Areas of Focus
- Quantum information and quantum simulation
Work Experience
- 2015/01-2018/12 - Massachusetts Institute of Technology - Postdoctoral Researcher
- 2019/01-2021/06 - Tsinghua University - Assistant Professor
- 2021/06-present - Tsinghua University - Associate Professor
Academic Background & Achievements
- 2001-2005 Bachelor: Peking University
- 2005-2008 Master: Peking University
- 2008-2014 PhD: Massachusetts Institute of Technology
- Creation of a Bose-condensed gas of 87Rb by laser cooling, J Hu, A Urvoy, Z Vendeiro, V Crépel, W Chen, V Vuletic, 2017
- Vacuum spin squeezing, J Hu, W Chen, Z Vendeiro, A Urvoy, B Braverman, V Vuletic, 2017
- Strictly nonclassical behavior of a mesoscopic system, J Hu, Z Vendeiro, W Chen, H Zhang, R McConnell, AS SФrensen, V Vuletic, 2017
- Coherence times of Bose-Einstein condensates beyond the shot-noise limit via superfluid shielding, WC Burton, CJ Kennedy, WC Chung, S Vadia, W Chen, W Ketterle, 2016
- Partially nondestructive continuous detection of individual traveling optical photons, M Hosseini, KM Beck, Y Duan, W Chen, V Vuletic, 2016
- Carving complex many-atom entangled states by single-photon detection, W Chen, J Hu, Y Duan, B Braverman, H Zhang, V Vuletic, 2015
- Entangled collective-spin states of atomic ensembles under nonuniform atom-light interaction, J Hu, W Chen, Z Vendeiro, H Zhang, V Vuletic, 2015
- Cross modulation of two laser beams at the individual-photon level, KM Beck, W Chen, Q Lin, M Gullans, MD Lukin, V Vuletic, 2014
- All-optical switch and transistor gated by one stored photon, W Chen, KM Beck, R Bücker, M Gullans, MD Lukin, H Tanji-Suzuki, V Vuletic, 2013
- Vacuum-induced transparency, H Tanji-Suzuki, W Chen, R Landig, J Simon, V Vuletic, 2011
- 2014: National Excellent Self-financed Student Scholarship
- 2013: Martin Deutsch Student Award for Excellence in Experimental Physics, MIT
- 2008: Lester Wolfe Fellowship, MIT