Areas of Focus
- Surface, Interface and Low-dimensional Physics
- Topological Insulators
- Spintronics
- Quantum Hall Effects
- Molecular Beam Epitaxy
- Angle-resolved Photoelectron Spectroscopy
- Scanning Tunneling Microscopy
Work Experience
- 2006/04-2007/03 - University of Tokyo, Department of Physics - Postdoctoral Researcher
- 2007/04-2009/03 - Institute for Solid State Physics, University of Tokyo - Postdoctoral Researcher
- 2009/04-2013/09 - Institute of Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences - Associate Researcher (Hundred Talents Program)
- 2013/09-2016/06 - Tsinghua University, Department of Physics - Associate Researcher
- 2016/07-present - Tsinghua University, Department of Physics - Professor
Academic Background & Achievements
- 1996/09-2000/07 Bachelor: Shandong University, Department of Physics
- 2000/09-2006/03 PhD: Institute of Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences
- Experimental Observation of the Quantum Anomalous Hall Effect in a Magnetic Topological Insulator, Chang, C.-Z.; Zhang, J.; Feng, X.; Shen, J.; Zhang, Z.; Guo, M.; Li, K.; Ou, Y.; Wei, P.; Wang, L.-L.; Ji, Z.-Q.; Feng, Y.; Ji, S.; Chen, X.; Jia, J.; Dai, X.; Fang, Z.; Zhang, S.-C.; He, K.*; Wang, Y.*; Lu, L.; Ma, X.-C.; Xue, Q.-K.*, 2013
- From magnetically doped topological insulator to the quantum anomalous Hall effect, He, K.*; Ma, X. -C.; Chen, X.; Lu, L.; Wang, Y. -Y.*; Xue, Q. -K.*, 2013
- Thin Films of Magnetically Doped Topological Insulator with Carrier-Independent Long-Range Ferromagnetic Order, Chang, C.-Z.; Zhang, J.; Liu, M.; Zhang, Z.; Feng, X.; Li, K.; Wang, L.-L.; Chen, X.; Dai, X.; Fang, Z.; Qi, X.-L.; Zhang, S.-C.; Wang, Y.*; He, K.*; Ma, X.-C.; Xue, Q.-K., 2013
- Topology-Driven Magnetic Quantum Phase Transition in Topological Insulators, Zhang, J.; Chang, C.-Z.; Tang, P.; Zhang, Z.; Feng, X.; Li, K.; Wang, L.-l.; Chen, X.; Liu, C.; Duan, W.; He, K.*; Xue, Q.-K.; Ma, X.; Wang, Y.*, 2013
- Transport properties of Sb2Te3/Bi2Te3 topological insulator heterostructures, Zhang, Z.; Feng, X.; Guo, M.; Ou, Y.; Zhang, J.; Li, K.; Wang, L.; Chen, X.; Xue, Q.; Ma, X.; He, K.*; Wang, Y.*, 2013
- Crossover between Weak Antilocalization and Weak Localization in a Magnetically Doped Topological Insulator, Liu, M.; Zhang, J.; Chang, C.-Z.; Zhang, Z.; Feng, X.; Li, K.; He, K.*; Wang, L.-L.; Chen, X.; Dai, X.; Fang, Z.; Xue, Q.-K.; Ma, X.; Wang, Y.*, 2012
- Topological insulator: Both two- and three-dimensional, He, K.*, 2012
- Band structure engineering in (Bi1-xSbx)2Te3 ternary topological insulators, Zhang, J.; Chang, C.-Z.; Zhang, Z.; Wen, J.; Feng, X.; Li, K.; Liu, M.; He, K.*; Wang, L.; Chen, X.; Xue, Q.-K.; Ma, X.; Wang, Y.*, 2011
- Direct Observation of Nodes and Twofold Symmetry in FeSe Superconductor, Song, C.-L.; Wang, Y.-L.; Cheng, P.; Jiang, Y.-P.; Li, W.; Zhang, T.; Li, Z.; He, K.; Wang, L.; Jia, J.-F.; Hung, H.-H.; Wu, C.; Ma, X.*; Chen, X.*; Xue, Q.-K., 2011
