Areas of Focus
- Auditory Neuroscience
Work Experience
- 1991.7-1996.8 Assistant Lecturer, Lecturer at Hubei University, Department of Life Sciences
- 1999.7-2000.10 Postdoctoral Researcher, Department of Biology, East China Normal University
- 2000.11-2004.12 Postdoctoral Researcher, Department of Anatomy and Neurobiology, University of California, Irvine
- 2005.3-present Professor, Doctoral Supervisor at East China Normal University, School of Life Sciences
Academic Background & Achievements
- 1984.9-1988.7 Bachelor of Science in Biology, East China Normal University
- 1988.9-1991.7 Master of Science in Physiology, East China Normal University
- 1996.9-1999.7 PhD in Physiology, Joint training by East China Normal University and University of Missouri
- Unilateral conductive hearing loss disrupts the developmental refinement of binaural processing in the rat primary auditory cortex, Liu J., Huang X., Zhang J., 2021
- Chronic unilateral hearing loss disrupts neural tuning to sound-source azimuth in the rat primary auditory cortex, Wang X., Liu J., Zhang J., 2019
- 2014 Second Prize of Natural Science from the Ministry of Education (Ranked 2nd)
- 2018 Third Prize of Natural Science from Shanghai (Ranked 3rd)