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Yijun Qi
Life Science
Tsinghua University
Language: Chinese, English
Rna Regulation Biological Functions Mechanisms Epigenetic Information Transgenerational Transmission Crop Traits Gene Expression Molecular Biology Genetics Plant Science
Areas of Focus
  • Plant RNA Biology and Epigenetics
Work Experience
  • 2006-2011 - Beijing Institute of Life Sciences - Researcher, Senior Researcher
  • 2011-present - Tsinghua University, School of Life Sciences - Associate Professor, Professor
Academic Background & Achievements
  • 1991-1995 Bachelor: Nanjing Agricultural University
  • 1995-1998 Master's: Zhejiang Agricultural University
  • 1998-2001 PhD: Zhejiang University
  • 2001-2004 Postdoctoral Research: Ohio State University, USA
  • 2004-2006 Postdoctoral Research: Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory, USA
  • Phase separation of Serrate drives dicing body assembly and promotes miRNA processing in Arabidopsis, Xie, D., Chen, M., Niu, J., Wang, L., Li, Y., Fang, X., Li, P., Qi, Y., 2021
  • 21-nt phasiRNAs direct target mRNA cleavage in rice male germ cells, Jiang, P., Lian, B., Liu, C., Fu, Z., Shen, Y., Cheng, Z., Qi, Y., 2020
  • Chloroplast-to-nucleus signaling regulates microRNA biogenesis in Arabidopsis, Fang, X., Zhao, G., Zhang S., Li, Y., Gu, H., Li, Y., Zhao, Q., Qi, Y., 2019
  • Arabidopsis ARGONAUTE1 binds chromatin to promote gene transcription in response to hormone and stress stimuli, Liu, C., Xin, Y., Xu, L., Cai, Z., Xue, Y., Liu, Y., Xie, D., Qi, Y., 2018
  • A Dicer-independent route for biogenesis of siRNAs that direct DNA methylation in Arabidopsis, Ye, R., Chen, Z., Lian, B., Rowley, M., Xia, N., Chai, J., Li, Y., Wierzbicki A., Qi, Y., 2016
  • Transcription and processing of primary miRNAs are coupled by Elongator complex in Arabidopsis, Fang, X., Cui, Y., Li, Y., Qi, Y., 2015
  • Ago2 Facilitates Rad51 recruitment and DNA double-strand break repair by homologous recombination, Gao, M., Wei, W., Li, M., Wu, Y., Ba, Z., Jin K.-X., Li, M.-M., Liao, Y.-Q., Adhikari S., Chong, Z., Zhang, T., Guo, C.-X., Tang, T.-S., Zhu, B.-T., Xu, X.-Z., Mailand, N., Yang, Y., Qi, Y., Rendtlew Danielsen, J., 2014
  • A role for the RNA-binding protein MOS2 in microRNA maturation in Arabidopsis, Wu, X., Shi, Y., Li, J., Xu, L., Fang, Y., Li, X., Qi, Y., 2013
  • Cytoplasmic assembly and selective nuclear import of Arabidopsis ARGONAUTE4/siRNA complexes, Ye, R., Wang, W., Iki, T., Liu, C., Wu, Y., Ishikawa M., Zhou, X., Qi, Y., 2012
  • A role for small RNAs in DNA double-strand break repair, Wei, W., Ba, Z., Gao, M., Wu, Y., Ma, Y., Amiard, S., White, C., Danielsen, J., Yang, Y., Qi, Y., 2012
  • An Importin β protein negatively regulates microRNA activity in Arabidopsis, Wang, W., Ye, R., Xin, Y., Feng, X., Li, C., Zhou, X., Qi, Y., 2011
  • DNA methylation mediated by a microRNA pathway, Wu, L., Zhou, H., Zhang, Q., Ni, F., Liu, C., Qi, Y., 2010
  • Rice microRNA effector complexes and targets, Wu, L., Zhang, Q., Zhou, H., Ni, F., Wu, X., Qi, Y., 2009
  • Sorting of small RNAs into Arabidopsis Argonaute complexes is directed by the 5’ terminal nucleotide, Mi, S., Cai, T., Hu Y., Chen Y., Hodges E., Ni F., Wu L., Li S., Zhou H., Long C., Chen S., Hannon G., Qi, Y., 2008
  • A complex system of small RNAs in the unicellular green alga Chlamydomonas reinhardtii, Zhao, T., Li, G., Mi, S., Li, S., Hannon, G., Wang, X.-J., Qi, Y., 2007
  • 2010: Tan Jiazhen Life Science Innovation Award
  • 2013: China Youth Science and Technology Award
  • 2016: Second Prize of the National Natural Science Award (First Completer)
  • 2017: First National Innovation Competition Award
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