- Electron interaction-driven insulating ground state in Bi2Se3 topological insulators in the two-dimensional limit, Liu, M.; Chang, C.-Z.; Zhang, Z.; Zhang, Y.; Ruan, W.; He, K.*; Wang, L.-l.; Chen, X.; Jia, J.-F.; Zhang, S.-C.; Xue, Q.-K.; Ma, X.; Wang, Y.*, 2011
- Crossover of the three-dimensional topological insulator Bi2Se3 to the two-dimensional limit, Zhang, Y.; He, K.*; Chang, C.-Z.; Song, C.-L.; Wang, L.-L.; Chen, X.; Jia, J.-F.; Fang, Z.; Dai, X.; Shan, W.-Y.; Shen, S.-Q.; Niu, Q.; Qi, X.-L.; Zhang, S.-C.; Ma, X.-C.; Xue, Q.-K.*, 2010
- Direct Spectroscopic Evidence of Spin-Dependent Hybridization between Rashba-Split Surface States and Quantum-Well States, He, K.; Takeichi, Y.; Ogawa, M.; Okuda, T.; Moras, P.; Topwal, D.; Harasawa, A.; Hirahara, T.; Carbone, C.; Kakizaki, A.; Matsuda, I.*, 2010
- Doping effects of Sb and Pb in epitaxial topological insulator Bi2Se3 thin films: An in situ angle-resolved photoemission spectroscopy study, Zhang, Y.; Chang, C.-Z.; He, K.*; Wang, L.-L.; Chen, X.; Jia, J.-F.; Ma, X.-C.*; Xue, Q.-K., 2010
- Landau Quantization of Topological Surface States in Bi2Se3, Cheng, P.; Song, C.; Zhang, T.; Zhang, Y.; Wang, Y.; Jia, J.-F.; Wang, J.; Wang, Y.; Zhu, B.-F.; Chen, X.*; Ma, X.*; He, K.; Wang, L.; Dai, X.; Fang, Z.; Xie, X.; Qi, X.-L.; Liu, C.-X.; Zhang, S.-C.; Xue, Q.-K., 2010
- Superconductivity in one-atomic-layer metal films grown on Si(111), Zhang, T.; Cheng, P.; Chen, X.*; Jia, J.-F.; Ma, X.; He, K.; Wang, L.; Zhang, H.; Dai, X.; Fang, Z.; Xie, X.; Xue, Q.-K.*, 2010
- Experimental Demonstration of Topological Surface States Protected by Time-Reversal Symmetry, Zhang, T.; Cheng, P.; Chen, X.*; Jia, J.-F.; Ma, X.; He, K.; Wang, L.; Zhang, H.; Dai, X.; Fang, Z.; Xie, X.; Xue, Q.-K.*, 2009
- Spin polarization of quantum well states in Ag films induced by the Rashba effect at the surface, He, K.; Hirahara, T.; Okuda, T.; Hasegawa, S.; Kakizaki, A.; Matsuda, I., 2008
- Quantum size effect on adatom surface diffusion, Ma, L.-Y.; Tang, L.; Guan, Z.-L.; He, K.; An, K.; Ma, X.-C.; Jia, J.-F.*; Xue, Q.-K.; Han, Y.; Huang, S.; Liu, F., 2006
- Growth and magnetism of self-organized Co nanoplatelets on Si(111) surface, He, K.; Pan, M.; Wang, J.; Liu, H.; Jia, J.*; Xue, Q., 2006
- Two-dimensional growth of Fe thin films with perpendicular magnetic anisotropy on GaN(0001), He, K.; Ma, L. Y.; Ma, X. C.; Jia, J. F.; Xue, Q. K.*, 2006
- Growth and magnetism of ultrathin Fe films on Pt(100), He, K.; Zhang, L.; Ma, X.; Jia, J.; Xue, Q.*; Qiu, Z., 2005
- 2010: Newcomer Award of the Institute of Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences
- 2011: Lu Jiaxi Young Talent Award of the Chinese Academy of Sciences
- 2012: Outstanding Scientific Achievement Award of the Chinese Academy of Sciences (Main Contributor)
- 2012: Excellent Member of the Youth Innovation Promotion Association, Chinese Academy of Sciences
- 2013: National Science Fund for Distinguished Young Scholars
- 2013: Sir Martin Wood Prize in China
- 2013: China Youth Science and Technology Award