, English
Plant Cell Biology Internal Membrane Regulation Function Evolution Arabidopsis Bryophytes Cellular Mechanisms Environmental Adaptation Membrane Protein
Areas of Focus
  • Plant cell biology, focusing on the regulation, function, and evolution of the plant cell's internal membrane system
Work Experience
  • 2012/10-2016/10, Chinese University of Hong Kong, Life Sciences, Postdoctoral Researcher
  • 2016/10-2019/04, Chinese University of Hong Kong, Life Sciences, Associate Researcher
  • 2020/07-present, East China Normal University, Life Sciences, Researcher / Doctoral Supervisor
Academic Background & Achievements
  • 2006/09-2012/07, PhD in Science, Peking University
  • Selected for the 'Zijiang Outstanding Young Scholars Program' at East China Normal University in 2020
  • Unbiased Estimation of Chloroplast Number in Plant Cells Using Deep Learning Methods, Su, Q., Liu, L., Hu, Z., Wang, T., Wang, H., Guo, Q., Liao, X., Dong, Z., Yang, S., Liu, N., Zhao, Q., 2023
  • The plant-unique protein DRIF1 coordinates with SNX1 to regulate membrane protein homeostasis, Zhu, Y., Zhao, Q., Cao, W., Huang, S., Ji, C., Zhang, W., Trujillo, M., ShenJ., Jiang L., 2023
  • Recent advances in plant endomembrane research and new microscopical techniques, Zeng, Y., Liang, Z., Liu, Z., Li, B., Cui, Y., Gao, C., Shen, J., Wang, X., Zhao, Q., Zhuang, X., Erdmann, P.S., Wong, K.-B., Jiang, L., 2023
  • The endomembrane system: how does it contribute to plant secondary metabolism?, Hassani, D., Lu, Y., Ni, B., Zhu, R., Zhao, Q., 2023
  • Editorial: Regulation of plant organelle biogenesis and trafficking, Neuhaus, J, Pimpl, P, Zhao, Q., Wang H., 2023
  • 植物内膜系统中的水通道蛋白研究进展, 王博之,赵琼, 2023
  • Vacuoles in bryophytes: properties, biogenesis, and evolution, Liu, H., Shen, C., Hassani, D., Fang, W., Wang, Z., Lu, Y., Zhu, R., Zhao, Q., 2022
  • The plant ESCRT component FREE1 regulates peroxisome-mediated turnover of lipid droplets in germinating Arabidopsis seedlings, Huang, S., Liu, Z., Cao, W., Li, H., Zhang, W., Cui, Y., Hu, S., Luo, M., Zhu, Y., Zhao, Q., Xie, L., Gao, C., Xiao, S., Jiang, L., 2022
  • How many models and how many vacuoles?, Cui, Y., Zhao, Q., Hu, S., Jiang, L., 2020
  • Identification and characterization of unconventional membrane protein trafficking regulators in Arabidopsis: A genetic approach, Zhu, Y., Ji, C., Cao, W., Shen, J., Zhao, Q., Jiang, L., 2020
  • RST1 is a FREE1 suppressor that negatively regulates vacuolar trafficking in Arabidopsis, Zhao, Q., Shen, J., Gao, C., Cui, Y., Wang, Y., Cui, J., Cheng, L., Cao, W., Zhu, Y., Huang, S., Zhou, Q., Leong, C., Leung, K., Chen, X., Jiang, L., 2019
  • Genetic suppressor screen using an inducible FREE1-RNAi line to detect ESCRT genetic interactors in Arabidopsis thaliana, Zhao, Q., Zhu, Y., Cao, W., Shen, J., Cui, Y., Jiang, L., 2019
  • The Plant ESCRT Component FREE1 Shuttles to the Nucleus to Attenuate Abscisic Acid Signaling, Li, H., Li Y., Zhao, Q., Li, T., Wei, J., Li B., Shen, W., Yang, C., Zeng, Y., Rodriguez, P., Zhao, Y., Jiang, L., Wang, X., Gao, C., 2019
  • A whole-cell electron tomography model of vacuole biogenesis in Arabidopsis root cells, Cui, Y., Zhao, Q., Gao, C., Ding, Y., Zeng, Y., Ueda, T., Nakano, A., Jiang, L., 2019
  • Re-assessment of biolistic transient expression: An efficient and robust method for protein localization studies in seedling-lethal mutant and juvenile plants, Wang, H., Zhao, Q., Fu, J., Wang, X., Jiang, L., 2018
