Areas of Focus
- Rice molecular breeding and functional genomics
- Mechanism of leaf morphogenesis
- Mechanism of chloroplast development
- Breeding of new varieties suitable for mechanized planting
Work Experience
- 1999.07-Now: South China Agricultural University, Guangzhou, China
- 2012.05-2013.05: Visiting scholar, Cornell University, Ithaca, America
- 2007.12-2016.12: Associate Researcher, South China Agricultural University, Guangzhou, China
Academic Background & Achievements
- 1992.09-1996.06: B.S., Xiangtan Normal University, Xiangtan, China
- 1996.09-1999.06: Master, South China Agricultural University, Guangzhou, China
- 2002.09-2007.06: Ph.D., South China Agricultural University, Guangzhou, China
- Albino Leaf 2 is involved in the splicing of chloroplast group I and II introns in rice, Zemin Zhang et al., 2016
- Albino Leaf 1 that Encodes the Sole Octotricopeptide Repeat Protein Is Responsible for Chloroplast Development, Zemin Zhang et al., 2016
- Opposing effects on two phases of defense responses from concerted actions of HSC70 and BON1 in Arabidopsis, Zemin Zhang et al., 2015
- Characterization of Rolled and Erect Leaf 1 in Regulating Leave Morphology in Rice, Zemin Zhang et al., 2015
- Variety difference of rice seedlings growth to perchlorate toxicity and their antioxidative defense mechanisms, Zemin Zhang et al., 2015
- Differential responses of two rice varieties to perchlorate stress, Zemin Zhang et al., 2015
- Second Prize, Guangdong Agricultural Technology Extension Award (2012)
- First Prize, Guangdong Science and Technology Award (2003)
- Third Prize, Guangdong Science and Technology Award (2003)