Areas of Focus
- Phage cocktail therapy for sepsis and various bacterial infections
- Rapid detection of pathogenic microorganisms in food and environment
- Biomaterials for blood purification
Work Experience
- 2010.10-2012.9 Cranfield University, Health Institute, Marie Curie International Incoming Scholar, Research on nanofiber biosensors for early diagnosis of prostate cancer
- 2000.9-2002.10 Nankai University, Key Laboratory of Bioactive Materials, Postdoctoral Researcher, Research on biomaterials for blood perfusion
- 2002.10-2006.3 Nankai University, Key Laboratory of Bioactive Materials, Associate Researcher, Research on biomaterials for blood perfusion
- 2006.3-2008.9 Nanyang Technological University, Department of Biomedical Engineering, Research Fellow, Research on nanofiber biosensors for single cell analysis
- 2008.9-present College of Life Science and Technology, Department of Biomedical Engineering, Professor
Academic Background & Achievements
- 1997-2000 PhD in Materials Science, Wuhan University of Technology
- 1993-1996 Master's in Petrology, Changchun Institute of Geology
- 1987-1991 Bachelor's in Geological Mineral Exploration, Changchun Institute of Geology
- Marie Curie International Incoming Fellowship (MC-IIF), EU