  • A plant Bro1 domain protein BRAF regulates multivesicular body biogenesis and membrane protein homeostasis, Shen, J., Gao, C., Zhao, Q., Lin, Y., Wang, X., Zhuang, X., Jiang, L., 2018
  • MONENSIN SENSITIVITY1 (MON1)/CALCIUM CAFFEINE ZINC SENSITIVITY1 (CCZ1)-Mediated Rab7 Activation Regulates Tapetal Programmed Cell Death and Pollen Development, Cui, Y., Zhao, Q., Xie, H.T., Wong, W.S., Wang, X., Gao, C., Ding, Y., Tan, Y., Ueda, T., Zhang, Y., Jiang, L., 2017
  • AtBRO1 Functions in ESCRT-I Complex to Regulate Multivesicular Body Protein Sorting, Shen, J., Gao, C., Zhao, Q., Lin, Y., Wang, X., Zhuang, X., Jiang, L., 2016
  • FYVE1/FREE1 Interacts with the PYL4 ABA Receptor and Mediates Its Delivery to the Vacuolar Degradation Pathway, Belda-Palazon, B., Rodriguez, L., Fernandez, M.A., Castillo, M.C., Anderson, E.M., Gao, C., Gonzalez-Guzman, M., Peirats-Llobet, M., Zhao, Q., De Winne, N., Gevaert, K., De Jaeger, G., Jiang, L., Leon, J., Mullen, R.T., Rodriguez, P.L., 2016
  • Using Fluorescent Protein Fusions to Study Protein Subcellular Localization and Dynamics in Plant Cells, Cui, Y., Gao, C., Zhao, Q., Jiang, L., 2016
  • Fast-suppressor screening for new components in protein trafficking, organelle biogenesis and silencing pathway in Arabidopsis thaliana using DEX-inducible FREE1-RNAi plants, Zhao, Q., Gao, C., Lee, P., Liu, L., Li, S., Hu, T., Shen, J., Pan, S., Ye, H., Chen, Y., Cao, W., Cui, Y., Zeng, P., Yu, S., Gao, Y., Chen, L., Mo, B., Liu, X., Xiao, S., Zhao, Y., Zhong, S., Chen, X., Jiang, L., 2015
  • Suppression of endogenous gene silencing by bidirectional cytoplasmic RNA decay in Arabidopsis, Zhang, X., Zhu, Y., Liu, X., Hong, X., Xu, Y., Zhu, P., Shen, Y., Wu, H., Ji, Y., Wen, X., Zhang, C., Zhao, Q., Wang, Y., Lu, J., Guo, H., 2015
  • Dual roles of an Arabidopsis ESCRT component FREE1 in regulating vacuolar protein transport and autophagic degradation, Gao, C., Zhuang, X., Cui, Y., Fu, X., He, Y., Zhao, Q., Zeng, Y., Shen, J., Luo, M., Jiang, L., 2015
  • Vacuoles protect plants from high magnesium stress, Gao, C., Luo, M., Zhao, Q., Yang, R., Cui, Y., Zeng, Y., Xia, J., Jiang, L., 2015
  • A unique plant ESCRT component, FREE1, regulates multivesicular body protein sorting and plant growth, Gao, C., Zhao, Q., Jiang, L., 2014
  • Activation of the Rab7 GTPase by the MON1-CCZ1 Complex Is Essential for PVC-to-Vacuole Trafficking and Plant Growth in Arabidopsis, Cui, Y., Zhao, Q., Gao, C., Ding, Y., Zeng, Y., Ueda, T., Nakano, A., Jiang, L., 2014
  • Activation of ethylene signaling is mediated by nuclear translocation of the cleaved EIN2 carboxyl terminus, Wen, X., Zhang, C., Ji, Y., Zhao, Q., He, W., An, F., Jiang, L., Guo, H., 2012
  • Paradigms and Paradox in the Ethylene Signaling Pathway and Interaction Network, Zhao, Q., Guo, H., 2011
  • 拟南芥乙烯信号转导机理的遗传学和化学生物学研究, 赵琼, 何文容, 张新岩,郭红卫, 2010
  • Ethylene-Induced Stabilization of ETHYLENE INSENSITIVE3 and EIN3-LIKE1 Is Mediated by Proteasomal Degradation of EIN3 Binding F-Box 1 and 2 That Requires EIN2 in Arabidopsis, An, F., Zhao, Q., Ji, Y., Li, W., Jiang, Z., Yu, X., Zhang, C., Han, Y., He, W., Liu, Y., Zhang, S., Ecker, J.R., Guo, H., 2010
  • EIN3/EIL1 cooperate with PIF1 to prevent photo-oxidation and to promote greening of Arabidopsis seedlings, Zhong, S., Zhao, M., Shi, T., Shi, H., An, F., Zhao, Q., Guo, H., 2009
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