Areas of Focus
- Marine microbial natural product biosynthesis mechanisms
- Adaptation mechanisms of extremophile microorganisms
- Marine microbial ecology
Work Experience
- 2010 - Chief Assistant on the first leg of the 22nd voyage of China's oceanographic expeditions
Academic Background & Achievements
- Former researcher at the Third Institute of Oceanography, State Oceanic Administration
- Part-time professor at the College of Ocean and Environmental Sciences, Xiamen University
- Director at the Shanghai Ecological Society
- Induction of a Toxin-Antitoxin Gene Cassette under High Hydrostatic Pressure Enables Markerless Gene Disruption in the Hyperthermophilic Archaeon Pyrococcus yayanosii, Song, Q., Li, Z., Chen, R., Ma, X., Xiao, X., and Xu, J., 2019
- A Novel AdpA Homologue Negatively Regulates Morphological Differentiation in Streptomyces xiamenensis 318, Bu, X.-L., Weng, J.-Y., He, B.-B., Xu, M.-J., and Xu, J., 2019
- Combinatory Biosynthesis of Prenylated 4-Hydroxybenzoate Derivatives by Overexpression of the Substrate-Promiscuous Prenyltransferase XimB in Engineered E. coli, He, B. B., Bu, X. L., Zhou, T., Li, S. M., Xu, M. J., and Xu, J., 2018
- Deciphering the streamlined genome of Streptomyces xiamenensis 318 as the producer of the anti-fibrotic drug candidate xiamenmycin, Xu M, Wang J, Bu X, Yu H, Li P, Ou H, He Y, Xu F, Hu X, Zhu X, Ao P, Xu J, 2016
- Comparative Genomics Reveals Evidence of Genome Reduction and High Extracellular Protein Degradation Potential in Kangiella, Wang, J., Lu, Y., Nawaz, M. Z., and Xu, J., 2018
- 2012: First Prize in Marine Engineering Science and Technology Award (Ranked 11th)
- 2017: Outstanding Contribution Award from Microbiology Journal