Areas of Focus
- Atomic and molecular physics
- Computational physics
- Theoretical physics
- Nanoscience
Work Experience
- 1974 - Research Associate, Department of Physics, University of Chicago
- 1975-1976 - Research Associate, Department of Physics and Astronomy, University of Pittsburgh
- 1977-1978 - Senior Research Associate, Laser Energy Research Institute, University of Rochester
- 1979-1982 - Associate Researcher, Institute of Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences
- 1983-Present - Researcher, Institute of Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences
- 1997-Present - Professor, Director of the Center for Atomic and Molecular Nanosciences, Department of Physics, Tsinghua University
- 2003-Present - Professor, Department of Physics, Shanghai Jiao Tong University
Academic Background & Achievements
- 1968 - B.S. in Engineering, Taiwan University
- 1974 - Ph.D., University of Chicago
- Academician, Chinese Academy of Sciences
- Spectroscopy and Collision Theory: The Ar Absorption Spectrum, C.M.Lee (Jia-Ming Li), K.T.Lu, 1973
- Variational Calculation of R-matrix: Application to Ar Photoabsorption, U.Fano, C.M.Lee (Jia-Ming Li), 1973
- Spectroscopy and Collision Theory: Atomic Eigenchannel Calculation by a Hartree-Fock-Roothaan Method, C.M.Lee (Jia-Ming Li), 1974
- Spin Polarization and Angular Distribution of Photoelectrons in Jacob-Wick Helicity Formalism: Application to Autoionzation Resonances, C.M.Lee (Jia-Ming Li), 1974
- Multichannel Photodetachment Theory, C.M.Lee (Jia-Ming Li), 1975
- Comment on Structure near the Cut-off Of the Continuous X-ray Spectrum of Lanthanum, C.M.Lee (Jia-Ming Li), R.H.Pratt, 1975
- Radiative Capture of High-energy Electrons, C.M.Lee (Jia-Ming Li), R.H.Pratt, 1975
- The Electron Bremsstrahlung Spectrum 1---500 keV, C.M.Lee (Jia-Ming Li), L.Kissel, R.H.Pratt, H.K.Tseng, 1976
- Radiative Electron Capture by Mo Ions, C.M.Lee (Jia-Ming Li), R.H.Pratt, 1976
- Multichannel Dissociative Recombination Theory, C.M.Lee (Jia-Ming Li), 1977
- Application of Low Energy Theorem in Electron Bremsstrahlung, R.H.Pratt, C.M.Lee (Jia-Ming Li), 1977
- Bremsstrahlung Spectrum from Atomic Ions, C.M.Lee (Jia-Ming Li), R.H.Pratt, H.K.Tseng, 1977
- Radiative Charge Exchange Process in High-energy Ion-Atom Collisions, C.M.Lee (Jia-Ming Li), 1978
- On the Dispresion Relation for Electron-Atom Scattering, E.Gerjuoy, C.M.Lee (Jia-Ming Li), 1978
- Properties of Matter at High Pressures and Temperatures, C.M.Lee (Jia-Ming Li), E.Thorsos, 1978
- Bremsstrahlung Energy Spectra from Electrons of Kinetic Energy 1keV~$\le$~T~$\le$~200~keV incident on Neutral Atoms 2~$\le$~Z~$\le$~92, R.H.Pratt,H.K.Tseng, C.M.Lee (Jia-Ming Li), L.kissel, 1977
- Measurement of Compressed Core Density of Laser-imploded Target by X-ray Continuum Edge Shift, C.M.Lee (Jia-Ming Li), A.Hauer, 1978
- Electron Bremsstrahlung Angular Distribution in the 1---500 keV Energy Range, H.K.Tseng, R.H.Pratt, C.M.Lee (Jia-Ming Li), 1979
- Explosive-pusher-type Laser Compression Experiment with Neon-filled Microballons, B.Yaakobi, D.Steel, E.Thorsos, A.Hauer, B.Perry, S.Skupsky, J.Geiger, C.M.Lee (Jia-Ming Li), S.Letzring, J.Rizzo, T.Mukaiyama, E.Lazarus, G.Halpern, H.Deckman, J.Delettrez, 1979
- Relativistic Random Phase Approximation, W.R.Johoson, C.D.Lin, K.T.Cheng, C.M.Lee (Jia-Ming Li), 1980
- Electronic Impact Excitation of Li-Like Ions, Jia-Ming Li, 1980
- Scattering Theory and Specctroscopy: Relativistic Multichannel Quantum Defect Theory, C.M.Lee (Jia-Ming Li), W.R.Johnson, 1980
- Systematic Variation of Line-shift of K Radiation from Atomic Ions, Jia-Ming Li, Zhong-Xin Zhao, 1981
- Variation in L, M, N Inner-shell Electron Binding Energies of Rare-earth Elements in Valence Transition, Jia-Ming Li, Zhong-Xin Zhao, 1982
- Multichannel Inverse Dielectronic Recombination Theory, Jia-Ming Li, 1983
- Quantum Defect Theory:Rydberg States of Molecules NO, Jia-Ming Li, Vo Ky Lan, 1983
- Generalized Oscillator Strength Density, Bo-Gang Tian, Jia-Ming Li, 1984
- Theoretical Calculations of Atomic Two-photon Ionization Processes, Ying-Jian Wu, Jia-Ming Li, 1985
- Non-relativistic and Relativistic Atomic Configuration Theory: Excitation Energies and Radiative Transition Probabilities, Zhong-Xin Zhao, Jia-Ming Li, 1985
- Minima of Oscillator Strenth Densities for Excited Atoms, Xiao-Ling Liang, Jia-Ming Li, 1985
- Scaling Relation of Generlized Oscillator Strength Densities along Isoelectronic Sequence, Xiao-Chuan Pan, Jia-Ming Li, 1985
- Eletronic Structure of Atomic Ions With the 4f electrons, Zhong-Xin Zhao, Jia-Ming Li, 1985
- Ionization Channels of Superexcited Molecules, Xiao-Ling Liang, Xiao-Chuan Pan, Jia-Ming Li, 1985
- Progress Report on Quantum Defect Theory: Dynamics of Excited Atoms and Molecules, Jia-Ming Li, 1986
- Eletronic Impact Excitation Cross Sections and Rates: I Spin Allowed Excitation Processes, Bo-Gang Tian ,Jia-Ming Li, 1986
- Current Topic in Atomic Physics: Studies on Excited Atoms and Molecules, Jia-Ming Li, 1986
- 1986 - Kastler Prize, International Centre for Theoretical Physics
- 1990 - Second Class Prize, Natural Science, Chinese Academy of Sciences
- 1991 - Outstanding Young Expert, Chinese Academy of Sciences
- 1992 - Second Class Prize, Natural Science, Chinese Academy of Sciences
- 1994 - Advanced Individual in Scientific Research under the 863 Program, Ministry of Science and Technology of China
- 2001 - Advanced Individual Award for the 15th Anniversary of the 863 Program, Ministry of Science and Technology of China